
Showing posts from 2011

Happy New Year!!

Thank God for another year He is so worthy of our praise I thank you Lord for watching over me Thank you for your many blessings I am so grateful to be in your presence You are worthy of all my praise I will praise your name In the name of Jesus thank you!! Happy New Year may God bless you to have prosperity in the New Year!!

Praise On The Inside - J. Moss


Mary Mary - Survive


Mary Mary - Walking


Deitrick Haddon performing "Well Done", Live on TBN


Trin-I-Tee 5:7 - God's Grace


Breathe by Michael W. Smith


The Winans Tomorrow


Sounds Of Blackness - Hold On (Change Is Comin')


Al Green - Everything's Gonna Be Alright


The New Season

Just like the morning dew of an early Spring morning When the day is new When old things have passed away God is thrusting me forward Into a new season To the next level "Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who delights greatly in His commandments Hid descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed Wealth and riches will be in his house And his righteousness endures forever Unto the upright there arises light  in the darkness He is gracious and full of compassion and righteous A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion Surely he will never be shaken The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance." Psalm 112:1-6

Children Are a Blessing

Children are gifts from the Most High God They are angels from heaven Children are blessings bestowed upon women I thank you Lord for every little child They are the future generations Lord help us to lead them in the right direction I thank you Lord for purpose favor and life We all have a divine destiny The Bible says Train up a child in the way that he shall go and we will not depart from it when he is old Proverbs 22:6 Bless every child Lord that is on your presence They need the Word They need wisdom Children are beautiful blessings! 


One of the hardest things that I ever had to deal with was procrastination.  My definition of procrastination is the inability to get the job done.  We all have the power within to make things happen.  If we pray God will bless us with the resources to help us reach our destiny.  In the past I have made many excuses about my life, and why I can not get ahead.  I had to make a decision about what was more important in my life.  Today I am not making any more excuses.  This is my time to shine and I am not going to quit.  God has given us the ability to be great.  DO NOT let the spirit of procrastination stop you from achieving you goals.

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

  One thing I have learned is to never give up.  As long as we live trials will come in our lives.  I believe that storms come in the form of tests.  Sometimes these storms can be tests that can thrust us to the next level.  When I look back over my life I am  thankful to God for trial and test.  What I have endured has made me stronger.  In times of trouble I have learned to depend on God.  He is a shelter in times of a storm.  Be encouraged today, and be of good cheer.  There are always blue skies after it rains. God is good all of the time, and he is worthy of all my praise.


Lord I give thanks to you For all you have done in my life As I sit in your presence I can see all that you have blessed me with I am taking this moment To show an attitude of gratitude Being thankful that you are The Kings of kings and Lord of Lords I thank you Lord for your mercy and grace I love you and thank you From the bottom of my heart My family is blessed because of you "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord makes his face shine upon you; And be gracious unto you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you; And give you peace"  Numbers 6:24-26
God is good in all of his ways.  I will be thankful for all that he does in my life.  When you think that all hope is gone God will come in a hurry.  As I look back over my life I am thankful for mercy, and grace.  I am glad that I am living, and can share my joy with others.  I pray that the Lord will bless each and every one over the holiday season.

Help In Times of Trouble

O God whom I praise do not remain silent for wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with their lying tongues With words of hatred they surround me they attack me without cause In return for my friendship they accuse me but I am a man of prayer They repay me evil for good and hatred for my friendship Psalm 107:1-5 Lord thank you for your protection in all situations.  I thank you for life and the love that you give.  I give you all of my praise and worship, and all that is in me.  As we go into this holiday season God I hope that you will always be with us .  In Jesus name I pray Amen.


Praise  the Lord Praise God in his Sanctuary Praise Him is His mighty heavens Praise him for his acts of power Praise him for his surpassing greatness Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet praise him with the harp and lyre praise him with tambourine and dancing praise him with the string and flute praise him with the clash of symbols Let everything that has breath praise the Lord Praise the Lord   Psalm 150 Thank you Father for this day.  I will rest in your mercy, and your truth. You O Lord are always worthy of my praise and so much more.

