The Day Will Come

   The day will come when we will stand before the Lord.  When my time comes I want Him to say "Job well done thy good and faithful servant."  I am  never ashamed to admit that I love the Lord for he is worthy of all my praise.  Fame and fortune in the eyes of men excite some people.  Having plenty of money makes others feel secure, but the name of Jesus Christ is the best name in the world.  Through Jesus I can get all that I want, because he is able to give me all that I need.

Lord I am willing to go where you need me to go.  It is by your mercy and grace that I live.  Your favor on my life has been a blessing.  Father you are the light that shines in dark places, and you can change a man's heart in an instant.  Nothing is hidden from you Lord.  The world is in need of a revival, and we need you now Lord.  Father bless the man that does not know you, or the woman that refuse to accept you.  We are all in need of your knowledge.  Hearts that are crying for the truth.  Those that are thirsty, and hungry for your way.  God we need you now, and you are the one that can heal our land.

By your grace and mercy Lord we shall be healed, and made whole.  You gave your only son so that we could have life, and salvation.  I pray in the name of Jesus that we will come to know you as Lord.  Will you accept Jesus as your Savior?  Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.


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