
Showing posts from 2014

Happy Holidays from All Inspired Ministries

For unto us a King is born in the city of Bethlehem. He lay in the manger next to his mother Mary. All have come to adore this sweet child by bringing him gifts. A star shining in the night symbolizing the birth of the Messiah. We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for he is the reason for the season. Jesus Christ has given his life for us to be free. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich; yet for your sake he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich." Those that have not are rich through our Lord Jesus Christ. He, the Son of God did not have a place to lay his head. Luke 9:58 says "Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head." Jesus lived a simple life, and he was very open with the people. He was not conceited even though he knew that he was royalty. I love Jesus, because he gave himself for all mankind. He does

You Have to Keep Moving Forward

As I sit in the still quiet of my study I am in awe of all that God has created.  I had turned to the window in my room, and stared at the beauty of the leaves on the trees.  It is simply amazing how the seasons have began to change.  It only seemed like yesterday that we were sitting in the backyard drinking ice tea.  My children, and I had just begun our homeschooling journey.  We had just started plans for the fall holidays, and made preparations for our back to school bash.  Then suddenly I was stuck with the thought about how fast time is going. Here we are at the beginning of the third week in November, and the smell of Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Soon we will be at the table full of turkey, and talking about hanging Christmas reefs on the door.  I often tell my children how important it is to cherish each day, and to never waste a moment, or take time for granted.  Each day that has passed has brought me closer to a goal, or it can do the total opposite.  There i

YES! This is my Moment

I have always believed that you should put your best foot forward.  Sometimes we have to step out on faith, and see where the Holy Spirit will lead us.  A will full of determination can go a long way.  I have learned that you can achieve your dreams if you let go of all the negativity.  It is easy for the enemy to come in, and try to defeat you.  It is his job to try, and destroy all of your dreams, desires, and goals.  The enemy will use all types of tactics to destroy you, but God is in control. I thank God for the daily renewing of my mind.  I would be in trouble for holding on to some of my old thoughts.  The Bible says  in the book of Romans 12:2 "   Do not conform  to the pattern of this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing  and perfect will."  (NIV) I am glad to say that my first book will be published, and ready for purchase October 25,2014.   I am very excit

It's Just One of Those Days

Well here we are at the week's ending, and another Friday that so  many of us rejoice over.  We look  forward to the day that we can kick up our feet and relax.  For me the weekend is an opportunity for me to reflect on what has happened during the week, and catch up on my writing. You know with the news of Ebola I can see that there are many people that are starting to panic, and that is a very bad situation.  The media has a way of making things seem more out of control than it may be.  Do not get me wrong.  It is good to stay informed, but it is not good to just focus on the bad things.  I was reading an article that said the Ebola virus is expected to infect 1.4 million people.  When you think about it too long, that can cause quite a stir in some people.  When I was younger this type of news would terrify me, and I would almost pass out from panic and worry.  It was an awful site to my mom. Yes, I know that we are living in some perilous times, and not all of us claim Jesu

Being A Christian Mother, Dating and In a Relationship

Since my divorce it has been really difficult to date.  There are so many things to consider when you have children.  Life itself can be very "busy", and there is so much to do in one day.  When the thought of dating entered my mind I was totally confused about the concept.  This topic was not like one of my psychology classes,  I could not research this information.  I have always known that the day would come when I would enter into a new relationship. No matter how painful the break up was, or how bad the divorce have been, there comes a time when we have to learn to move on.  It has taken me several years to heal from my divorce, and I find it very difficult to open up about the pain that it has caused me and my children.  I will say that the process has been worth it ,but I will never forget how traumatizing this experience has been for my family. One reason why I am sharing my story, it may be able to help someone else who is in a similar situation.  For a long tim

This is My Prayer

Dear Lord tonight I am praying for the people in this world.   Lord there is so much going on I just thank you that I can live a Holy life I thank you that Jesus is my Savior God there is none like you Lord  We give you the praise O Lord You are mighty in battle And your power is awesome  There is trouble on every side And there are famines And  there are evil things that are in dark places But Lord we can count on you Jesus Thank you Lord for all that you have done My God you are so awesome I will not give up And I know that you will not fail All my praise belongs to the Lord For he is worthy of all that I have Some people have said that there is no God And I say that I am lover and servant of the Most High God Lord I pray that all will be well With every man, woman, and child I pray for the healing of the sick Lord you are Jehovah Rapha Able to do all things Lord you are God and we pray to you God That all will be well Thank you Lord Jesus A

What About Our Children?