A Poem of Love

This Holy Place” Here I am Lord to worship you I am so proud of all that you do We know that this is a holy place Lord we long to see your face I have a longing in my heart I hope that we will never part Lord we are in a holy place You are the light of my life I bow down to you It is your grace Lord That makes the spirit rise I love you Lord And I recognize This is a holy place We sing amazing grace Lord we know that this is A holy place Lord we long to see your face We know you are coming Lord Lord we come to lift your name on high We lift our hands up to the sky Lord we come to worship you Lord we come looking towards the throne You are God alone Lord we come in this place To give you praise (Come to give you praise) Lord we come With our hearts ready to receive Lord we believe That you are worthy I am so in love with you Lord I can not afford

The Need for Healing and Knowing When to Forgive Yourself

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a woman that was struggling with a heavy weight.  She had appeared to be in pain, and and really had something on her mind.  The look in her eyes had shown that she was very sad.  As we were sipping our tea I was waiting for her to start the conversation.  I did not press for information, because I am a friend.  *Jill had tears in her eyes as she told the story about having an abortion.  She had claimed that the guilt started the moment after the procedure.  I reached for her hand to assure her that God is always going to love her.  The Bible says "For God so love the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. I wanted Jill to know that we all have done things that we are not proud off.  I do not know anyone that has not made a mistake.  The most important factor is too forgive yourself, and move on.  When we hang on to things of the past; we are

Scripture of Psalm

   I will sing of your love and justice; to you O lord I will sing praise I will be careful to live a blameless life when will you come to me? I will walk in my house with blameless heart I will set before my eyes no vile thing The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure My eyes will be on the faithful in the land that they may dwell with me He whose walk is blameless will minister to me No one will practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land I will cut off every evil doer from the city of the Lord Thank  you Lord for all that you have done for me.  I am here in the land of the living on this

Learning to follow directions helps in life

   When I first found out that I was pregnant I was elated.  Like most new mothers I followed the instructions that the doctor gave me.  During my sixteenth week of pregnancy I found out that I was having a son.  For nine months I prepared for the birth of my son.  On Mother's day in the year of 2002 I had a beautiful red headed baby.  I soon discovered that he needed a lot of attention. The first few weeks were overwhelming, and my son loved to sleep during the day time.  Over time it became easier to be a mother.  That has been over nine years ago.  From that moment three other children have been born in my family.  I think that childbirth is one of the most amazing processes of life.  I love my children with all my heart.  At the age of seven I discovered that words could make magic.  It happened the moment I wrote my first song.  From that very moment I had found what I really love to do.  In the beginning I was writing for fun, but it has more meaningful.  When I developed a

The Book of Psalm 37

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like the green plants they will soon die away Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when men succeed their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret it leads only to evil For evil men will be cut off but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land A little while, and the wicked will be mo more though you look for them they will not be found But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. I thank you Lord for this day.  I know

King of Kings

Lord you are the greatest love that I have ever known You have taken me through a process Where I have surely grown I look to the hills where my help comes from I depend on you When the world is on my shoulders You always pull me through You are King of Kings And Lord of lords I will place no other before you I am in love My Lord I adore you I give you the praise I will give you the glory Lord you are so worthy


      I think that God created a woman to be beautiful in her own way.  I do not believe that her dress should determine her beauty, but society has made that hard for us.  You can pick up any magazine, and can see what they define as beautiful.  In most cases how many of us fit that description?  Many young girls today are literally killing theme selves to be beautiful.  Statistics have shown that eating disorders are being diagnosed in girls ages 6-12.  That was so sad for me to read about... What happen to mothers teaching their daughters about respect and love for themselves?  My motto is love yourself no matter what.  God made each of us for a purpose, and He has a plan for all of us.  I do not believe that beauty comes from the outside, but what you feel on the inside.  Our girls need to know that they are loved no matter what they look like physically. Self esteem and self confidence has to come from teaching healthy habits.  The Bible says Train a child up in the way that h


