Woman of God


I am the woman that God called me to be. I am proud, and I know that this is my Father’s temple. I honor God with my heart, mind, body, and soul. I stand in the mist of the world hungry and thirsty for the living God. I am saying no to depression, sin, addiction, and abuse. In God’s eyes I am worth more than silver and gold. Even though I was told that I would never amount to anything. I was at the end of the line, and the bottom of the barrel. Now God is getting ready to make me the head and not the tail. He is getting ready to raise up a nation that will obey. He is getting ready to restore his original plan for the family. God is getting ready to raise up women who will be strong in the Lord. Even in the last days we can stand up, and shout. In a time such as this we can be a strong and vibrant people. Women of God it is time to take back what is ours. Self respect, self worth, and self esteem. I know you have been broken, and you have been hurt. The storms may rage in your life, but God has been a refuge in the time of trouble. I will not worry about what tomorrow will bring. I know that the Lord will see me through. I am standing in the gap for every young girl that will die of HIV this year. I am standing up for the woman that will be disfigured by domestic violence. I am standing up for the woman that is suffering from depression. God will not judge you, and He will not persecute for what you are doing. I am here to offer you hope and encouragement. God will raise you up to be a mighty woman of God. He will help you, and give you rest. Praise God for all that he is getting ready to do in your life. May the Lord bless you, and keep you well. If you are ready to change your life please call on the name of Jesus. God bless you my dear sister. You are worthy in the eyes of the Lord.
Precious woman of God.  Do you know that God is calling you to a higher place?  I want to talk to the real women.  This is for the woman who has experienced pain in her life.  How about the one that made a mistake, and is covered in shame?  Can I speak to you about the storms that life can blow your way?  This is for the women who have struggled with drug abuse.  What about the teen girls that have had abortions? What about the young ladies that are dying of AIDS? God says" I know you thought that I forgot about you, but I think of you all the time. "   You are not in the struggle alone.  We are in this together.  There is hope for you.  I know that you have been talked about, and people have written you off.  They told that you will never be anything, and they left you in the pit.  Keep your head up, and know that God see all things.  They call him El-Shaddai, because he is God Almighty.  He is Jehovah Shalom, because he is the Lord of peace.  Jehovah Jirah means that God is our provider.  Thank you Jesus!!  God is the Great I am, and Jehovah Nissi, because the Lord is my banner.



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