
Showing posts from 2012

Being Blessed With Wisdom In the New Year

The definition of change is to become different or transform.  It also means to convert from one stage to another.  In my own words it means to let go of the past.  In me eyes it means to embrace the future, and see what tomorrow may bring.  I believe that change has come when we can trust God,and step out on faith.  I feel that transformation happens when we learn to take chances in life.  I refuse to give up on my dreams.  I am determined to be a success.  I will not back down in the mist of adversity.  God did not give me the spirit of fear, and I am made in his image. Dear Lord we pray that you will give us wisdom.  In the times that we live in we ask you to help us be wise in all things.  Let us seek your face, and be full of your word to help us understand what you have for our lives. • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.  Provers 1:7 • Give me understanding and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. 

Small Steps

When I first came into the world I had to take small steps I had to learn how to crawl Before I walked God has always known That I would stumble He has always known that I would fall down And try to walk again He knows that the road will get rough And the storms of life will rage He knows that trials and setbacks Will make me stronger I will take small steps Until I am able to walk And then I may run Until I reach my destiny © Amanda Matthews © Holligan78 | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos  


Lord as I sit here in my home looking out at the rain fall your love never cease to amaze me. You have given man the authority to rule over the earth. Home... such a beautiful place. We live in such a beautiful world, and I thank you for giving me one more day to be a part of it. As I move a little closer to my destiny I am starting to see how God is working on my behalf. Only God can open doors that no man can shut. God is the author of life. He knows the plans, and the vision that he has placed inside of you. God has given us the power to overcome obstacles that may fall in our way. He has equipped us with the tools that is necessary for us to succeed. No matter how hard the task may be, don't ever give up on your dreams. Stay on the path, and keep your focus on God. Anything worth having is definitely worth the fight. Even when the it gets tough. Stay in the game!! In the Bible it says "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that t


Each day I have to give honor to God for he is always worthy of my praise. He has granted me another day to do his will, and make a difference in the lives of other people. By faith I know that God will continue to see me through all things. I never question the things that God is doing, because I know that he has all things in his control. I am awakened each day with the belief that God will show up and show out on my behalf. In other words I have learned to believe that God will do exactly what he said he will do. If he said it, you better believe that it will come to pass!! From a realistic point of view nothing happens overnight, but God is true to his word. There are many people in the Bible that have been recipients of God's favor. Sarah, the wife of Abraham was barren. She could not have children. Through God's favor she gave birth to Abraham's son Issac. (Genesis 21) What about the favor that God had shown to Esther, and how he blessed her to save her p

My Positive Affirmations for Today

BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE, BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MAY LOSE IT. THANK GOD FOR TODAY AND BE GLAD IN IT. THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE. Each day is a new day for me to be productive. I declare that the New year will be one of prosperity, and good productivity. It will be a new beginning, and great things are in store for me.

A Real Gift at Christmas Time

For unto us a King is born in the city of Bethlehem. He lay in the manger next to his mother Mary. All have come to adore this sweet child by bringing him gifts. A star shining in the night symbolizing the birth of the Messiah. We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for he is the reason for the season. Jesus Christ has given his life for us to be free. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich; yet for your sakes he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich." Those that have not are rich through our Lord Jesus Christ. He, the Son of God did not have a place to lay his head. Luke 9:58 says "Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head." Jesus lived a simple life, and he was very open with the people. He was not conceited even though he knew that he was royalty. I love Jesus, because he gave himself for all mankind. H

The Emphasis of Freedom and Giving Thanks

Being thankful is not just about a holiday, but giving thanks to God for all that He has done. As people we have very different opinions about how we give thanks to God. I believe that God is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I have personally accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I have placed God in the center of my life, and I place no other before him. I praise God for the freedom to worship the way I want to. Believe me I will not take my freedom for granted. It is very sad that people don't realize the blessings that God has placed here for us to enjoy. Think about this for a minute. There are millions of people that are living in poverty, and they are dying of simple diseases. Children are dying from the hands of violence, neglect,and poverty. Half of all households in our world consists of only one parent. Young women are dying of AIDS, and the lives of young people don't seem to be getting better. How can we make a difference without a platform to stand on

