
Showing posts from 2013

A Long Distance Love Story for Christmas

It was June of 2011 when I met the most precious man of God.  I was perusing sites online, and posting my latest post on my blog.  I was feeling rather low, and had a pile of holiday blues playing in my mind.  My head was spinning from all the deadlines that I had to meet before the holidays had started.  I was really not in the mood to hear my friends chirp about their plans for the holidays, because I knew that I would be home for Christmas and New Year.  I had made plans for a simple dinner with my family, and fun with the children.  I had no plans to go on dates, or hang out with the single ladies.  On the other hand I did have a pile of books that I had been trying to read for along time.  I had constantly checked my mail looking for missed emails from my editor, or writing assignments that I had wanted to do.  There was a particular email that I was reading that caught my eye.  This African man had sent me an email and it told me not to worry that restoration was coming, and Go

The Best Gift at Christmas

For unto us a King is born in the city of Bethlehem. He lay in the manger next to his mother Mary. All have come to adore this sweet child by bringing him gifts. A star shining in the night symbolizing the birth of the Messiah. We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for he is the reason for the season. Jesus Christ has given his life for us to be free. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich; yet for your sakes he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich." Those that have not are rich through our Lord Jesus Christ. He, the Son of God did not have a place to lay his head. Luke 9:58 says "Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head." Jesus lived a simple life, and he was very open with the people. He was not conceited even though he knew that he was royalty. I love Jesus, because he gave himself for all mankind. H

Cures for The Holiday Blues

You know this time of year can be tough for singles.  I have seen many people get depressed just because they want to be in a loving relationship.  When you think about it, the holiday season is full of expressions of love, family, and all types of joy.  There are many reasons why people are single, it could be the death of a loved one, or separation and divorce.  Many of us singles have found it to be extremely hard to happy this time of year.  When you are hurting there are some people that will not relate to what  you are feeling.  There may be a myriad of things that may distract you from seeking God. The kids are home from school and they are extra active, you have bills that need to be paid, and you don't have the money.  You want to buy Christmas presents, but you have to buy food for the house.  I have been there.  In the past I had so many reasons why I was depressed.  I would throw myself a pity party, because I was divorced.  I would sit, and remember all the things th

The Holidays Are Here Again

Praise the Lord everybody!!  We know the holiday season has been very busy, and there never seems to be enough time in the day to get things done.  There is cooking, shopping, work, kids, school, and everything else that is on your list.  You have so much to get done before Christmas, and you have started to feel stress and pressure.  This time of year many people have become stressed, because it is the holidays.  Some have felt the pains of depression, and the are suffering from the blues.  I want to let you know that you do not have to feel stress and depression.  This can be a stressful time for some people, but it can also be a time of joy and happiness.  The Holy Spirit can provide you with the peace and joy you need.  This week on my blogs  I will discuss how I keep my stress levels low, and how prayer helps me keep my focus. I would like to say Happy Birthday to my youngest son Daniel.  Today he is 10 year old!! God keeps blessing my family, and I am so thankful.  Until next

Worldly or Godly Standards

This week I will be talking about acceptance.  I have noticed that many young women want to serve God, and live by the standards of the world.  The fact is, God is calling us to live by a higher standard of life.  Society has glamorized certain lifestyles, and many young people feel like they should be included in it.  Most of them feel that being popular is better than having morals and values. Can we live by the world's standards, and still please God?  The Bible says in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will."  As Christians we should live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. We are made in the image of God, and we are representatives of our Father.  That means that everything we do is being reflected, and the world is looking at us.  We are examples to the world.  Matthew 5:14 says " You are t


Lord I thank you for all that you have called me to be I am content and satisfied with being the woman that I am When I look in the mirror I can see that I am delightfully and wonderfully made I am made in the image of the Most High God and I am thankful that God is my Father I was designed to win in every situation I was designed to be more than a conqueror I am a victor in every situation of my life I accept that I am a child of God That means that I will have victory Life in abundance and unsound joy Jehovah Yahweh is the Lord of my life I look to Him in all things My Father knows that I love Him I am accepted into His family For all eternity I am a woman of God Destined to do many great things I am a mother I am a soldier in the army of the Lord Yeshua Jesus is my Savior I am love I am peace I am virtuous I am accepted I am a child of God No matter where we are the world God loves us all.  It is easy to spread hate, but it is better to spread love.  T

An Atitude of Gratitude

Last week I had one of the biggest scares in my life.  It was last Tuesday morning, and it was a typical day in our household.  I had awakened at 5:00 a.m., and prepared myself for the day.  The kids had been awakened at 6:00 a.m., and they were in their usual mood.  We went through our normal routine, and had fun during the morning of preparations.  I never end the morning routine without a word of prayer.  Like always we hug and kiss and say our goodbyes. After the children had gone I had a sense of peace from the morning prayer.  There was nothing unusual going on so I had continued with my normal routine.  At around 7:30 the neighbor was ringing the doorbell. She had her oldest daughter by her side, and her eyes were filled with tears.  She said " I am not trying to scare you, but a lady just called me, and reported that a man has our babies held hostage on the bus."  My jaw dropped in dismay , and I was scared out of mind.  Tears had started to flow, and I lost my tr