       It is amazing how beautiful it looks when the seasons change.  As we transition to the fall season I love how the leaves turn vibrant colors.  The weather sends chills over my body so I pull my jacket closer for warmth.  I shift my attention over to a man and woman huddled in a corner.  I could tell by their clothes that they were homeless and needed a place to stay.  When I looked at the homeless couple I was quickly reminded of how seasons can change.  It makes me think about the seasons of difficulty and lack that I had to endure.  I am also reminded of how blessed I am, and why I should be grateful for what I have. There are times when I see things that we a people can take for granted.  Something as simple as a plate of food can be life or death to someone in need.  How much value can you place on your name brand jeans?  What about that expensive car you drive?  Everything that is associated with materialism will decrease in value over time.  I feel the biggest asset I

Do it Again Lord

Lord God I need you to do it again.  Rejuvenate and strengthen me Lord.  Open my eyes, and help me to see things that are before me.  I will never give up, because I know that you are the Lord.  King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I will not b afraid of what man can do unto me.  Despite of what the is going on the world I have an assurance.  I guarantee that all is well in my life.  When hell is breaking all around me I can still praise you.  Thank you Lord for being a beacon of light for me.  You are God alone and I love you with all my heart.

New Book Coming!

It has been a long time coming.  My new book is almost complete, and will be ready for all to see!!!!!

I Offer My Praise

Lord thank you for giving me this day To offer you mu praise I thank you for loving me And protecting my family from harm and trouble I ope up my heart to you Lord Thanking you for my many blessings Even in the mist of the storm You have provided me with shelter I praise you holy Father For being the Lord of my life I give thanks today Because I have chosen To bless the name of the Lord at all times 

Prayer For Our Children

           Lord I would like to offer a prayer for our dear children.  Lord I am so glad that you are watching over me, and my family.  God there are so many people out there in this world that are lost, hungry, and in need.  Families have been torn apart, and lives have been lost from trouble. Right now God I pray for the millions of children, and teenagers that are struggling with depression, and suicide.  God the children that have lost their parents due to a tragedy.  I pray for the child that is living with the pain of a seperation, or a young girl that is facing drugs. I can not be silent knowing that children ae suffering.  God they need you as much as we do if not more.  I lift up my hands God.  Asking that you revive this generation that is coming forward.  By your mercy and grace God you will stop the attack of the enemy on our children. I thank you Lord for all that you have done.  I know that children are a blessing, and they are certainly precious gifts from above

The Bible Is A Road Map For Our Lives

                                            Scriptures That Offer Hope          Psalm 55:22 says "Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 34:7 says "The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them." Psalm 56:11 says: "In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me. 1Peter 2:9 says"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." John 14:27 says " Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you; Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." God did not place in us the spirit of fear, but he has called us to have hope in Him.  God is not like man that he shall lie, or fall short of His promises.  At some point in our

God will Do It For You

   Today God I am standing on faith.  I have a made up mind that I am going to succeed.  If I quit now I will never make it to my destiny, or reach my goals.  If I turn my back on the things that matter the most I will never make it to the promised land.  As long as I stand in the wilderness I will definately perish. You did not place in me the spirit of fear, and I am confident that I have found favor in your eyes.  I know that if I step out on faith you will be there to guide me, and lift me up.  I trust you Lord with my life, and I know that you are an awesome God.  I can't deny your awesome power.  We all have to start at some point, and Lord I have chosen for you to lead the way. I will keep my eyes on the prize, and I will hold you close to my heart.  Through Jesus Christ I will accomplish great things.  You are Omnipotent, and you love me so much.  I am a victor, and not a victim of my circumstances.  I am a child of the Most High God, and he has placed visions and dream
  Have you thought about where you are going?  How much do you believe in the word of God?  Are you willing to die without knowing the truth?  Ask yourself this question: How do you think creation started?  As a believer I have asked myself these questions, and so many more.  What I believe is vital to my spiritual health.  I am concerned about where I am going?  Yes it matters a great deal to me if I will have everlasting life with the Lord.  It matters that my children have their own identity, and not what the world tells them they are.  I want them to be able to discern what the truth is, and not the lie that the world will feed them.   Do I think that children can be led by the Holy Spirit?  Yes I believe that God can use His spirit to speak to the hearts, and minds of our children.  Even a child can be used and filled with the Holy Spirit.  At an early age I discovered who Jesus Christ was, and I was saved right at that point.  I was able to know the difference between what was r