Train Up a Child In the Way that He Will Go

I am a firm believer that children should be taught in the way that they shall go.  I teach my children based on the principles of Proverbs 22:6 is says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not part from it."  Each parent is different, but the most important factor is raising children effectively.  As a mom I train my girls to cook, clean, sew, and iron.  Well some may say that is a little old fashioned, but they are women in training.  One day they will have a family of their own, and they will need to know the basics of housekeeping.  My sons are learning the same lessons, but in a different perspective.  All parents have a set of values, and beliefs that they want to instill in their children.  My beliefs are in close relation to the Bible.  My children  are being trained, and prepared for life.  I thank God that he has bestowed this blessing on me.  In the near future I will have my non profit organization up and running.  My mission/min

My Life As a Single Mom

I am so blessed to be a mom. One of the greatest joys of being a mom is watching my kids develop. They all have unique personalities, and I am always encouraging them to be the best at everything. Sometimes parenting can be a tough job. What if you are single and parenting alone? I am a single parent of four beautiful children, and I have learned that this is one of the toughest jobs that I have done. From the birth of my first son to the delivery of my youngest daughter, I have experienced some highs and lows in motherhood. The journey through motherhood has been a good one for me. I did not say that I have never had a moment of weakness. There have been times that the storms of life were raging out of control, and I needed to seek refuge under my Father's wings. The Bible says "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) I have experienced days in the valley. I have searched all over the place looking for answers

What I Am Really Thankful For

  First I want to give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done.  He has shown me so much mercy and grace this year.  He has blessed me to live, and have a good life full of happiness, joy, and love.  I am so grateful for my children.  Looking back I never would have thought that I would be a mother of four babies.  They have brought me so much joy since they were born.  I feel like I am the luckiest woman alive.  My mom has always been my mentor, and my best friend.  I thank God that she is still here to be a vital part of my life.  Because of her I am here in this world, and I am grateful for all she has done.   As I am preparing my dinner I think about all the people that will not have a meal on this day.  I reach with compassion, and prayers asking the Lord to please bless them with what they need.  Every man, woman, and child that does not have food will be blessed by Jehovah Jirah.  God will be there provider.  Jesus did become poor for their sake, and he will bring the

I am Thankful for Love

Love is one of those things that we must keep on giving.  I was reading and article today, and it made me think about how strong the message was.  It was not the kind of message that I like to see, but we are all entitled to our own opinion.  The focal point of the message was centered around the idea of hate, bitterness, and separation.  It hit so close to home that it inspired me to write this post. Who am to I judge a man for the color of his skin, preference, or beliefs?  Am I wrong, because I believe in Jesus Christ, and the Word of God?  When we start to separate an individual from his/her character, we are starting to divide what made this person who he/she is.  "Psalms 139:13 says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."  To really love someone means that we are willing to accept that person for who they are.  There is power in love, and the world could use more of it.  Love is one of those things that I am most gratefu

First Award Ceremony of the Year

Sometimes we have to encourage our kids to do their best.  Two of the best ways to build up self esteem in a child is to give them lots of love and encouragement.  I dedicate plenty of time nurturing my children.  I want them to grow up, and be confident in all things.  They are learning the value of hard work, and what it will take to reach their goals.  I am so proud of what they have accomplished the first nine weeks of school. This is my daughter Hannah after she received her awards at the ceremony.     Daniel is excited to get his award. It was ablessing to see all of these kids get their awards, and the parents that were there to support them. . We have to continue to encourage all children to do their best.  Job well done to all of these children for their hard work and dedication to learning.   

Heart Beat of a Drum

  I hear the sounds of a trumpet The heartbeat of a drum The claps of a people Singing the praises of freedom Shouting the joys of equality Standing for harmony Praying for the knowledge I heard the sounds of misery The beat of a drum Cries of a people A sad voice that hums Moaning the pains of bondage Yelling the sorrows of depression Sitting in hell Praying for the knowledge I hear the sounds of a trumpet The beat of a drum Sounds of wings Voices that hum Singing the praises of freedom Master! No more tears for me Shouting the joys of heaven Standing for harmony Receiving the knowledge         Eternally © Amanda Matthews all rights is reserved       © Ninam4 | Stock Free Images &   Dreamstime Stock Photos 

