An Atitude of Gratitude

Last week I had one of the biggest scares in my life.  It was last Tuesday morning, and it was a typical day in our household.  I had awakened at 5:00 a.m., and prepared myself for the day.  The kids had been awakened at 6:00 a.m., and they were in their usual mood.  We went through our normal routine, and had fun during the morning of preparations.  I never end the morning routine without a word of prayer.  Like always we hug and kiss and say our goodbyes.

After the children had gone I had a sense of peace from the morning prayer.  There was nothing unusual going on so I had continued with my normal routine.  At around 7:30 the neighbor was ringing the doorbell. She had her oldest daughter by her side, and her eyes were filled with tears.  She said " I am not trying to scare you, but a lady just called me, and reported that a man has our babies held hostage on the bus."  My jaw dropped in dismay , and I was scared out of mind.  Tears had started to flow, and I lost my train of thought.  I said "Okay let me get myself together, and my faith immediately  started to kick in.  I could feel the panic and anxiety coming.  All types of thoughts were going through my mind, and I was not focusing on what I had learned the last time I had an emergency.

After a moment of prayer, and a long ride to the school I had better control of my emotions.  I had to talk to Jesus, and I had to pray.  I said "Lord I know that the children will be alright.  You are God and you are our protector."  Once I walked inside the school office they told me that they had captured the man that high jacked the bus, and the children, along with the bus driver was safe and sound.  I could feel my spirit rejoice, and I had to tell God thank you!!!!

Even in the mist of a problem (No matter how bad it looks) you can depend on God to see you through.  It may seem hard to trust Him, but know that He has everything in His power and control. For a brief moment I thought that I would never see my children again, but my faith in God kept me strong during a moment of weakness.

I have an attitude of gratitude, because I know that the Lord keeps an eye over me and my family.  I have to give a big thanks to the children's bus driver for her act of bravery.  She is being honored today for what she has done for the eleven students that was being held hostage on that bus. 

Each day that we have been blessed to see we should have an attitude of gratitude.  We do not know what the day will bring, and should be prepared at all times.  I am thankful, grateful, humble, and everything that that you can think of. 

This event has given me a different perspective on life, and has taught me not to sweat the small things in life.  Each day I live, learn, and grow.  My children are the loves of my life.  Next to God they have won me over, and are the greatest gifts from above.  Being a mother is a major calling and tiltle that I am honored to wear.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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