
Showing posts from June, 2018

The God of Living Waters and Bread of Life

Sometimes I think silence is truly golden.  Words that have not been spoken can be louder than a mega speech.  So are the days that I have come to know God on a more intimate level.  Today was one of those days that I had a need to be in God's presence.  I had a great desire to be saturated in his Word. Early this morning as I was driving on the freeway , my daughter captured a beautiful picture of the river.  The sun was shining on the water.  Within it's calm state it made me think about the goodness of God, and the peace that he provides. There is so much going on in the world today.  Everything seems chaotic, and we can't turn a blind eye to things in the world.  This piece that I am writing is called The Still Living Waters of God Sometimes life can get loud, and it can get rough.  We get to a place that we start to hunger, and thirst, but we don't find anything to quench and satisfy those needs. Most of us have everything that money can buy, but we still h

Prayer Jesus The Deliverer (HaPalat)

So much is going on in our world.  We lift our hands, and say thank you Lord.  We offer you Thanksgiving and we offer you our Praise.  Father we come to lay down our heavy burdens.  We come to put aside our differences.  We come to plead the blood over the nations.  We come to talk with you Father about the issues of our world.  All the things that have come up.  Abba, we pray for restoration.  We pray for rejuvenation.  We pray for all people.  People are lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.  We ask Lord that you break every chain.  Yes Lord we thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen Jesus The Deliverer (HaPalat) Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.  The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns, and put it on his head.  They clothed him in a purple robe.  And went up to him again and again, saying "Hail King of the Jews!  And they slapped him in the face.  Once more Pilate came out and said, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know th

Power Prayer Tuesday

Today is power prayer Tuesday.  We should pray without ceasing. HOPE AND PRAY Dear child Why are you weeping? I want to dry your tears You do not have to cry I am here To be your comfort Have faith and believe Believe that I will help you My Father sent me So that you could live Your days in good health With longevity of life Come to me and find peace Have hope and pray God will answer you He cares for you love Have hope and pray Copyright  © Amanda Matthews All of my hope is in the Lord, and my faith is in Him.  I know that the Lord is not like man that he will lie.  I have an assurance in God's Word that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  God is the true living God and HE is so worthy of all my praise.

Sunday Crisis Help Domestic Violence

One of my goals in ministry is to raise awareness, and advocate about issues that are affecting our communities.  People don't always talk about social issues that affect the every day lives of innocent people. Each Sunday I will bring awareness to an issue, and challenge each of you my readers to share this posts.  We as a people need to uplift one another.  Our youth is spiraling in a world of uncertainty, but we can help if we unify and work together. This week I am ministering about domestic violence.  Please read, look, and let this minister to you.  Be blessed, and may God bless you. How many do you know have been victims of domestic violence?  It is quite sad that the numerical statistics keep going up?  I am troubled by the number of women that have died as a result of violence.  Yesterday I had a chance to sit down with a young woman who is living in a nightmare, and is a victim of domestic violence. *Jenna, lives in a small apartment with her two young sons,  Her

Weekly Reflections

When my kids were younger I had taken great pleasure in hearing them play outside.  Their innocent screams of laughter filled my ears, and the joy that they had exuded made me feel all excited inside.  Now that they are all teenagers and preteen, I long for those days when they were toddlers....time has a way of flying, and can cause you to reflect on yesterday. This is just one of those fill good pieces that make you happy inside.  Life is sometimes busy, and can cause you to worry, and be overly anxious.  So today I am reflecting on the week, and thanking God for a good ending.  Until next time enjoy this written word. I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of pray

The Many Faces of Anxiety

"Dear God I feel so anxious".  My teenage daughter threw her hands up in dismay.  If only she could fathom the real problems that  life can bring.  I have been teaching my children strategies about how to handle life's problems.  Prayer is always my first line of defense.  I pray about everything, because I know that God is able.  Below is a piece that has been written to minister about prayer, and learning to lean on God's understanding.  I hope you will read, and be blessed.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity. I know that there are times in your life that you simply don't know what to do.  You constantly look for ways to ease the pain that you are feeling.  You forgot that today would have been your 15th anniversary, but you divorced several years ago.  Friends and family do not seem to understand why you have not remarried, or at least dated a little.  You want to get out and mingle, but you are terrified of loving someone again, in