My Children Are My Inspiration

I was awakened this morning by the sounds of little feet running through the house. My youngest daughter decided to be the alarm today. By the excitement in her voice you would have thought it was Christmas morning. She transitioned from one room to the next yelling for her brothers, and sister to get up. All would have been well, but it was 5:00 in the morning. With the thought of sleep on my mind I jumped up to see what was going on. To my surprise my baby had fixed breakfast for the family. She had bowls full of cereal, and the milk had spilled on the table. As she struggled to get the spoons, I could see that she was very determined to finish the tasks that she had started. Today my daughter is my inspiration. She put her little heart, and soul into fixing breakfast. When I think about all the effort that she put forth into her surprise, I am forced to think about my own goals. At times I can get a little discouraged about the plans that I have made for my life. Being

A Home For A Child

Gina* is a little twelve year old girl with a big smile. She loves to play sports, and she hopes to be an actress some day. Like most little girls Gina wishes she had a family that loved her. Born to a mother that was addicted to drugs this child is lucky to be alive. Most of her young life has been a living hell. I am quite fond of Gina, because she is so full of life. She exudes confidence ,and the zeal to live. I have chosen to write about this child, because she is an inspiration to me. When I look into her eyes I can see a hint of misery. It has to take a lot of strength to smile when you are sad. The true feelings that she may be repressing, will be the same feelings that she will have to face in the future. Many people want to ignore that children are hurting, suffering, and they are dying. How many more children will die due to neglect and lack? For a brief point in time I had to stop our conversation. The heaviness was too much for me to handle. I thought bac

Small Steps

When I first came into the world I had to take small steps I had to learn how to crawl Before I walked God has always known That I would stumble He has always known that I would fall down And try to walk again He knows that the road will get rough And the storms of life will rage He knows that trials and setbacks Will make me stronger I will take small steps Until I am able to walk And then I may run Until I reach my destiny © Amanda Matthews         © Holligan78 | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos 

Made In the Image of God

Okay I got this new thing going, and people are starting to recognize that I am very zealous about writing. I know that I have not perfected my art, but I am getting better. I feel the same way about my life. I love the song Many rivers to cross, because it speaks to my spirit. I can't think of anyone that went through life without facing a trial or two. You know we have to start from the bottom, and work our way to the top. I have been inspired by so many people, and some have had a major impact on my life. I may not get famous by blogging alone, but I hope to inspire people through the gift of my writing. A long time ago I had the chance to meet a young woman who was suffering from the aftermath of an abortion. She said that she was tired of being humiliated, and felt bad for what she done. I through tear stained eyes assured her that I was not placed on this earth to judge her. So many people are suffering in silence. Let me assure you there are people that will l

A Proverbs Woman

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing in value She bring him good, and not harm all the days of her life She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands bringing her food from afar she gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions to her female servants She considers a field and buys it out of her earning she plants a vineyard She sets about her work vigorously her arms are strong for her tasks She sees that her trading is profitable and her lamps do not go out at night In her hands ands she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy When it snows she has no fear for her household for all of them are clothed in scarlet She makes coverings for her bed She is clothed in fine linen and purple She is like the merchant sh

Having a Mind Like the Father

We can thank God for giving the only Son that he had for us to be redeemed. God and I do not have the same mind. I cannot compare my thoughts to that Father. The word says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) That means that God knows all things that are happening around us. I know that there have been times that I have taken on more than I needed to, and it was too much for my mind to handle. I am so glad that I have a Father that loves me, and he never places more on me than I can handle. God says in Isaiah 55:9 “AS the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Our minds are in the likeness of God’s mind, but it is not the same. We think on a level that is designed for humanity. God is a supernatural being, and the Father of creation. He has known from the beginning of time what man’s mind would be capable of. For an

