A Beacon of Hope

Lately I have been caught up in a world of obligations.  With school in full swing I have been sticking to the old routine.  The children think that the chore wheel is an instrument of punishment, and I see it as a gift.  Menus hang on the kitchen wall, and I have a file of all my recipes.  The dryer is constantly humming, and the washer is cleaning yesterday's laundry.  Did I mention that the hedges need trimming, and the leaves have started to fill the yard.  The best thing about the beginning of a new season are the colors of the leaves.  My yard is full of colorful leaves.

My children and I are learning from each other.  They have taught me some valuable lessons in the simplest ways.  I believe that children will learn from their environment.  In my home we talk a lot about God, and the importance of His commandments.  I try to lead by example, and have learned that my kids will follow.  One of the greatest lessons that they can learn is to let their lights shine.

Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."  God should be seen in everything that we do.  As a believer the spirit of God lives in us, and our lives should be a reflection of our Father in heaven.  I am privileged to use the gifts that God has given to me.  I could be doing so many other things, but I am zealous about serving the Lord.  It is an honor to glorify God, and do one of the things that has brought me great joy.

I am beginning to see the children are starting to let their lights shine.  They are not afraid to talk about Jesus, or what they believe.  It is amazing to hear them talk about God, and what he has done for them.  One day they will help lead the world, and may make a difference in their generation.  These are the little light bearers, and they can be a beacon of hope for those that are lost in darkness.  Even young children can be witnesses to the goodness of God.
Some people are afraid to share their gifts with the world, and many die with potential.  I will let my light shine for the world to see.  I thank God for being able to use what I have.  I may be one person, but I can make an impact in a big way.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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