A Long Distance Love Story for Christmas

It was June of 2011 when I met the most precious man of God.  I was perusing sites online, and posting my latest post on my blog.  I was feeling rather low, and had a pile of holiday blues playing in my mind.  My head was spinning from all the deadlines that I had to meet before the holidays had started.  I was really not in the mood to hear my friends chirp about their plans for the holidays, because I knew that I would be home for Christmas and New Year. 

I had made plans for a simple dinner with my family, and fun with the children.  I had no plans to go on dates, or hang out with the single ladies.  On the other hand I did have a pile of books that I had been trying to read for along time.  I had constantly checked my mail looking for missed emails from my editor, or writing assignments that I had wanted to do.  There was a particular email that I was reading that caught my eye.  This African man had sent me an email and it told me not to worry that restoration was coming, and God was getting ready to restore all that I had lost.  It was something about that email that caused me to read it three more times that night. 

Several days had passed and I received several more emails from *Donnie, and I was very much looking forward to what he was writing.  I truly believe that God will send people in your life to give you a message.  In August of 2011, we had started to email each other on a regular basis sharing stories about our lives, and talking about the goodness of God.  Not long after that we started to SKYPE each other, talk on the telephone, and instant message each other every day.  I had noticed that we were getting very close to each other.

With every prayer I have asked God could this man be the one for me.  We have shared so many stories, and have asked each other could it be possible that our relationship is meant to be.  It has been almost three years since our first conversation, and we have never met in person, but I am convinced that this is the man that God has placed in my life.  (God has a way of making miracles happen.)

I believe that true love can happen at anytime, and can occur in so many ways.  When God is involved in your life you can expect great things to happen.  This holiday season Donnie and I are making plans to meet each other for the first time next year!!  Many people may think that this is crazy, and I did to when it first occurred, but in most cases real love is more than just a feeling.

In the days to come I will post more about long distance love, and what the experience has been like.  I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and  very Happy New Year!!  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity!! 

I would like for you to meet my guy!!  Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I would like to encourage you to pray about everything.  Seek God in every aspect of your life for He knows all that you need, and He will grant you the desires of your heart.  "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. " Proverbs 19:20


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