The Value of Your Dreams

The year 2013 is going to be a really great year.  I am looking forward to all the great things that is going to happen in my life.  Many of you have heard me mention positive affirmations, determination, and motivation.  Well there is a word that is important, but it is a dream killer.  PROCRASTINATION will bury your dreams alive, and stop the process of progress.  This is just a thought.  We know that tomorrow may not be promised to us.  Why should you wait to make your dreams come true?  If you continue to wait for your dreams to come true, do you think that life will pass you by? If you allow the opinions of other people to mold your character, are you believing in yourself? If you are sitting around depressed, and worrying about life, are you trusting God? If you died today where will you spend eternity?  Life is a very precious commodity, and I am grateful for the life that God has given to me. I want to do more than just exist. I want to make a difference, and g

Poem From My Book Inspired By The Father

  Homeless A man on the corner Selling bread for a dime Life is passing surely He is running out of time How sad is his heart Card board box for a home Many worlds apart Standing alone Often the tears flow More than he can stand In reality trouble lives on For this homeless man The child next door Only thirteen years of age Suffers from hunger Her mind is a deadly cage No food to eat The water well runs dry She feels sadness and defeat Her life is all a lie How can one so young Hurt so bad She is not the only sad little girl There are other homeless children in the world Homeless In the open Running wild Lonely sad Lost Like a little child


Motivation is the general desire, or willingness of someone to do something.  It can be the force or guide that initiates our goal oriented behavior.  Motivation has everything to do with my drive and ambition.  I have developed a mindset, and I believe that I can accomplish all things.  With the power that I have invested in me, I am able to overcome all obstacles in my life.  There are two types of motivation.  Intrinsic motivation means that it is coming from within, and extrinsic motivation is coming from outside sources.  My motivation comes from the desire to always be productive, and serve the Lord with gladness. Each new day that I am blessed to see, is a new day of fresh opportunities. When it comes to the kingdom of God I am always motivated to do my best.  Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men."  I am very zealous about life, and what the Lord has called me to do.  Romans 12:11 says " Do not be slothful in z

Lord Jehovah Yahweh

Lord from you flows the rivers of life In you God we can trust You are the great Jehovah God You are the light of the world In you God we can find rest Our weary souls can find peace With you Lord we have everything that we need God   I trust you With all that I am Because I have joy I am glad To call you my God I am not ashamed to worship you Lord I give myself to you Lo rd O God of heavens and earth Lord thank you Thank you Lord For being my God You are so worthy O great King I thank you for all your love God you are so good You are the great I am I will rejoice in you Because you are God Thank you Lord for all that you have done I can depend on you I love you Lord No one can compare to you You are the Great I Am and Jehovah Yahweh

The Power of Your Words

What is positive affirmation?  Positive affirmation is a technique used to help program the subconscious mind.  It is used to bring about change by meditating, or repeating certain phrases.  Positive affirmations can be used to help change an individual's perspective or thought process.  We have the ability to use words to change the things that we believe. We can use the Word of God, or Scriptures to affirm things in our lives.  We can literally speak things into existence.  Proverbs 18:21 says "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."  Whatever you confess will manifest in your life.  What you believe will show up as a result of what you are thinking.  Developing a positive mindset can help bring change.  The outcome will be the manifestation of positive results. The confession of your words can bring the power of change.  What you say can affect your life.  As believers in Christ we have the ability to declare or comman

Keeping Your Dreams Alive

When I first found out that I was pregnant I was elated.  Like most new mothers I had to follow the directions that my doctor had given to me.  It was amazing to see my body go through the pregnancy process.  Every week there was something new happening.  I had to study every detail.  During my sixteenth week of pregnancy I found out that I was having a boy. For nine months I had to prepare for this precious gift  that God had given to me.  When the time had come for me to push I had experienced the process of labor.  This was an amazing event in my life, and I can still remember every detail.  All of the pain, and pressure was worth it.  Every birth that I have experienced is very unique.  Each child that I gave birth to, created special memories for me.  Over time it has become easier to be a mother.  The children are doing well, and I am delighted, and blessed to be their mom.  I think that childbirth is one of the most amazing processes in life. Being pregnant with a dream is