It is a very early morning, and I am doing my normal routine of reading, and preparing for my day.  I look throughout the house, and notice that my children are sleeping soundly in their beds.  After reading all of today's headlines  I am amazed at how many stories can inspire, but even more amazed at the stories that can make you think. In the past I have read many stories that have made me respond, but in twenty years of writing I am very touched by the stories that affect children.  Lately I have been reading many heart breaking stories about children committing suicide, being bullied, and yes being abused.  All of these stories have touched my spirit, and have stirred my emotions on a very high level. I know that the world we live in has very little compassion, and most people have become very cruel.  It is not my place to judge, but it seems that our children are suffering in this world.  I am mother, advocate of children, and I am very upset about what is happening to our

Yes I am Mother but I Prefer You Call Me Mommy!

As  I sit in the still and quiet room, I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.  It is one of those evenings where I am en\joying a hot cup of coffee, while the kids are playing outside,  We had an average kind of day.  My youngest daughter was kind of cranky, and ,  my son decided that he wanted to do all of his chores during class time.  I am very strict when it comes to the children.  We are on a schedule that I intend to stick to.  We are up by seven thirty, and they bath to get ready for school.  By eight we are at the breakfast table.  My daughters are usually the ones that be gin the preparation of breakfast.  Of course I am there to supervise the whole thing. I do not think that they are too young to be trained.  I have often stressed training my children, and I do not mean that in a literal sense.  We actually apply real life lessons in our home school.  My girls know how to cook, clean, and sew.  My sons also receive lessons in "home economics".  I am a strong 

The Mother's Rules of Engagement

Greetings everyone I hope that God is blessing you with peace and prosperity.  you know I really love this time of year.  I love watching the seasons change.  The trees are displaying all kinds of colors.  This is the time of year where the kids, and I get a chance to decorate the yard with pumpkins, fall flowers, and other decor.  WE sit in the yard enjoying the cool breeze, and taking long walks in the park.  As we look at the month of October there is a newness of the month that is fast approaching. That means that a change of the seasons is near.  This is the first day of autumn, and the beginning of a new season.  i am writing this as my children are engaged in their work.  Our classroom is really quiet, and it is very easy to focus on my writing.  Through homeschooling we are learning more about each other.  I have four children, and they all have different learning styles,and it makes teaching them very interesting.  I have tried different techniques, and ways of teaching mult

Just One of Those Things About Being a Christian Mother

I am a firm believer that children should be taught in the way that they shall go.  I teach my children based on the principles of Proverbs 22:6 is says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not part from it." Each parent is different, but the most important factor is raising children effectively.  As a mom I train my girls to cook, clean, sew, and iron.  Well some may say that is a little old fashioned, but they are women in training.  One day they will have a family of their own, and they will need to know the basics of housekeeping. My sons are learning the same lessons, but in a different perspective.  All parents have a set of values, and beliefs that they want to instill in their children.  My beliefs are in close relation to the Bible.  My children  are being trained, and prepared for life.  I thank God that he has bestowed this blessing on me.  In the near future I will have my non profit organization up and running.  My mission/minis

Trin-I-Tee 5:7 - God's Grace

Al Green - Everything Is Gonna Be Alright

Why I am Thankful

As I look around the classroom in my home I am in awe of what the Lord has done.  It is His mighty power, and grace that has kept me over the years.  I am thankful not because I am forced to, but because I am a very blessed and kept woman of God. I know that I am nothing without the power of God.  With Him I know that I can do all things and know that I have triumphantly succeeded in every battle that I have ever faced.  With him I am more than a conqueror.  I am a hero in my own right.  Being a spiritual being made in the image of my Father sets me up on a higher standard of living. I thank God for the life that I live.  I thank the Lord for his love, mercy, and grace.  I may not have a mansion, but I thank God for the roof over my head.  I may not own a limo, but I thank the Lord for the car that I drive.  I may not wear designer clothes, but I thank the Lord for the clothes on my back.  Most of all I thank the Lord for His Son that died on cross for my sake.  It is my Father who

