Day Break

Wow what a lovely day.. there is nothing  more beautiful than waking up each morning looking at the sun rise.  I am excited , because each day has been made new, and we have been given a fresh opportunity to begin again.

As I lift my hands to Jesus I am thankful for every breath that I take.  I could have been so many things this morning, but I am still here for another day's journey. 

There are people this morning with real problems.  There are sick people, those that are confined to their hospital beds.  There are people who are hurting this morning.  There are people in prison that are suffering, and there are those that are walking free, but they are in a mental prison.  Lord that could be me this morning, but look at God this morning.  I got my legs to walk, I got my mouth to talk.  I got a voice to praise the Spirit, and I got eyes to see.  No offense some people say the Universe, but I say look at GOD this morning.. look at God working at Day all of his majesty and benevolence.

When I had opened my eyes this morning..the first thing I did was say thank you Lord, and I gave him a shout out.  Sometimes I do that early in the morning..I give God a shout a praise.. I just throw my hands up, and throw my head back, and I praise the Lord.  That Yodah Praise.

In this season I have to praise God like I mean it.  I have to praise God in and out of season I mean that Yodah kind of praise... hallelujah.  We all worship God differently, but I am thankful this morning..

Let us pray Father God we thank you for this new day.  We lift our hands to give you have blessed our loved ones to arise, and we are blessed in your presence.  Lord, help the sick, hurting, and lost this morning..may they become well, and may the newness of life spring forward.  We honor you O Jesus name we pray Amen.

Until next may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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