Desiring to Make a Change

For many years now I have been trying to reach a healthy weight.  I will confess that I have tried every diet known to man.  I have joined the gym numerous times in the past, with the intent to get the body that I have often dreamed of.   Some things that I have done have been successful, but other attempts have failed.  I will say that a lack of motivation has made it extremely difficult to stay on a diet, and I feel that it has been a mistake to be on one.  One day I had to examine myself,  and find out what the Bible had to say about self discipline.  It is a fact that I am the one that has to control my food intake.  I have to look in the mirror, and feel comfortable with my body.  At some point I knew I needed to make a change. Earlier this year I had a made up mind to change my life, and gain control of my  health.  Instead of being on the dieting yo yo, I have made some permanent lifestyle changes.  These changes have given me some amazing results, and new ideas about how I

When There Seems to Be No Way Out

I know that there are times in your life that you simply don't know what to do.  You constantly look for ways to ease the pain that you are feeling.  You forgot that today would have been your 15th anniversary, but you divorced several years ago.  Friends and family do not seem to understand why you have not remarried, or at least dated a little.  You want to get out and mingle, but you are terrified of loving someone again, in fear that he/she may hurt you.  The children insist that you get out of the house to go watch a movie, but you are consumed with the idea that you have to take care of them 24/7.  It is hard for you to let go of the idea that the kids are getting older, and you can relax a little bit.  It is around nine in the morning, and you have been contemplating about your life,  you have examined every inch of yourself, and every aspect of yourself.  You have looked up and down for a solution, and have felt the anxiety of what you have been thinking.  It seems like

Something that Made Me Think

In some parts of the world many people are dying.  The very things that we may take for granted are the things that someone else may need to survive.  Something as simple as a plate of food, or a cup of water.  I was watching television last night, and I saw a commercial that touched my heart.  A group of small children were huddled around a water well.  They were holding cups waiting for a glass of fresh water.  I could tell that they were thirsty, and in need of a cool drink.  The missionary said that some people walk seven miles just to obtain water for that day. I thank God for providing all of my needs, and I pray that he will provide for them as well.    Blessed are those who have regard for the weak the Lord delivers them in times of trouble The Lord protects and preserves them they are counted among the blessed of the land he does not give them over to the desires of their foes The Lord sustains them on their sick bed and restores them from their illness. P

Smile Because Greater is Coming

I always tell my children to never give up on their dreams.  I want them to know that the sky is the limit when it comes to succeeding in this life.  I also want them to know that there will be storms that will come their way.  I am teaching them techniques, and ways to handle disappointment when it comes.  If I told them that life was going to be easy I would be setting them up for a world of disappointments and troubles. I have learned to smile through some of the most difficult moments in my life.  I had to smile while I waited to receive food at the local food bank.  I had to smile when I realized that my son became ill, and I had to smile when I had my surgery.  Some people ask me "How can you smile when your world is coming apart?"  I simply tell them "I know that God is working it all out."  Each day that I live I know that the Lord has something better planned for my life.  I can feel in my spirit that the Lord I is always there for me, and with that assur

Hope and Pray

HOPE AND PRAY   Dear child Why are you weeping? I want to dry your tears You do not have to cry I am here To be your comfort Have faith and believe Believe that I will help you My Father sent me So that you could live Your days in good health With longevity of life Come to me and find peace Have hope and pray God will answer you He cares for you love Have hope and pray   Copyright © Amanda Matthews   All of my hope is in the Lord, and my faith is in Him.  I know that the Lord is not like man that he will lie.  I have an assurance in God's Word that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  God is the true living God and HE is so worthy of all my praise. 

My Personal Request to My Father

MY PERSONAL REQUEST TO MY FATHER       Lord teach me patience Help me not to fear life Show me Lord The ways that I shall go Lead me down the right path I believe that you love me Lord I trust you with all my heart You are my Father And you keep your promises I believe that you will heal my body Restore me to the fullness thereof You will bless your handmaid To have more children I trust in the Lord with all my heart I will stand on my Father’s promises I know God will not let me down He is my Father He is not like the flesh The flesh has disappointed me Over and over again But God has loved me from the womb Praise God for all that he has done I love the Lord for all eternity     Copyright © Amanda Matthews   This poem is for those who may be struggling with infertility, and cannot have children.  God is able to do all things, and He can do the impossible.  Do not give up, and have faith that wh