You Are Worth It All


The Presence of The Lord

Sometimes it is good to sit in the presence of the Lord.  I have longed to hear his voice on a daily basis.  I was quietly sitting in the meadow.  The grass lush and green.  It was a very sunny day.  The sky had a very vivid blue shade.  That day I could feel the presence of the Lord.  At that moment I knew that he was with me. Earlier that morning I had something on my mind, and it troubling my spirit.   Immediately I had to seek his face.  Isaiah 55:6 says  "Seek the Lord while he may be found;call on him while he is near.".(NIV). I laid my head on a nearby rock, and felt the cool breeze on my skin.  I was almost certain that I heard a voice  whisper in my ear. Sometimes life require us to be silent.  It is a blessing and a privilege to be in the presence of the Lord. The Word if God is food for the spirit.

School Is Out And Summer Is Here!

Hi everyone welcome to the new month of June! I hope that all of you are in the best of health today.  Well the children, and I are looking forward to the last week of school this week.  On Friday June 6,2014, we will conclude the school year.  It has been such a wonderful school year, and the children has done really well with the transition to a new school.  My oldest son graduated the 5th grade, and will be going to middle school after the summer.  After such a great year, we are just thankful to God that we had an awesome year. This summer we will homeschooling.  I believe that it is important to keep the children involved in their studies.  I do not want them to lose to much information over the summer.  We will have about two weeks of rest, and then we will be back to learning.  I have a few methods that I use to keep the kids from feeling burned out, but they do well with homeschooling during the summer months.  I am so excited about what God is giving me.  I have a ne

Be Of Good Cheer

I know that life can be hard sometimes, and it seems that no one understands the struggle.  There may be days that you want to question why things are going wrong.  You may be filled with doubt, and do not feel like smiling but let me offer you some encouragement.  There are a million reasons why you should be hopeful.  Most important above all God loves you with an unconditional love.  HE cares for you.  If you are reading this then that means that you are very much alive and well.  That is another reason that you should be happy.  God has blessed  you to be alive and among the living.  You may not feel it, but you are worth all of the love that God has placed on the inside of you.  It does not matter what you look like, or what your status may be WE are ALL children of GOD.  Be of good cheer today and no that God loves you.  Here is a scripture for you today.  "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of

Mary Mary - Go Get It

This Is More Than A Company It is Apart of My Ministry

In the past few weeks I have been talking about my business, and what I want to offer women from all walks of life.  I have placed so much trust in God to help me make things happen, and I am confident that God will supply all the resources and provisions for this business to come to pass.  With every post I like to add a scripture that is very beneficial to what I am creating.  In the book of Habakkuk 2:2 it says "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that the herald may run with it. " (New International Version) To me this is more than a business, it is a part of my ministry.  I have always felt the calling to help and encourage single mothers.  As a child I was a part of a single parent home, and I had seen first hand the things that my mother had to experience.  And now that I am a single mother of four, I have experienced the highs and lows of single motherhood. When I think of all the things that I want to bring to girls and women, I think


Hello everybody welcome to the beginning of the week.  We are in the third week of May.  That means that we are almost in the summer season.  God has blessed me to be alive and well in the latter part of the Spring.  I was not too far from the tornado that came through the state last month.  I am thankful that God is still covering me with his mercy and grace. I am excited about my business, and I am looking forward to bringing products that I know women will love.  My business is for all women, but I founded the company with the single mother in mind.  I know that some single mothers are not able to afford clothing and jewelry, because they are too busy providing for their children.  "Afro By Design" is for the woman that wants to feel beautiful at affordable prices.  I will be selling real African products.  In the near future I will have dresses, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other items for women from all walks of life. I have learned that we cannot be afraid

One Step Closer to Starting Entrepreneurship God's Perfect Timing)

Hello everybody I hope that you are doing well on this beautiful day in May.  God is just blessing me to do some great things in life.  You know when I first started with the concept of a business idea, I was not sure what I really wanted to do.  In my early years as a homemaker I had plenty of time to sit, and think of the type of business that I had wanted to invest my time in. When my children were really small I had always known that I wanted to be home with them, and still have an income to take care of the household.  For the last five years I have been eager to get started with my business plans, and have discovered that God has given me several visions when it comes to entrepreneurship.  It has taken plenty of patience for me to get to this point.  Let me give a scripture to those that might be struggling with patience.  "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" (Galatians 6:9) The race is not always won by go


