A Home For A Child

Gina* is a little twelve year old girl with a big smile. She loves to play sports, and she hopes to be an actress some day. Like most little girls Gina wishes she had a family that loved her. Born to a mother that was addicted to drugs this child is lucky to be alive. Most of her young life has been a living hell. I am quite fond of Gina, because she is so full of life. She exudes confidence ,and the zeal to live. I have chosen to write about this child, because she is an inspiration to me.

When I look into her eyes I can see a hint of misery. It has to take a lot of strength to smile when you are sad. The true feelings that she may be repressing, will be the same feelings that she will have to face in the future. Many people want to ignore that children are hurting, suffering, and they are dying. How many more children will die due to neglect and lack? For a brief point in time I had to stop our conversation. The heaviness was too much for me to handle. I thought back to the times of my struggle, and the emotional trauma that I had to face. Gina is a beautiful girl that has a chance to be very successful. With the right people in her life she can move mountains. This young lady has many rivers to cross, and I am sure she will find her way. I will continue to pray for her.

In the the book of Mark 10:13-14 it says" People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

I am very confident about the things that God has promised to me. I will continue to bring the word as I know it. I will do what is necessary to help the save children, and people that are in need. There is a storm raging, and God is speaking. What would you do if Jesus came back today? Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior? Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, and he loves us very much. He paid a debt that I could never repay. I hold on to the word of God, and honor him with my voice. I hope that you have been blessed. Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.


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