Sunday Crisis Help Domestic Violence

One of my goals in ministry is to raise awareness, and advocate about issues that are affecting our communities.  People don't always talk about social issues that affect the every day lives of innocent people.

Each Sunday I will bring awareness to an issue, and challenge each of you my readers to share this posts.  We as a people need to uplift one another.  Our youth is spiraling in a world of uncertainty, but we can help if we unify and work together.

This week I am ministering about domestic violence.  Please read, look, and let this minister to you.  Be blessed, and may God bless you.

How many do you know have been victims of domestic violence?  It is quite sad that the numerical statistics keep going up?  I am troubled by the number of women that have died as a result of violence.  Yesterday I had a chance to sit down with a young woman who is living in a nightmare, and is a victim of domestic violence.

*Jenna, lives in a small apartment with her two young sons,  Her boyfriend *Alan also lives in the home with the family.  During my visit he was not in the home.  Jenna was very nervous to talk to me in fact she was very scared, and almost had a change of heart about our conversation.  The kids are very young, and have no idea the type of pain that their mom was facing.  It was quite clear to me that this young girl needed some help and advice,

The fact is that there are many women that have been victims of domestic violence, and many have lost their lives because of these types of crimes.  Do you know that the average young girl has been in at least two abusive relationships before she has reached the age of eighteen?  Jenna is nineteen, and a mother of two small boys.  She is currently five months pregnant with her third child.  My heart really goes out to this young woman.  I had to ask did she have any dreams, plans, and desires for the future?  Her eyes seemed to dance as she talked about her plans to be a doctor.  She had shown me some paintings that she had drawn, and I was amazed at her talent.  I had to encourage her to never give up on her dreams and keep pressing on in life.  It was obvious that Jenna wanted a future for her family.

Approximately 90% of domestic violence cases are women.  Physical violence, and sexual assault are among the worst crimes committed.  Women between the ages of 16-24 are among the highest groups that have experienced some forms of domestic violence.  Many of these women are afraid to break the silence, and fear for their lives.  Some of them feel that have to stay with the abuser in order to stay alive.  I do not feel that young girls should stay in relationships where they are being abused by anyone.  I have daughters, and would be completely terrified if they were in a bad relationship.

There are thousands of women like  Jenna in the world.  Everyday there are thousands of calls that are from the effects of domestic violence.   We have to do something to protect our young girls and women from domestic violence.  They need to know that these types of relationships are not healthy, nor are the godly.  In the Bible it says " That love is patient and kind.  It does not boast it is not arrogant or rude" 1 Corinthians 4:13.  If someone truly loves you they will never lift a hand to hit you, or tear you down emotionally or mentally.  God did not design anyone to suffer at the hands of violence.

This year I will be covering more topics like these, and I hope to bring awareness about issues concerning teens.  Topics that are really affecting young teens are domestic violence, suicide, drugs, the AIDS epidemic, and self esteem issues.  I pray that we can help them find solutions that will or may save their lives.  Until nest time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity. He


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