Being a mother is more than just wearing a title It is a calling  It is a job It is a blessing  That is bestowed upon all women it is more than just singing your children to sleep It is more than just reading them stories at bedtime What about  the moments: When your child was born When he/she babbled his/her first words What about the moment they walked for the first time Or they had an accident on the playground What about the first time you taught her how to ride her bike Or you cheered them on at their soccer game How about all the times that she was sick And wanted you to hold her hand  And feed her chicken soup You can remember every ceremony, ball game, dance, and everything that your child has done You look for every smile and every opportunity to be there for your children You are blessed as a mother I am blessed to be a mother Proverbs 31:10-30

A Week Long Tribute to Mother's Day

                                         Hello everyone I hope that you are enjoying the month of May.  Time is definitely moving, and it is not standing still.  I have been so busy with the children, and school until I have not had time to post like I want to.  I have just finished my final exams, and I passed with flying colors.  Being involved with the children has kept me busy.  I have some new ideas, and plan to take the blog to the next level.  I am looking to expand, and do a weekly audio blog.  God is giving me some awesome ideas, and I plan to carry through with what he has given to me.  I love to write!!  It is my first love, and I have been doing this for over twenty years. For the rest of the week I want to pay tribute to mothers everywhere.  I know that being a mom is a very demanding job, but it reaps the biggest rewards.  I have four beautiful children whom I am very proud of.  They have added something to my life, and have brought me so much joy.  It is a blessin

Choices and Christian Motherhood

When I look at the world that we live in I have to ask myself some questions.  As a mother should I be strict on my children, or give them a little freedom?  As a Christian parent should I allow the kids to watch all cartoons?  Do certain celebrities have an impact on my children's lives?  These are just a few of the questions that I ask myself each day.  As a mom what should I do? With so much new technology children have a chance to access anything from any location.  I think that media plays an important role in what children are viewing and hearing.  With the click of a button they can see anything on the Internet.  One touch of the remote, and kids are looking at all kinds of music videos.  Is all this media really healthy for developing minds? The other day my daughter was watching a music video of a very famous singer.  She looked at me, and said she wanted to be just like her.  Immediately I asked her what she liked about the singer.  She said "Mommy the singe

Prayer For God to Protect Our Children

Lord I would like to offer a prayer for our dear children.  Lord I am so glad that you are watching over me, and my family.  God there are so many people out there in this world that are lost, hungry, and in need.  Families have been torn apart, and lives have been lost from trouble. Right now God I pray for the millions of children, and teenagers that are struggling with depression, and suicide.  God the children that have lost their parents due to a tragedy.  I pray for the child that is living with the pain of a separation, or a young girl that is facing drugs. I can not be silent knowing that children are suffering.  God they need you as much as we do if not more.  I lift up my hands God.  Asking that you revive this generation that is coming forward.  By your mercy and grace God you will stop the attack of the enemy on our children. I thank you Lord for all that you have done.  I know that children are a blessing, and they are certainly precious gifts from above Ephesians

It Is Never Too Late To Make A Change

 I believe that it is never to late to make a new start in life.  Even in the most difficult situations you can pick yourself up, and start moving again.  It is amazing after a storm, like a tornado some people still have the courage to rebuild everything that they lost in the storm.  In my case after my divorce I had to literally pick up the pieces, and start my life over.  In the beginning it was very overwhelming, because I had four small children that were depending on me to take care of them.  We all know that storms can be very devastating, but when you know that you are a survivor, you feel an overflow of blessings.  The challenges that I have had in my life has helped me realize how strong  I am, or how strong that I have become.  I believe that life's challenges prepare you for a blessing, or can make you better and stronger. I am a single woman of God raising four kids on my own.  I wear many hats, and I know that I am sustained by God's mercy and grace.  I am a m

Lord Thank You

Lord I am asking Let my light  shine today Let someone be blessed Transformed Inspired Changed Let them see You in me Let their hearts be glad Let them rejoice in your glorious presence I pray that every man woman boy and girl be blessed They will prosper and do all things Through our Lord Jesus Christ They will be all that God has called them to be Lord we worship you We give you all the praise We bow down to you Oh your holy name Jehovah Glory to God for He is so holy Thank you Jesus Thank you Father El Shaddai we worship you WE thank you.       Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.       