The Living God El-Olam

Adonai Father you are El- Olam Mighty Father You are creator of all the earth I exalt you O heavenly Father We worship you in this holy place Exalting and magnifying your name I lift your name on high O Most Holy One Jehovah Tsidkenu Great is the name of the Lord You are the living God El-Olam Wonderful Prince of Peace We sing praises to you O Most wonderful Father Omnipotent! Mighty! Holy! Great Warrior You O God will be exalted In all the earth There is no one That can withstand your power You are the Great I am We bow down To worship you In your presence We need your spirit Lord Your precious Holy spirit Give me your spirit O Lord You are worthy Father You are divine O heavenly Father We shall exalt the O Lord You are worthy Father We shall lift your name The living God El- Shaddai El- Olam Adonai Jehovah Rohi Jehovah Rapha You are God Adonai father you are El-Olam.  You are Jehovah Yahweh.  All

Rejoice and Give Thanks

Lord as I look back on the week I can say that I have been blessed You O Lord have made a way for me You have blessed my family With all that we need We have health, strength, and joy You have made us well We have all of our five senses We have a nice place to stay And we plenty of food to eat Bless those Lord Who have none Bless the single mother That may not have food for her children Bless the homeless man Living in the alley Bless that Father who has a sick son I know that you are a healer Lord You are Jehovah Nissi You are my provider You are El-Shaddai The Prince of Peace God you are the Great I am You are The Most High God You are Jehovah Shalom and you are Jehovah Shammah I am a witness of your great works You have saved me and you have been my counsel Thank Jehovah Rohi You are my Shepard I shall not want God El-olam You are the God of hosts Jehovah Sabbaoth As I reflect on this weekend I thank you Lord

Keep Your Dreams Alive and Have Hope

Psalm 31:24 "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord" Psalm 39:7 "But now Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Lamentations 3:24 "I say to myself , The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him." Romans 8:25 " But if we hope for what we do not have yet, we wait for it patiently." Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and we can have hope in Christ Jesus.  I have never seen God forsaken the righteous, or have known the Lord to forsake His children.  In my own life I can be a witness to how good God has been to me.  God has loved me, and been there for me through some difficult times.  There are no barriers that can keep us from the love of God.  He is always present for those who need Him.  All my hope is in the Lord, and I know that he will never let me down.  God is not like a man that he shall lie, and you can believe in what God says.  It is written in His Word.  Philippians 4:19 says " A

I Am Blessed

I can achieve my dreams                    I will strive to attain the best I will run this race with gladness Praises to the Lord I will confess I will walk into my destiny Tall Proud and free Living the life of a righteous one I am so glad that God has chosen me What an honor it is To be a child of the Most High Lord As for me I can not afford To miss the opportunity to do the best I can To praise the Lord at all times I stand here today To give you food for thought If you give up on your dreams What can you achieve? You can accomplish What you believe Jesus has been my all and saving grace I love the Lord on high I long to see his face He has been my heart The strong force in my life I can depend on him To take me through the storms and strife A God that is true and kind One who is loyal and divine We worship you in our youth We pray for knowledge And for truth You can accomplish W

Woman of God

  I am the woman that God called me to be. I am proud, and I know that this is my Father’s temple. I honor God with my heart, mind, body, and soul. I stand in the mist of the world hungry and thirsty for the living God. I am saying no to depression, sin, addiction, and abuse. In God’s eyes I am worth more than silver and gold. Even though I was told that I would never amount to anything. I was at the end of the line, and the bottom of the barrel. Now God is getting ready to make me the head and not the tail. He is getting ready to raise up a nation that will obey. He is getting ready to restore his original plan for the family. God is getting ready to raise up women who will be strong in the Lord. Even in the last days we can stand up, and shout. In a time such as this we can be a strong and vibrant people. Women of God it is time to take back what is ours. Self respect, self worth, and self esteem. I know you have been broken, and you have be

A Simple Thank You

Thank you Lord for the times that I have felt down and out Thank for the being there during my despair Thank you for all the times that you have kept me and thank you for being a beacon of light Thank you for being my comfort and being a shelter during the storm Thank you Lord for the times that people have turned their back on me You have been a friend This is for the moments that I could not call out to you  and for the moments that I have been rejected Thank Father God for being my Hope In you I can find peace Through you I can do all things For you are my strength Lord I wait on you patiently You never make me feel insignificant You always believe in me That is why I love you so much Your Word is like food to my soul and You are the joy in my heart This is a simple thank you For loving me Just the way I am     "You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  You know when I sit down and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts