Something that Made Me Think

In some parts of the world many people are dying.  The very things that we may take for granted are the things that someone else may need to survive.  Something as simple as a plate of food, or a cup of water.  I was watching television last night, and I saw a commercial that touched my heart.  A group of small children were huddled around a water well.  They were holding cups waiting for a glass of fresh water.  I could tell that they were thirsty, and in need of a cool drink.  The missionary said that some people walk seven miles just to obtain water for that day.

I thank God for providing all of my needs, and I pray that he will provide for them as well. 

Blessed are those who have regard for the weak
the Lord delivers them in times of trouble
The Lord protects and preserves them
they are counted among the blessed of the land
he does not give them over to the desires of their foes
The Lord sustains them on their sick bed
and restores them from their illness. Psalms 41:1-3
I pray that the Lord will provide the needs of all His children.  My prayer is that all little children will have a warm place to stay, clean water, and something to eat.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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