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It is hard to believe that we are almost in the middle of the month.  It seems like time is moving at a very fast pace.  It was not too long ago the kids, and I were jumping in a pile of leaves.  Now when you look outside we have almost six inches of snow. Sometimes in life we have to make changes.  It is not always easy to change, but it is relevant.  In my case I have made many changes, and adjustments in my life.  I have learned that change had to come in order for me to be effective as a mother, writer, artist, but most important above all at doing the will of God. This year I want to live on purpose.  I want to be the best at what I was annointed, and designed to do.  My most important change came when I realized what God wanted me to do. Just like the seasons change so does some things in life.  I hope that you have a great week.  To all of my single sisters: Remember that God loves you, and he cares for you.  Until next time may the Lord bl

The Value of Having Dreams and Goals.

The year 2014 is going to be a really great year.  I am looking forward to all the great things that is going to happen in my life.  Many of you have heard me mention positive affirmations, determination, and motivation.  Well there is a word that is important, but it is a dream killer.  PROCRASTINATION will bury your dreams alive, and stop the process of progress.  This is just a thought.  We know that tomorrow may not be promised to us.  Why should you wait to make your dreams come true?  If you continue to wait for your dreams to come true, do you think that life will pass you by? If you allow the opinions of other people to mold your character, are you believing in yourself? If you are sitting around depressed, and worrying about life, are you trusting God? If you died today where will you spend eternity?  Life is a very precious commodity, and I am grateful for the life that God has given to me. I want to do more than just exist. I want to make a difference, and g

What it Means to Be a Mother

There are moments with my children that are priceless There are times when I am so overjoyed to be a mother To hear the sounds of tiny footsteps running through the house To hear their voices when they cry The proud feeling you get To know that you are a leader with authority The calm position of being a nurturer The fact that you are a beacon of light The high calling that God has called you to The blessing that was bestowed upon all women There is the fact you forget all the pain of labor But you know that  you have power and strength to carry life You do not care about awards Or want to be mother of the year My joy comes from the laughter of my children Their voices sweet precious loving and joyful A mother is so many things She is a teacher mentor trainer coach friend minister nurturer Most of all She is a woman of God designed to teach her children about God and life A mother is more than a job it is a calling that I


A long time ago I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who had suffered from low self esteem and depression.  She very talented, and an exceptional young lady.  Like most young women I know she could not see what God had created in her.  She believed that her physical beauty was more important than what was on the inside. For years she had been tormented, and teased for what she looked like.  What she had experienced left her with emotional scars, and made her feel less valuable.  There are so many young girls that are suffering from low self esteem, low self confidence, and a low opinion of themselves.  As a teen I had issues with depression and low self esteem.  Thank. GOD I realized who I was in him.  I love the Lord, and I know that I am a child of God and the righteousness of Christ.  I wish more young women knew that they are more valuable than silver and gold.    GOD loves you and so do I.  I am comfortable with the skin that I am in.  God made each one of us special, uni

Real Love for Real People

Real love sees no boundaries, nor does it see color or ethnicity.  It always embraces, soothes, caresses, and shows meaning.  It does not tear down, or decieve in any way.  It does not keep an account of wrongs, nor does it boasts about how powerful it is.  It does not look for ways to mock or hurt what is in its possession.  Real love does not exemplify a person's faults, nor does it hate, belittle, or dishearten an individual. You look beyond my faults, flaws, and issues.  HE loves me for who I am.  Abba Father you see my worth.  YOU see the inside of my heart and spirit. Like a deer I pant and long for you, and am filled with your glourious presence.  YOU are the perfect example of love, and I praise your Holy name.

Well Done- Deitrick Haddon

I Will Not Be Defeated

There is a scripture in the Bible that says "I look to the hills where my help comes from my help comes from the Lord."  In my eyes that scripture has so much meaning, and it is vey close to my heart.  I can not tell you how many times that I have contemplated on this scripture, and it has spokn to my heart.  In this life I have had some storms that have spiraled out of control, yet I could always count on God to be a refuge in the time of those storms.  I have learned that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He will not change no matter what the season is. I have also developed a mindset that exudes nothing but positive thoughts.  I have decided to make positive affirmations everyday that God blesses me with.  I have made up my mind that I will not live with a defeated mentality.  I believe that as a child of God, and  a believer I can be victorious in every situation.  1 Corinthians 15:57 says "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lo