Life as a mom can be very busy.  There are children that need you twenty four hours a day.  Laundry that needs to be washed daily, and a house that has to be cleaned.  I did not mention the list of chores that has to be completed during the week.  For most of us life can get a little out of control.

Every now and again we need to breathe and relax.  At some point during my busy day I need to take a break.  A moment where I can spend some time with my Father.  This quality time can be first thing in the morning, or it can be an afternoon prayer during lunch. 

The important thing is taking time to (commune) communicate with God.  Having a personal relationship with the Father is vital in our Christian walk.  Just knowing Him on a persona level can bring a peace of mind.  Even when the day is overwhelming God's presence can have a calming affect.

There are many ways to communicate with God.  Prayer, worshipping through music, or just talking with the Father.  Whatever way you have chosen to worship with God; do it on a regular basis. 

Girl relaxing in autumn park
Motivational Moment                                                                                                                             
 No matter where you are in the world we all deserve love.  God did not make a mistake when he created you.  We all have a purpose, and God has a plan for all of our lives.  Love never fails, and the message it contains is universal.

Taking time each day to talk to God will nurture your relationship with Him.  As that relationship gets stronger you will want to communicate with God.  God wants to hear from you.

Children need us to help them learn.  They need evangelism and scriptures just like we do.  Encourage yourself in the Lord.  Talk to Him, seek His face, and meditate on His word.  God loves you, and wants to see you prosper.  Until next time may the LORD bless you with peace and prosperity.

"If you declare with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9 NIV



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