The Value of Having Dreams and Goals.

The year 2014 is going to be a really great year.  I am looking forward to all the great things that is going to happen in my life.  Many of you have heard me mention positive affirmations, determination, and motivation.  Well there is a word that is important, but it is a dream killer.  PROCRASTINATION will bury your dreams alive, and stop the process of progress.  This is just a thought.  We know that tomorrow may not be promised to us.  Why should you wait to make your dreams come true? 

  1. If you continue to wait for your dreams to come true, do you think that life will pass you by?
  2. If you allow the opinions of other people to mold your character, are you believing in yourself?
  3. If you are sitting around depressed, and worrying about life, are you trusting God?
  4. If you died today where will you spend eternity?

Life is a very precious commodity, and I am grateful for the life that God has given to me. I want to do more than just exist. I want to make a difference, and give my life  more meaning. With just a little bit of creativity I can help change the life of a child. A simple coloring book can lift the spirits of a sick child. Kind words of encouragement can give a teenager hope, and prayer can change the lives of people all over the world. You don't need to be a scholar, or a star to help someone in need. A little can go a long way. This is my year to bless the lives of others. I may not have much, but I have enough to give to someone that has less than I do.

I will trust God to lead me the right way, and I will never stop believing in myself. If there is anyone that does not know Jesus Christ I pray that he will come into your heart. No man knows the day or the hour that Christ will return. Our children are in need of change. They need to know who Jesus is, and they need to be saved as well. My ministry is designed to give hope, motivation, and encouragment.  We all have gifts and a purpose.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.
This is a simple picture of a train that I had taken for my youngest son Daniel.  He is fascinated by trains, and he is determined to be a train engineer.  His motivation is looking at trains and having educational goals to make this dream a reality.
This is one of my daughter Hannah's paintings.  She has a dream to become a painter, and has dedicated all of her free time to painting.  She has a passion for art, and is developing into quite an artist.
Keara is the youngest of my four children, and have developed a love a praise and worship.  She loves poetry, and writing little simple songs. 

Your dreams are very important, and I believe that you should never give up on them no matter how old you are.



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