The God of The Earth

Today I will stand strong in my faith I thank the Lord for all that he has done for me I am a firm believer that God is the one true God There is nobody greater than the Lord I will put my trust in Him For all things are possible through Jesus Christ It is not about your status How many degrees you may have Who you know It is not about your title God is looking at our hearts To see if we are full of love He doesn't care about our size, or the color of our skin God wants us to love and honor Him He gave His one and only Son So that we could have life By the blood of Jesus We are healed from all infirmities All we need to do is have faith The size of a mustard seed. I believe that God is doing a new thing. Old things are now passed away Thank God for His mercy and grace For he is good to all of his children Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life? There is always an open invitation to accept the Lord He is waiting for you to open your heart. He loves you so much Once you have come

Lord You Are The Greatest

  Thank you Father for all that you have done for me , and my family.  I open up my heart to you, and give you the praises that you are so worthy of.  You gave your one and only Son for us to have salvation.  You make my enemies flee, and you spared my life.  It is a fact that you love us all.  Your mercy and grace has kept me from dangers seen and unseen.  I am in love with you Lord, and I will tell the world about your goodness.  As I go into this season I am a true believer that all things can be done through Christ Jesus.  I open my mouth to sing your praises, and I will bless your name forever. No man knows the day, or the hour that the Lord will return.  Will you accept Jesus today?  He is waiting for you with open arms, and he loves you very much.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

The Day Will Come

   The day will come when we will stand before the Lord.  When my time comes I want Him to say "Job well done thy good and faithful servant."  I am  never ashamed to admit that I love the Lord for he is worthy of all my praise.  Fame and fortune in the eyes of men excite some people.  Having plenty of money makes others feel secure, but the name of Jesus Christ is the best name in the world.  Through Jesus I can get all that I want, because he is able to give me all that I need. Lord I am willing to go where you need me to go.  It is by your mercy and grace that I live.  Your favor on my life has been a blessing.  Father you are the light that shines in dark places, and you can change a man's heart in an instant.  Nothing is hidden from you Lord.  The world is in need of a revival, and we need you now Lord.  Father bless the man that does not know you, or the woman that refuse to accept you.  We are all in need of your knowledge.  Hearts that are crying for the truth. 

"Exposing the Enemy" Pt. 1 of 2- Bishop Neil C Ellis - 28 May 2010


02. Kem - Heaven


Marvelous by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Potter's House Mass Choir featuri...


Marvelous by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Potter's House Mass Choir featuri...


Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC's I Cant Give Up




He's calling you - Donnie McClurkin


Kirk Franklin- I smile with lyrics


SomeThing About That Name Jesus Kirk Franklin Rance Allen


John P. Kee - Stand


The Struggle Is Over - Youth for Christ


Heaven knows (featuring Deitrick Haddon)


Juanita Bynum Praise Break for Victory


Pastor Taffi Dollar- A Time of War


Dr. Yvonne Capehart - A Dream


Medina Pullings - The Forbidden


Pastor Deborah Dukes "It's Time To Go Deeper"


God I Love You

Lord you have my whole heart today I will place no one before you Even in a world where people have their idols I offer myself to you and I give you my heart God you have watched over me And you have kept me safe I love you Lord You are the light That shines in the darkness I ask Lord that you look over us Continue to keep us safe Lord you are my refuge And I will love you forever

Not About Us - Bishop Noel Jones


Maurette Brown Clark - Sovereign God


Love You That Much~MARY MARY


Lisa McClendon - You Are Holy (LIVE)