By Faith

"Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and the evidence of the things unseen.". Hebrews 11:1 If you are believing God for a breakthrough continue to have faith. Hope is believing in the things that have not yet manifested.  It is trusting God for those things that you have need.  It is having faith, and telling that mountain to move.  Hope is believing God for the unseen things, yet you know that the blessing  is coming.  You can see the vision, and you have written it down.  You have spoken the words, and the words are in your mouth, heart, and your spirit. You have declared it in Jesus's name that all things are possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.  You have prepared yourself for the blessing.  Well my friends the scripture says "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  By the supernatural power of God blessings are coming your way.  Keep your mind steadfast and stay focused on Jesus!  Trust, declare, confes

Faith Prayer Wednesday

Prayer of Faith Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.”. We also need to take a look at verse 6 where it says “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”. (Hebrews 11:6) Dear Lord today we come to you as humbly as we know how.  We know that faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and the evidence of thing unseen, yet we trust you Lord for what we have belief in.   By faith Abel offered a better sacrifice to the Lord.  By faith Noah was supernaturally warned by God, and he prepared the Ark.  By faith Abraham obeyed God, and moved to a strange land. By faith Abraham and Sarah had a baby boy with a promise from God.  By faith Enoch was taken up by God so he did not taste death. By faith the children of Israel had walked through the Red Sea on dry land.  By faith Moses was spared, and later he

Power Prayer and Praise Tuesday A Prayer of Help and Understanding

Dear Lord today,  I am praying for the people in this world.   Lord there is so much going on I just thank you that I can live a Holy life I thank you that Jesus is my Savior God there is none like you Lord  We give you the praise O Lord You are mighty in battle And your power is awesome  There is trouble on every side And there are famines And  there are evil things that are in dark places But Lord we can count on you Jesus Thank you Lord for all that you have done My God you are so awesome I will not give up And I know that you will not fail me All my praise belongs to the Lord For he is worthy of all that I have Some people have said that there is no God And I say that I am lover and daghter of the Most High God Lord I pray that all will be well With every man, woman, and child I pray for the healing of the sick Lord you are Jehovah Rapha Able to do all things Lord you are God and we pray to you God That all will be well Some people have le

Power Prayer and Praise Tuesday A Prayer of Refreshing

Each Tuesday will be known as Power Prayer Tuesday.   Every Tuesday and Friday will be the days that Virtuosity Ministries will post prayers. Dear Lord today I come to you God as humbly as I know how.  I am asking you God to bless your people on today God.  I ask that you breathe new life, and refreshing today in someone who may feel like giving up.  Give them that new beginning that they are so desperately hoping for. Someone right now Lord is living a life of confusion and they need clarification of their life Lord.  Breathe new life God, revive again LORD.  Rejuvenate dried bones God.  We need there in this hour Lord.  Send your love and peace today in Jesus Christ name we pray Amen Until next time may God richly bless you.

God The Father

You know I was just sitting here contemplating about what this day signifies.. I thought about myself, and others who have lost their fathers.  It just doesn't feel the same when you have lost a part of you.. I really did feel like I didn't have a reason to celebrate this day , but this scripture came to mind. It says in Psalms 68:5-6 " A father to the fatherless ,   a defender of widows,      is God in his holy dwelling. 6  God sets the lonely  in families,      he leads out the prisoners with singing;      but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." NIV There is a song that says "There is no pain that Jesus can't feel".  Are you hurting today.  I didn't come to remind you of your pain, but I have come to help you get lifted my friend.  Sometimes a happy occasion can be sad for many.  Life has happened to us all.  I sympathize with the ones that has to deal with their loss, and may God grant you solace, peace, and love today. "

Helping Our Children Understand School Violence

For the next few posts I want to focus, and minister about parenting and things concerning children. Today I want to focus on school violence, and what we can do as parents to help our children understand the fear that they may have. Below is part one in a series of four parts.  This first part involves a the topic of school violence. School is a place where a child is suppose to learn, and feel safe.  For most children it is a home away from home, because most of them will spend all day in school.  Some children have learned to accept school as a place of refuge, because they have a terrible home life.  Some may rely on the guidance of teachers, and support staff to help them. In the past we have seen more accidents and tragedies that have been related to school violence. School violence is youth violence that can occur on school property, or at school related events.  There are many things that can cause youth violence, and I have learned that a child's environment can be

