My Personal Request to My Father



Lord teach me patience

Help me not to fear life

Show me Lord

The ways that I shall go

Lead me down the right path

I believe that you love me Lord

I trust you with all my heart

You are my Father

And you keep your promises

I believe that you will heal my body

Restore me to the fullness thereof

You will bless your handmaid

To have more children

I trust in the Lord with all my heart

I will stand on my Father’s promises

I know God will not let me down

He is my Father

He is not like the flesh

The flesh has disappointed me

Over and over again

But God has loved me from the womb

Praise God for all that he has done

I love the Lord for all eternity
Copyright © Amanda Matthews
This poem is for those who may be struggling with infertility, and cannot have children.  God is able to do all things, and He can do the impossible.  Do not give up, and have faith that what you desire will come to pass.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.




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