Wherever I Am GOD is There Also Prayer

LORD I can remember a time
When I was in the dark pits of life
You pulled me out
You came to me during a time
That no one wanted to deal with me
Everybody turned their backs on me
You were there when I did not have a prayer
I was down
I was out
I was lonely
And I did not know where to turn
There was not a soul that would pick up the phone at four in the morning
I could remember crying in the night
I was lost
When I was hungry
Nobody would give me a piece of bread
When I was thirsty
People refused me water
When I needed a friend
Every body walked away from me
Through it all
You were there for me
When I was in a living hell you were there
When I was on my death bed
You were there
When I was battling with those demons
The voices that said I wasn't nothing
When i did not
And I could not love myself
You were there]
When the rent was due
When the bills needed to be paid
Thank you Jesus
You were there
Thank you FATHER for always being There for me
Thank you Father
For seeing me through my trials and tribulations
Thank you Jesus for being the living water
In a thirsty and dry land
You are giving me back
What the worms have eaten
LORD you are giving me fresh water
Living water
Healing water
Thank you Jesus
With you I shall hunger and thirst no more
Thank you Jesus
In Jesus name

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