Kirk franklin - Imagine me


brighter day - Kirk Franklin


Jonathan Nelson - My Name Is Victory


Donald Lawrence & Co. - Back II Eden


Deitrick Haddon - He's Able


J Moss - We Must Praise


Damita Haddon - No Looking Back


Deitrick Haddon We Worship You


Deitrick Haddon - Well Done


Whitney Houston - Count On Me Featuring CeCe Winans


Gospel Song I Found Love by BeBe Winans


Tamela Mann I'll fly away


Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy me


Gonna Be A Lovely Day-Kirk Franklin


He Wants It All-Forever Jones (With Lyrics In Description)


Heaven knows (featuring Deitrick Haddon)


I'm Just a Nobody: By The Williams Brothers


" In the upper room" by Mahalia Jackson


Mahalia Jackson - "Just A Closer Walk with Thee(live)"


End Times the Seen & Unseen Realms Part 2


Medina Pullings, Change!


Bishop Noel Jones "Lord Double My Anointing"


J Moss - We Must Praise


"The Prayer"- Donnie McClurkin w/ Yolanda Adams


Donnie McClurkin feat. Karen Clark Sheard - Wait on the Lord


"I Believe" - James Fortune & FIYA featuring Zacardi Cortez & Shawn McLe...


He Wants It All-Forever Jones (With Lyrics In Description)


Maurette Brown Clark It Ain t Over w/ Lyrics


The Winans Tomorrow



Lord you are the light of the world.  This morning I give thanks to you for giving me your breathe of life.  I am overjoyed to be in your holy presence on this day.  I lift my voice to praise you, and I will bless your name forever.  I look to hills where my help comes from, because I know that you will be there. You O Lord are the Kings of kings, and Lord of Lords.  I love you with all my heart. With everything that is going on in the world we have an assurance that you are with us.  My joy and peace is certain because all my hope is in you.  My faith is in you Lord, because you are so worthy of my praise.  The world is need of a revival,and we need you now. No man knows the day or the hour that Jesus Christ will return.  God is not looking at your education, the color of your skin, or the size of your back account, but he is looking at your heart.  He is knocking at the door of your heart right now.  Will you let him in?  I am not ashamed to say that I love God, and I am glad

Lord We Need You Now

Heavenly Father we need you now.  The world is need of a revival, and we need you to show up.  More people are dying, because of their way of life.  They are suffering from poverty.  Please Lord help them out of lack.  You said God that you would supply all of our needs, and we need you now. I give honor to your holy name, because you are worthy of all my praise.  I thank you Lord for keeping me,and I will praise your name forever.  You gave your only begotten Son for the world.  You are the best example of real love.  I will honor you with my heart, body, mind, and soul.  If you don't know Jesus he is knocking at the door of you heart.  Will you let him in?  I pray that you have been blessed by these words.  Tell a friend about it!  Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.

My Trust Is In The LORD

"Preserve me O God for in you I put my trust.  O my soul you have said in the Lord, You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.  As for the saints who are on the earth, They are the excellent ones in whom is all in my delight."  Psalm 16:3

My Life

Lord I am human, and I know that I fall short of your glory Each day that I live You will be worthy of my praise You gave your only begotten son So that I could have life He paid a debt on Calvary And I am forever grateful For what he has done for me The Lord is my light and my salvation I love the Lord with all my heart I stand up and shout to hills where my help comes from I am so glad to be saved Thank you Jesus!! For all that you have done If you don't know Jesus He is always there Ready to receive you Will you let him in today? Until next time May the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


The Lord knows all about the issues that I face in my life.  He is aware of every ache and pain that I have endured through the years.  God has seen my thoughts before I made plans to utter a word.  God knows when I am getting ready to cry, and he has seen the moments where I was ready to give up. Nobody knows your journey, or the plans that the Lord has made for your life.  You and I can be in the same room for days, but we both have  different assignments.  Our visions are different, but we are both made by God.  He has perfect knowledge of man, and he knows all about what he is going to do for you.  The scripture says "O Lord You have searched me and known me.  You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all of my ways." Psalm 139:1-3. You do not have to feel like you are alone.  God has known you from the point of conception.  He knew what color eyes would be , and ye

