Made In the Image of God

Okay I got this new thing going, and people are starting to recognize that I am very zealous about writing. I know that I have not perfected my art, but I am getting better. I feel the same way about my life. I love the song Many rivers to cross, because it speaks to my spirit. I can't think of anyone that went through life without facing a trial or two. You know we have to start from the bottom, and work our way to the top. I have been inspired by so many people, and some have had a major impact on my life.

I may not get famous by blogging alone, but I hope to inspire people through the gift of my writing. A long time ago I had the chance to meet a young woman who was suffering from the aftermath of an abortion. She said that she was tired of being humiliated, and felt bad for what she done. I through tear stained eyes assured her that I was not placed on this earth to judge her. So many people are suffering in silence. Let me assure you there are people that will listen to you. None of us are perfect, and we will make mistakes. Loving who you are has to come from within. Take a look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you are made of flesh. It is amazing how God can take ordinary people to accomplish great things. I am so glad that God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

When you think that your life has come to an end God shows up. He will renew, restore, and rejuvenate your spirit. We were all created for a purpose, and God has something in store for you. I am not where I should be, but I am excited where I am going. Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.

Psalms 91:1 says "He that dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

 There is nothing like the Word of God.


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