Lord as I sit here in my home looking out at the rain fall your love never cease to amaze me. You have given man the authority to rule over the earth. Home... such a beautiful place. We live in such a beautiful world, and I thank you for giving me one more day to be a part of it. As I move a little closer to my destiny I am starting to see how God is working on my behalf. Only God can open doors that no man can shut. God is the author of life. He knows the plans, and the vision that he has placed inside of you. God has given us the power to overcome obstacles that may fall in our way.

He has equipped us with the tools that is necessary for us to succeed. No matter how hard the task may be, don't ever give up on your dreams. Stay on the path, and keep your focus on God. Anything worth having is definitely worth the fight. Even when the it gets tough. Stay in the game!!

In the Bible it says "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10) As God's children we do not have to settle for second best. God wants what is best for each of us. Good health, wealth, and happiness.

Father God thank you for being King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. We come to you with our hands lifted giving you praise for loving us. If there is one Lord that wants to know Jesus I ask on his/her behalf that you come into his/her heart. We know that you are able to things that are impossible. For with you all things are possible. Believe that God loves you, and he has a plan for your life. Keep the faith, pray, and keep your eyes on him. Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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