I am Thankful for Love

Love is one of those things that we must keep on giving.  I was reading and article today, and it made me think about how strong the message was.  It was not the kind of message that I like to see, but we are all entitled to our own opinion.  The focal point of the message was centered around the idea of hate, bitterness, and separation.  It hit so close to home that it inspired me to write this post.

Who am to I judge a man for the color of his skin, preference, or beliefs?  Am I wrong, because I believe in Jesus Christ, and the Word of God?  When we start to separate an individual from his/her character, we are starting to divide what made this person who he/she is.  "Psalms 139:13 says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." 

To really love someone means that we are willing to accept that person for who they are.  There is power in love, and the world could use more of it.  Love is one of those things that I am most grateful for.  In my opinion it is better to love than to hate.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.



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