Deitrick Haddon Sinners prayer


What God Has For Me, It Is For Me


Dorinda Clark Cole-Take it back


Heaven knows (featuring Deitrick Haddon)


Al Green - Everything's Gonna Be Alright


I will Continue To Press On

Father God thank you that I am still here I know that I have to press on Despite of what I am going through I will contnue to press on Through trouble Through adversity Through all the pain that I have experienced I want to keep running this race Despite the fact that I am struggling to keep up I will run on to see what the end will be It doesn't matter what people say about me I am not concerned about the past I have to keep running Despite my financial situation I got to run on I will continue to press I will not stop until I reach my destiny I praise you Lord For all that you are getting ready to do You are my God and I love you I may not finish first place But I will continue to press on To see what the end will be

Byron Cage - There Is A Name


Kirk Franklin - Revolution


Mary Mary - Get Up


Can't Give Up Now- Mary Mary


Deitrick Haddon-God Didn't Give Up


Deitrick Haddon - Well Done


Detrick Hadden - Love You Like I Do


Why Me? - Kierra "Kiki" Sheard


Bebe Winans, Brian McKnight - Coming Back Home ft. Joe


"THERE WILL BE A DAY" (Official)


MEANTIME - BeBe & CeCe Winans


Vickie Winans "Long As I Got King Jesus"


Dottie Peoples - He's an on time God


Zachery Tims "Can These Bones Live - Extreme Makeover", Chapter 5


I STILL GOT MY VISION (Job 11), Dr. Jamal Bryant at Empowerment Temple b...


Donnie McClurkin feat. Karen Clark Sheard - Wait on the Lord




Bishop Michael V. Kelsey - Run And Tell That


Breathe by Michael W. Smith


God is Omnipotent

   Even in the mist of adversity God is able and ready to fight your battles.  When the enemy is pointing his arrows at you, do not fear for God is with you.  There is nothing to hard for the Lord, because he is still on the throne.  Though the storms may be raging in your life God is there to be your shelter, and refuge.  I am a firm believer that God will never leave or forsake you.  He loves you, and he cares.  Count it all joy that the Lord is the strength for all who has need for him.  I thank the Lord that he is Omnipotent, and he gives is the power to stand.  The greater the adversity, the more God is in the mist of your situation.  Keep the faith, and know that God is with you always.  Until next time may the Lord richly bless you with peace and prosperity.



Mary Mary - I Worship You


Jesus Will Never Leave You

Lord I thak you for all that you have done Today I am thankful for my life Today I have the opportunity to make things happen Today I have the opportunity to praise you I could be dead in my grave But Lord you spared me one more time To be in the land of the living In the good and bad times Lord you have been my rock and refuge Your love is priceless I thank you for walking with me I will keep my head to the sky Because I know that you are there I will always look to hills Where my help is always available I know that you will never leave me nor forsake me I bow down to you and I love you You sent your son to die on the cross And he faithfully done your will I will be forever grateful for your love Thank you for being with me.

Regina Belle - God is Good


Harriet Tubman


Biography: Need to Know: Frederick Douglass


Christian Singles: Where Do I Find God's Best? Dating |

Christian Singles: Where Do I Find God's Best? Dating

BeBe & CeCe Winans - If Anything Ever Happen To You


BeBe & CeCe Winans - Addictive Love - Music Video


Addictive Love - Bebe & Cece


Addictive Love - Bebe & Cece


Addictive Love - Bebe & Cece


BeBe & CeCe Winans - Heaven Video


BeBe & CeCe Winans - Heaven Video


Sounds Of Blackness - Hold On (Change Is Comin')


" In the upper room" by Mahalia Jackson


Jill Scott "Golden"


Isley Jasper Isley - Caravan Of Love


J Moss - We Must Praise


Scriptures Of The Day Song ofSolomon 8:6-7

"Set me a seal upon your heart, As the seal upon your arm: For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are as flames of fire, A most vehement flame.  Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it  If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised. 

