The Need for Healing and Knowing When to Forgive Yourself

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a woman that was struggling with a heavy weight.  She had appeared to be in pain, and and really had something on her mind.  The look in her eyes had shown that she was very sad.  As we were sipping our tea I was waiting for her to start the conversation.  I did not press for information, because I am a friend.  *Jill had tears in her eyes as she told the story about having an abortion. 
She had claimed that the guilt started the moment after the procedure.  I reached for her hand to assure her that God is always going to love her.  The Bible says "For God so love the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.
I wanted Jill to know that we all have done things that we are not proud off.  I do not know anyone that has not made a mistake.  The most important factor is too forgive yourself, and move on.  When we hang on to things of the past; we are not allowing healing to take place.  How can God fill us with His spirit if we are full of hurt and anger? 
My experience with a broken marriage left me angry and full of resentment.  For a long time I blamed myself for my marriage falling apart.  The hardest thing that I ever had to deal with was forgiving myself.  The hurt was so deep that I became a woman that no one recognized.  One day I had to make a choice about my life, and I had to let go and let God have His way.
The moment that I let go, and Jesus came into my heart things started to change.  I have learned that love covers a multitude of sins.  There are many women like Jill and me.  Many have faced storms in their lives.  Sometimes those storms rage out of control, and we have to seek refuge.  God is a shelter in the storm, and a Savior in the mist of trouble. 
When all hell is surrounding you, and you think that there is no way out, God is there! 

"He dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
I will say to the Lord he is my refuge
and my fortress
My God in whom I trust
Surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence
He will cover you with His feathers
and under His wings you will find refuge
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart
You will not fear the terror of the night
nor the arrow that flies by day
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness
nor the plague that destroys at midday."  Psalm 91:1-6


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