Sunday Prayer

As I embark on this new journey in my life
I am asking that you help me to decide
The best road to travel
You have been more than a kind God
You have been the God of my life
You are the Father of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob
You are the Father of Noah
And the Father of Joseph
You are the Creator of both Adam and Eve
My dear LORD
You are the Father of the Universe
You are the Creator
Some people hold truth to what they believe
And therefore I hold truth to mine
The the darkness of fear
Have no place in my life
And may there be joy in all that I do
In the name of the LORD
Thank you JESUS
The Prince of peace
That you will blow a fresh wind in my life
For you are a merciful God
A gracious GOD
And a loving GOD
Thank you FATHER
In Jesus Christ name I pray

Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a Minister of the Written Word


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