The Jackson Southernaires - Short Gospel History


Deitrick Haddon He's able (lyrics)


Proverbs 22:1-4

" A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.  The rich and the poor have this in common.  The Lord is the maker of them all.  The prudent man foresees evil, and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.  By humility and the fear of the Lord Are riches and honor and life.

Mary Mary - God In Me


Mary Mary - Walking


Never Give Up in Life - A Truly Inspirational Video


Motivational - Never Give Up


Dewayne Woods - God Is


Let Go - DeWayne Woods


BeBe & CeCe Winans - Addictive Love - Music Video




What's Going On With You Has Nothing To Do With Me


What's Going On With You Has Nothing To Do With Me


Bishop Paul S. Morton - Let it Rain


He Still Love's Me-Beyonce(The Fighting Temptations Movie)


Bebe Winans, Brian McKnight - Coming Back Home ft. Joe


Positive Affirmations For The Day


Damita Haddon - My Soul Says Yes


BRAND NEW MUSIC-Don't Leave Me - Deitrick Haddon - Blessed & Cursed Soun...


Deitrick Haddon - Well Done


Deitrick Haddon-God Didn't Give Up


Deitrick Haddon Sinners prayer




Byron Cage "Royalty" Lyrics


Maurette Brown Clark Sovereign God


Autism Symptoms




Why Me? - Kierra "Kiki" Sheard


James Fortune & FIYA - I Trust You


Let Go - DeWayne Woods


"Exposing the Enemy" Pt. 2 of 2 - Bishop Neil C Ellis - 28 May 2010


The Good Samaritan Part 1


Jesus, The Son of God




Lord I Can Count On You

Thank you Father for giving me the strength to go on You are the Father of all creation And I love you very much When the world is on my shoulders I can depend on you to be there When all is said I done I can always count on you

Sounds Of Blackness - Hold On (Change Is Comin')


Marvin Sapp | The Best In Me


Maurette Brown Clark - It Ain't Over


Here I am to Worship (worship video w/ lyrics)


From The Start

You are the light of my life The reason that I live I thank you For all the love that you give You are the center of my heart I will bless your name from the start Glory to the name of the Lord I can not afford To be without your mercy and grace One day I will see your face I know that you are creator of everything I will honor you with the words of my heart I will bless your name from the start

Keeping Your Focus On God

   Lord create in me a clean heart, and let it not be troubled.  Please do not let the world consume me, and I forget who, or what I am.  I will bless your name at all times, and I will sing of your love forever.  You are God alone, and I place no one before you.  This journey has not been easy, but I refuse to give up on life.  I am determined to make the best of my days, and do what I can to make a difference. You have given me the opportunity to do your will.  I will praise you for what you have done in my life.  As I look back over my life I can see how you have carried me through the storms.  You are the light of the world, and the Father of all creation.  Nothing is too hard for you, and I thank you Lord.  Blessed is how I can describe my life.  I may not have everything, but I am thankful for what I have. Our children needs Jesus, and they need to be saved.  I will continue to pray for the young people to come to know Jesus.  If you don't know Jesus let him come into you

Even When The Days Are Bad

 Nobody knows why I praise God.  I praise him, because he has brought me out of some dark places.  God has brought water to some dry places in my life.  I praise him, because he is worthy, and I praise him because he is the living water of life.  Every time I feel like I am standing alone the Lord has shown up to remind me that he is still there. No matter what the circumstances are, or what the situation is, nothing is to hard for the Lord.  When I am at my most vulnerable place God has been my confidence, and my peace of mind.  He is the alpha, and the omega.  He is the author and the finisher of my faith.  I trust him today.  I will cast all my anxieties on him, because he cares for me.

God Is The Highest

Lord today I honor you with my life I come before you Giving thanks for all that you have done I will always praise you for you are worthy You are God alone and I pray that my light will shine for all the world to see I thank you Lord for loving me For giving me the opportunity to be alive I bow down to the one true living God I will never doubt that you are The King of kings and The Lord of lords You are my Father and my provider You are a healer and a doctor Most important above all You are creator all things.


