A Truth of a Slave Mentality

Before I get into my story I just want to give God some praise.  Without him I would not have the beautiful gift of writing, and I would not be able to share what He is enabling me to give.  It is through the gift that my Father has given that I am able to share the gospel, and evangelise the WORD through the written sector.  All praise be to the LORD, and I honor and raise him for all that he has done. In Jesus name I give all honor today.

For the next few days I want to look at a subject that many thought had been dead and buried.  Like most people in the world there are those that want to forget history, and pretend like it never happened.  I come from a place in my Spirit that says we are not at the end of racism, and we may never see an end to this form of hatred.  There are some that believe that we have made strides, but there are still signs that we are under the shadows of racism, and we are still in a struggle of equality.  

Over the next week I will go over some material from the Civil Rights movement, and take a look at some of the modern racism that still exist in our country.  Are you aware there are still places in the world that black people are not allowed to be in? It is 2020,and you still have people using the N word as a way of insulting black people. It you take a look at the N word it means an ignorant person, but is used as a racial slur to offend African Americans.  

In this first article I want to take a look at the Slave Mentality, and how it is affecting the mentality of so many people.  I do apologize in advance if some people are sensitive to this subject, but we need to take a much deeper look at racism why it is still in existence.

This weekend I have been watching documentaries, movies, and looking at images of all the things that my ancestors went through during their journey here in America.  Most of them had no idea about the uncertainties that they had to face here in a new country. Many of them were probably fearful, scared, and had very muddled belief, but they had to take a walk on the wild side to see what the end of the journey would be.  There had to be an outcome somewhere. There had to be an ending. There had to be a finish line for their journey. At some point there has to be an ending to every story. Even a fairy take has an ending. No matter happy. or sad there is an ending to the story.

In this case we are talking about real life,  We are talking about a nation of people who had to struggle. and fight in their journey.  Some of these people have found their identities, while others continue to struggle to relate to something, but what are they trying to relate to?  I have seen many stories of how a whole nation people have learned to identify with many things. Whether it's in religion, gender, family, nationality, and race, Some have found where they belong.
Back in the days of slavery many were lost, had lack of hope, and had a mentality of captivity.  They were victims of captivity. They were both mental and physical captives, and most of them had a belief that they would die a slave, and many of them did perish in captivity.  They had the same thoughts for their children. There have been times where I have wondered how did our forefathers, and our forefathers survive? And then a thought came to me.... many of them had a strong will to survive,  They had what it takes to fight against all of the oppression, and the trouble that they had to endure. They were overcomers, victors, and leaders to future generations that would come after they had died.

In my opinion a slave mentality still exists among some of our people.  They have no hope, and they refuse to fight. Some of them have been broken down by poverty, crime, and the storms of life have taken all of their hope.  They are physically free, but they still have mental battles that are still raging in their minds. The problem is our children are the recipients of all that we are teaching them.  They are the recipients of what they see. Many of them believe that they cannot become something great. Why is it that a black man, or woman cannot open a business? Why is it so hard to tell our people that they can accomplish anything?  Even more so why is a problem to tell your children to have imagination? Tell them to dream a dream that is bigger than the sky. I believe the bigger the dream, the more effort it will take to make it happen. 

Being trapped in your mind is just a bad as slavery, because you are still enslaved if you choose to be a victim of your ways of thinking.  The thing is I have been enslaved by my thoughts before, and it has limited my progress in the past. The more that I study these things, the more I learn about thoughts, and how they can affect all that you do in your life.  You ask am I an expert? No I am just someone that has been a student in many aspects of my life, and I am learning as I go along this journey. One of my goals in life is not to be swayed by everything that I hear and see. I want to be grounded in what is known to ME as the truth.  I will continue to watch and learn from many things, and my mind is set and open to receive what us right, just, and true. May GOD continue to open my eyes, and teach me what HE wants me to know. Here is to knowledge, wisdom, and growing in the truth. Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity


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