An Ode to My Future Husband

This was on my heart, and I had to share and write this with my audience.  It is no surprise that I am single and seeking.  I have been in prayer, reading, listening, and preparing myself for a healthy relationship.  This is one area of my life that has been on hold for a season. I had a need for the Holy Spirit to clean up this area of my life.  It had to be cleaned up from all the past hurts, and wounds that I had collected over the years.  The heart break that almost destroyed my trust.  The experience (s) that have taught me much needed lessons, not to mention the tears that I have cried over the abuse I had to endure. Thank God for healing!  Hallelujah The Holy Spirit will do it!✝️. As I prepare for a potential relationship I have found a another source of untapped happiness.  I have written this piece to express what I desire, and it was a pleasure to write.  Enjoy and be blessed, and yes this "churchgirl" prays about everything even meeting the right man. 🙏👑🤴

Work on Me Lord

God has really been dealing with me about healing, and I have found myself looking back at how far I have come in my journey.  When I first made the choice to become better, I have to admit the inside of me was a real mess. I have been looking back at my journals just to see what changes have taken place in me, and I am amazed at how my life has been redefined.  I have been through the fire, yet I have not been consumed.  I was lost and broken, but now I am free, and healed of what has pained me.  I have allowed God to do a work on me, and the Holy Spirit has not failed me.  I will continue to look unto the Lord, and the God in me to keep striving towards the mark.  My focus is to keep going forward to health, happiness, and overall wellness.  Below is a post that was written sometime ago.  I feel that it may help someone who needs healing.  Feel free to fill out the contact form and subscribe.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity. Okay, I have started thi

Day Break

Wow what a lovely day.. there is nothing  more beautiful than waking up each morning looking at the sun rise.  I am excited , because each day has been made new, and we have been given a fresh opportunity to begin again. As I lift my hands to Jesus I am thankful for every breath that I take.  I could have been so many things this morning, but I am still here for another day's journey.  There are people this morning with real problems.  There are sick people, those that are confined to their hospital beds.  There are people who are hurting this morning.  There are people in prison that are suffering, and there are those that are walking free, but they are in a mental prison.  Lord that could be me this morning, but look at God this morning.  I got my legs to walk, I got my mouth to talk.  I got a voice to praise the Spirit, and I got eyes to see.  No offense some people say the Universe, but I say look at GOD this morning.. look at God working at Day all of his majesty

Walking in Singleness and Celibacy

Recently I had a chance to read some articles on singleness and celibacy, and here is what I have observed.  I am happily saved, single, and seeking, or should I say hoping to be sought.  I have been walking in singleness and celibacy for a long time now. We live in a society, and world that has a variation of opinions about the subject of sex ,and whether it is right to engage in it before marriage.  Just for the record I am a firm believer of the scriptures, and understand that as individuals we make our own choices. e standards of the world.  The fact is, God is calling us to live by a higher standard of life.  Society has glamorized certain lifestyles, and many young people feel like they should be included in it.  Most of them feel that being popular is better than having morals and values. Can we live by the world's standards, and still please God?  The Bible says in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform  to the pattern of this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of

A Defeated Mindset..Who? Me?

Another week has begun, and the summer is in full swing.  The children are off from school, and that means extra busy mode for me. My prayer life is one of those things that I treasure.  That is my personal time to talk with the Lord about everything.  In the presence of God I can let go, and be myself.  My father knows me, and my relationship with God is vital. Even with all the distractions of life I can find peace in prayer.  There is nothing greater than prayer. Today I want to minister about a defeated mindset.  The fact is I refuse to live with one.  With all the stuff that has been deposited in the mind on a daily basis it only makes sense to remove the clutter.  You wouldn't sit around in a messy house would you?  Just like your house, or your vehicle you have to clear the clutter in your mind. A sick defeated mindset can make you think on a lower level, and yes I will raise my ✋ I have been guilty of negative pessimistic thinking.  My hope is to help teach the mass

Poem Man of Valor

One day I have the hope to be blessed with a true man of Valor.  This is a poem that was written to express my thoughts on what a man of Valor should be for a woman of Virtue blessings. Every woman deserves a man that is always available for her needs A man is a protector and a provider by nature It is a real man's obligation to take care of his family Every woman deserves a man that is gentle in spirit but he knows how to lead without being abusive A real man is not afraid of a little rain He knows that God is a refuge through the storm Every woman deserves a man That will stand strong in the time of opposition He knows that God has blessed him with a help mate that will stand by his side Every woman deserves a man that has the love of God and knows that he is made in the image of Christ He will take his family to the house of God Every woman deserves a man that will respect her He knows that she is all he needs in his life If a man has more th

