The Importance of Being Treated Equally

Attention society everybody is not meant to be a sized 2!!!  I really don't know if I should be sad, or appalled by all the ridicule of plus sized individuals.  I know that everyone has an opinion, but some people have gone too far.  Yesterday I seen a woman in the store with her daughter, and a man that was standing behind her was very rude.  It was clear that he was agitated, and he let it be known how he felt.  He started yelling obscenities at the woman, and her child became very distraught.  It doesn't matter how you feel about an issue, a person should be respected at all times.  To call someone out of their name is not only distasteful, but there is a lack of good character and morals on the part of the individual that is causing the problem. 

How many plus sized do you see on a daily basis.  Let us not forget that these are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, and sons to someone.  It bothers me that society has become so shallow, and people do not care who they hurt.  It is getting to the point that young children want to get plastic surgery, getting eating disorders, suffering from mental disorders, and some have even taken their lives.  What are we teaching the next generation?  Are we raising a next level of bullies, but me no forget that adults are the ones that have been at the forefront for harassing plus sized people.
It is not just about plus sized individuals.  It is about the way we treat each other as a people. Every one is no the same, and each individual is unique.  If you are a size two, and you are happy good for you,but remember that there are people who are plus sized, and they are healthy and have high self esteem.  I think that some people take great pleasure in tearing down others.  I know that God does not approve this kind of behavior, because he is a loving GOD.  God has given me the scripture of Isaiah 53:1-3 to help with this article.  Isaiah 53:1-3 says "Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.  Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem."  Thank you Holy Spirit, even the scriptures has talked about the appearance of Jesus Christ.

We are all human, and yet we are not treated equal.  People are advocating to be accepted, and nobody really want to embrace and celebrate differences among individuals.  I am a plus sized African American woman, and I have been this way most of my life.  True I cannot change the color of my skin, but I can lose weight, but it is more than the outer appearance of an individual.  Why can't we see each other the way that God sees us?  I know that we may not agree with all things, but there should be a level of respect for ALL people.  After all how can we teach our children about love, respect, and peace if we as adults are NOT living by example. 

I am Evangelist Amanda Matthews, and I bring the good news by ways of the written word.  We have too many people that are suffering silently, and they are dying emotionally and mentally before they ever die physically.  I pray for all of you.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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