Keeping Joy while Your Dreams Manifest

The piece below is an article that I had written for the newspaper.  I was getting ready to be a new mother, and I was elated in preparing for the birth of my first son.  From that moment I had the pleasure of birthing three more children into the world.

I believe that experience provides us with life's lessons that can teach, and provide us with guidance or help.  

The Bible says in Habakuk 2:2 "And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."

As you read this piece I hope that it will minister to you about your dreams and goals.  I believe that we should be excited about our dreams, and have an expectation of having those dreams come into manifestation.

When I first found out that I was pregnant I was elated.  Like most new mothers I had to follow the directions that my doctor had given to me.  It was amazing to see my body go through the pregnancy process.  Every week there was something new happening.  I had to study every detail.  During my sixteenth week of pregnancy I found out that I was having a boy.

For nine months I had to prepare for this precious gift  that God had given to me.  When the time had come for me to push I had experienced the process of labor.  This was an amazing event in my life, and I can still remember every detail.  All of the pain, and pressure was worth it.

Every birth that I have experienced is very unique.  Each child that I gave birth to, created special memories for me.  Over time it has become easier to be a mother.  The children are doing well, and I am delighted, and blessed to be their mom.  I think that childbirth is one of the most amazing processes in life.

Being pregnant with a dream is similar to being pregnant with a child.  Most of us have to go through a process for that dream to come to pass.  You have to nurture that dream to make sure that it is not delivered prematurely.  I am in the process of birthing several dreams, and I am very excited about it.  For the past few years I have had been going through the process of starting a non profit organization that will help young women.  Within this organization I hope to promote confidence, love of self, virtue, and wellness of the body.

My goal is to help young girls realize their value in the eyes of God.  With so many diseases becoming an epidemic, there is a need to promote the importance of education.  Diseases like AIDS are claiming the lives of so many people.  This organization will help many young people realize their full potential in Christ Jesus.

I have a new book coming out in 2013,and I think that it will bless single mothers.  It is a book of devotionals that I have mixed with poetry and psalms.  I really love the book, because I share some of my experiences of being a single mother.  Also I have a book of poetry coming.  It is my first volume of poems, and cannot wait to share it with everyone.

The best feeling is knowing that God has placed me here for a purpose.  God has given is the tools, and gifts to succeed.  I have learned that there are thousands of people that may need encouragement.  The most important thing is to never give up on your dreams.  God has placed you here for a reason.  We all have purpose, potential, and goals.  One of my goals is to be all I can be.  Life is very short, and I want to live every minute being productive.

Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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