Proverbial Scriptures

My ministry stands for so many things, but nothing is more important than having virtue and being the woman that God has called me to be.  My goal is to help young women reach their full potential.  I want to help them see themselves as the Lord sees them. Each woman is unique, and beautiful in her own way.  We are all uniquely designed, and we all have value, worth, and purpose. Today's post is simply designed to take a look at scriptures concerning the woman of virtue, value, and vision.  Enjoy as you read, and until next time may God richly bless you with peace and prosperity. Proverbs 31 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing in value She bring him good, and not harm all the days of her life She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands bringing her food from afar she gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portio

Depression, Suicide, and Preventiom

There are thousands of people right now that is suffering with depression, suicide,and low self esteem.  They feel that the value of their life is worthless. These people silently cry at night.  They may feel hopeless, and don't want to live anymore.  It is not money, materialistic things, or "worldly things" that makes them happy.  In fact some have everything money can buy, yet these individuals are suffering in silence.  Yes, it can be your mother, father, sister, brother, or your children.  It can be the postal worker, or your neighbor next door.  You can't look at a person, and tell if he or she is okay. For the next two days I will talk about suicide and depression.  This is more than a sad day in the lives of people.  Below is a piece that highlights what can cause depression and suicide.  There are many factors.  Let this piece minister to your heart, and let us pray for individuals that need help. How many do you know have been victims of domestic viole

Praying and Serving

I think that prayer is vital to every believer's walk.  Prayer is my intimate time to share with the Lord.  Sometimes I have to unplug from everything, and spend some personal time with my Father.  Within the sweet presence of the Lord I always find peace, solitude, and love.  When I feel overwhelmed by the world.. prayer rejuvenates my weary soul and mind.  Lately I have been praying several times a day, and I cannot tell you how good I feel.  My time with my Father has not been in vain.  Below I written a piece about prayer and serving other people.  Sometimes life can be overwhelming.  Make sure you stay connected to your source.  Never cease praying, and keep believing for what you have need of.  Let this piece minister to your heart, and I hope you will be blessed. If you continue to wait for your dreams to come true, do you think that life will pass you by? If you allow the opinions of other people to mold your character, are you believing in yourself? If you are sit

Faith and Doubt Cannot Coexist Together

Okay I know this comes a little late at night, but I had to write, and minister about the importance of believing and doubting. Recently, I have been in prayer believing God for several things.  I have been fervently seeking his face, and asking for the things in which I have need of.  Since I have been in prayer there have been some valleys, and some mountains that I have needed to climb out of, and climb up to reach y goals. I have been praying several times a day, because I am expecting results from God.  Below I have written a piece titled Believing and Doubt cannot go hand in hand.  You either have faith, or you doubt what you are hoping for will not come to past.  Let these words minister to your heart, and may God richly bless you with peace and prosperity.   Part of being a believer is having faith.  Faith can be seen as having total trust or, confidence in God.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says "It is written: I have believed, therefore I have spoken with the same spirit

Not Worrying but Resting in the Word

Oh my weary mind.  How many times have you felt like you were losing your mind?  As a mother I am always busy thinking about the welfare of my children, and all the obligations that come along with being a single parent.  Yes, there have been days where worry has found its way in especially during the time that one of my children was sick. As a mother of two special needs sons that have multiple disorders there is always opportunity for worry to creep in.  Over the years I have learned to trust God, and cast all my cares on him.  When I am weary I remember the loving words throughout the Bible that lets me know that God is always there for me. Below is a piece that has been written to remind us that we should rest and not worry.  Let this minister to the innermost part of your heart.  There are so many things that we can fear, but the love and the confidence that we have in the Spirit of God helps us to know that he will never leave nor forsake us.   If we trust in the Lord why d

Keeping Joy while Your Dreams Manifest

The piece below is an article that I had written for the newspaper.  I was getting ready to be a new mother, and I was elated in preparing for the birth of my first son.  From that moment I had the pleasure of birthing three more children into the world. I believe that experience provides us with life's lessons that can teach, and provide us with guidance or help.   The Bible says in Habakuk 2:2 " And the  Lord  answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." As you read this piece I hope that it will minister to you about your dreams and goals.  I believe that we should be excited about our dreams, and have an expectation of having those dreams come into manifestation. When I first found out that I was pregnant I was elated.  Like most new mothers I had to follow the directions that my doctor had given to me.  It was amazing to see my body go through the pregnancy process.  Every week there was som