Jesus Believe in what God has said May your sleep be peaceful? When you go to bed May your dreams be sweet with grace? May a smile be upon your face? The entire world Is his glory I will tell you about his story Born to a virgin named Mary Son of the Most high Lord of the worlds Son of perfection A light of the earth Sinless Perfect from the birth A friend A brother A father and a mother Helper Doctor Lawyer Keeper Healer Believer He is the keeper Of my soul And I declare that there is no other That is like the Lord       Copyright © Amanda Matthews         "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood."  Revelation 1:5        

Through The Storm

                                     Through the Storm     I have been through the storm I have been through the rain I have come a long way The Lord has been with me through the storm When the winds were blowing And the seas were overflowing I have come to the point That the Lord is my refuge He covers me with his wings Through the storm I have lost a lot along the way The Lord will give me back All that has blown away Through the storm The journey has been long I love the Lord For he has heard my cry I have come a long way Through the storm I can depend on the Lord              Copyright © Amanda Matthews This poem is dedicated to any one who has, or is struggling in life.  One thing that  we can depend on is the love of God, and He will never fail. 

I Am The Future

I am the future and I need you there We need your love and care I am a child of God His inheritance is mine Pray for me That my light may shine I am strong I am growing up in His word I will expand like a young tree I will grow to be Wise Strong Loving Bold in my character This the future I am your son I am your daughter                                                                                      I am your child                                              Copyright © Amanda Matthews 

A Deeper Look

  This is a journal of my daily life as a single mother, and the things that has caused some real challenges for me.   I have learned that real love is sacrificial, and it endures to the end.   After the separation of my family I am learning how deep love is.   Just months after my relationship ended my son was diagnosed with autism.   It was in the spring of 2008 when I had received the news.   I know that my son’s diagnosis was not a death sentence, but this was a very difficult time for me as a parent.   How could a single mother of four children take care of a special needs child?     I suddenly found myself becoming depressed.   I did not have a support system, and I felt the stress deep down in my body and spirit.   The only one that could help me out of this was God. I know I had to be strong for my children.   I was all that they had at this point.   The Bible says “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.   Take my yoke

The Confident Woman

A confident woman knows That she is made in the image of God She is the light of the world She can dance and she knows That God is in control She can shine her light In the darkest places She is the queen of her home She is a mother wife sister teacher preacher lover worker And she is the daughter Of the Most High God I am a confident woman I am a woman of God I am your sister This is who I am Copyright  © Amanda Matthews Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

My Reflection

My reflection  is sometimes a little fuzzy and I cannot figure out who I am.  I get a little tongue tied when people ask me about my identity.  I become a little afraid when I have to define who I am , and I cry when I become fearful.  Who am I  and what am I?  Who did God create me to be? Should I be all that I can be?, or should I be what the people want me to be.  I want to shout at the world, because I do not know who I am.  I have no clue when it comes to the will of God.  I feel like I have no purpose, and I feel like I have been created for nothing.  My heart is broken each time I hear the word purpose.  I have stammered when the subject has been presented to me.  Do have I worth in the eyes of God, or is there something that he has for me to do.  I feel a little confused about my life, and I just want to be me.  The other day I was talking to a woman of God , and she seem to understand how I was feeling.  She had listened attentively to what I had to say.  She did not judge

You Are Not Alone

Precious woman of God,   Do you know that God is calling you to a higher place?   I want to talk to all girls and  women.   This is for the woman who has experienced pain in her life.   How about the one that made a mistake, and is covered in shame?   Can I speak to you about the storms that life can blow your way?   This is for the women who have struggled with drug abuse.   What about the teen girls that have had abortions? What about the young ladies that are dying of AIDS? God says" I know you thought that I forgot about you, but I think of you all the time. "    You are not in the struggle alone.   We are in this together.   There is hope for you.   I know that you have been talked about, and people have written you off.   They  have said that you will never be anything, and they left you in the pit.   Keep your head up, and know that God sees all things.   They call him El-Shaddai, because he is God Almighty.   He is Jehovah Shalom, because he is the Lord of peace.

God's Blessings Over My Family

I was glancing at some photos of my family, and I can see how blessed I am.  Some things in life are free of charge, and I can say that I have it all.  With each photo there has been a special memory that has been created, and the memories will last a lifetime.  How often do you get to share a special moment with your children?  Those moments when they laugh, cry, discover their passion, or do really well at an event.  I am happy that I have been there for all of my children's first, and my prayer is to be there for everything in the future. There is nothing in this world that can replace all of the joy that I have with my children.  I have a relationship with each one, and we have a bond that is very strong.  Motherhood is a calling, and I hold this position in high regard.  It is more than just raising four children.  I am raising leaders for the future.   Hannah has the highest reading level in her class.  I am dedicated to help her succeed as a student and an artist.