You Have to Keep Moving Forward

As I sit in the still quiet of my study I am in awe of all that God has created.  I had turned to the window in my room, and stared at the beauty of the leaves on the trees.  It is simply amazing how the seasons have began to change.  It only seemed like yesterday that we were sitting in the backyard drinking ice tea.  My children, and I had just begun our homeschooling journey.  We had just started plans for the fall holidays, and made preparations for our back to school bash.  Then suddenly I was stuck with the thought about how fast time is going.

Here we are at the beginning of the third week in November, and the smell of Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Soon we will be at the table full of turkey, and talking about hanging Christmas reefs on the door.  I often tell my children how important it is to cherish each day, and to never waste a moment, or take time for granted.  Each day that has passed has brought me closer to a goal, or it can do the total opposite.  There is a very avid point to all that I have said.  First, I believe that time is very precious, and every second has its own value.  Second, procrastination can slow down your progress.

I have made many mistakes in my life.  One of those mistakes was procrastinating, and acting out of fear.  I have wasted good days being held in bondage, and too afraid to step out on faith.  Over the years I have learned not to be afraid, and have decided to trust God, and step out on faith.  I know with God I cannot lose, and that there is victory in every circumstance.  Sometimes you have just do it!  God is with you, for you, and all around you.  Even if you try, and fail at your goal, you can always try and get back up again.

I never like to close my posts without giving a scripture.  Today the Word comes from 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."  We can always believe, and trust in the Lord.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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