God Is My Everything

I will continue to bless the name of the Lord
He is worthy of all my praise
He is the light that shines in the day
He is the center of my life
God still sits on the throne
He can handle any situation
He is in the healing business
His love is unconditional
He does not discriminate,or
require us to be a certain size
It does matter what your gender is, or
Where you went to college
It's not based on your degree,or
lack there of
God loves us without limitations
So why would we place limits on Him?
God is the Alpha and the Omega
He knows the beginning and the end
Do Not be afraid of what is to come
God knows all things
Come to Jesus Christ as you are
Once you have come to him
You will never be the same
There is nothing to hard for God

Evangel Ink


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