Lord you have shown me love today, and I am forever grateful for all that you have done.  I have come a long way in my life, and I did not do it alone.  Even though I still have many mountains to climb I know that you will be there to help me through all of my of my trials. I know that life will have a storm that will rage out of control, but you have the power to calm any angry sea.  I look to you for all of my help, and I know exactly where it comes from.  I will never give up, because I know that I can do all things in Christ Jesus.  How gracious is your love, and your mercy. As the times are coming to a close I will keep my faith in you.  In a world that  is lacking in love, I will keep my faith in you.  As we look down in the valley let us reach for those that need help getting out.  Lord you are the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.  I will always love you for you are worthy of all my praise.  Your love is unconditional and infinite. If there is one that does not know C


I will try my best to represent God I want him to be pleased with me He gave me the opportunity to praise him today When I look back over my life I am so grateful For what the Lord has done.  When the world is on my shoulders I can depend on God The word says that he cares for me, and I can cast all my cares on him His love is endless he has mercy for his people One day every knee shall bow, and Every tongue will confess That Jesus Christ is Lord Do you believe that he is Lord? You should seek him while he can found For he is good in all his ways God is an awesome God And I swerve him with gladness and truth

My Time For Prayer

   Lord I thank you for this day You have kept me from harm and danger I know that I can count on you to be there Whenever I call you I praise you today because You are Kings of kings And Lord of lords I love for you with all my mind heart and soul Thank you for the blessings of this day This is my prayer For all that you have done Thank you Lord In Jesus name I pray Amen

He Is Worthy

I will continue to praise the Lord for he is worthy of all my praise.  God has been so good to me I can not remain silent.  I will praise God with the words of my mouth.  Even in the mist of adversity I will praise him.  On a good day I will praise him.  God is worth all my love.  I honor him with my mind, heart, body, and soul. 

God Is My Everything

I will continue to bless the name of the Lord He is worthy of all my praise He is the light that shines in the day He is the center of my life God still sits on the throne He can handle any situation He is in the healing business His love is unconditional He does not discriminate,or require us to be a certain size It does matter what your gender is, or Where you went to college It's not based on your degree,or lack there of God loves us without limitations So why would we place limits on Him? God is the Alpha and the Omega He knows the beginning and the end Do Not be afraid of what is to come God knows all things Come to Jesus Christ as you are Once you have come to him You will never be the same There is nothing to hard for God Evangel Ink

Something To Think About

If you continue to wait for your dreams to come true, do you think that life will pass you by? If you allow the opinions of other people to mold your character, are you believing in yourself? If you are sitting around depressed, and worrying about life, are you trusting God? If you died today where will you spend eternity?        Life is a very precious commodity, and I am grateful for the life that God has given to me.  I want to do more than just exist.  I want to make a difference, and give my life some meaning.  With just a little bit of creativity I can help change the life of a child.  A simple coloring book can lift the spirits of a sick child.  Kind words of encouragement can give a teenager hope, and prayer can change the lives of people all over the world.  You don't need to be a scholar, or  a star to help someone in need.  A little can go a long way.  This is my year to bless the lives of others.  I may not have much, but I have enough to give to someone that has


   Wow what a great year.  I am so thankful that God has blessed me to see another year.  There has been some wonderful things that have happened in the last year, but now it is time to start anew. During the year of 2011 I will be changing the name of my blog, and I am believing God for 600 followers by the end of the year.  My hope is that young people will be influenced by my words.  The non profit organization is coming very soon.  2011 is going to be a very busy year for me.  I plan to start accepting donations for Bibles, crayons, and  coloring books that will be given out to sick children in hospitals and orphanages.  I want the year of 2011 to be a year of giving, and blessing the lives of others. God wants us to live full healthy lives.  I believe that he wants us to be happy, and have unsound joy in our hearts.  I refuse to let the enemy take my joy.  I know that the enemy is a dream killer.  Never give up on your hopes and dreams.  Anything that is worth having is defi