My Reflection

My reflection  is sometimes a little fuzzy and I cannot figure out who I am.  I get a little tongue tied when people ask me about my identity.  I become a little afraid when I have to define who I am , and I cry when I become fearful.  Who am I  and what am I?  Who did God create me to be? Should I be all that I can be?, or should I be what the people want me to be.  I want to shout at the world, because I do not know who I am.  I have no clue when it comes to the will of God.  I feel like I have no purpose, and I feel like I have been created for nothing.  My heart is broken each time I hear the word purpose.  I have stammered when the subject has been presented to me.  Do have I worth in the eyes of God, or is there something that he has for me to do.  I feel a little confused about my life, and I just want to be me. 

The other day I was talking to a woman of God , and she seem to understand how I was feeling.  She had listened attentively to what I had to say.  She did not judge me , or try to change my mind.  She accepted me for who I was, and told me that I would find my voice and my identity.  She said some things that made me think.  In the past I would look at my reflection, and I hated everything that I had seen.  One thing that this woman told me has stayed with me until this day.  She said "God loves you so much.  He understands all about You.  He cares about you.  No matter what is going in in the world, or what people have said He is in love with you.  When you look at your reflection think about what he done on your behalf."  God gave His one and only Son as a sacrifice, and He would do it all again, because He loves US.  Never have a doubt in your mind that the Lord does not love US.  He created the heavens and the earth, and would give everything for His children.  What is greater than that? 

This article was inspired by the many young women that have struggled, or are struggling with depression, low self esteem, or suffering from abuse.  You are not alone, and God loves you so much, and so do I.  Keep your head up and be strong.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

When in the beginning things look cloudy keep walking with God and things will become clear.......and then you will be able to smile again..


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