Seasons of Change

There are so many times that I have wondered about the world around me.  I have conversated with so many people, and they leave me with so many thoughts.  This is one of those mornings where the Spirit is really touching my mind, and my SPIRIT.  It is a day where I have been studying the WORD of GOD, and I am really meditaing the simple that says "Be still and know that I am GOD."  In the BIBLE it tells us to be anxious for nothing and everything  to GOD in prayer, and I have been thinking about what that really means when I apply that to my life.

There have been seasons where  I have been so anxious, and I had lost my focus.  I was busy with trying to do everything, until the SPIRIT just had to say daughter be still.  I dont know if you have labored through anxiety, and you just had to have eerything in line, but I can hear the SPIRIT say be still, and know that I am God.  Sometimes in life people can be clueless about what you face.  They can be unaware of what you go through, and it is true that no one is obligated to help you go through your season of uncertainty, pain, grief, or simple lonliness.  I have had times where I had to pace the floor, and lay out before the LORD.  If anyone can understand those late nights GOD can.

You may be in a place right now, and you are in a season of uncertainty.  Do not worry GOD will see you through.  You may feel as though the world does not understand, but there is GOD he will uphold you.  There may be sleepless nights, and there may be no one to call on, but GOD is a friend that will stick closer than a brother.  Let me tell you GOD is a comforter in the midnight hour.  He will wipe your tears away.

I want to leave you with this teaching and tesatimony on brokeness and restoration.  May GOD restore you,and bring you to a place of healing in Jesus name Amen

Brokenness is defined as a separation of two or more pieces.  It can be sundered by divide, separation, or disertion. It can on relation to broken, a broken marriage, or something as simple as a broken promise.

In simpler terms brokenness is being incomplete, or a state of disarray and disorder.  Many people see brokenness, and refer to it as just being broken before God, but I want to talk about emotional and mental brokenness.

I hope that you will sit back and read my story.  Let me minister to your heart and spirit.  You may find that you or someone you know has suffered from being broken and hurt.  Psalms 34:18 says "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in the Spirit".  This is a series of lessons and posts on brokenness and healing.

I want to deeply minister to the women that have been touched by the brokenness of divorce, mental emotional, and physical abuse.  Maybe you have dealt with abandonment and dissertion.  I want to talk about the shattered pieces of lives that have been touched by life's issues.  I have rarely talked about my issues , and experience with abandonment, and I know that my story will help someone, or many of you find a starting place for your healing.

My life after divorce has been a journey, but I can say that I have been healed and set free from the chains of past hurts, and the trauma of divorce.  There is a place where my brokenness by abandonment had begun, and today I will share my story.

I think that my brokenness had began as a little girl.  I had to grow up in a single parent home, and a father was not present. I had no father, or a male role model in my life.  My mother had done the best she could to make ends meet, and yes the spirit of poverty ha followed me throughout my childhood and teen years.

Ad a teenage girl.  I had to watch my mother sit in her depression and sorrow.  As a young woman I was left with the fragments of her depression, and the feelings of abandonment.  I was a young lady that had felt so incomplete.  Upon entering my first year of college I was shattered, and had deep resentment the man that had donated his sperm and DANA.

There were no visits, phone calls, cards, or letters from this man.  He didn't seem to want to acknowledge me as a living and breathing human being.  You see my abandonment issues had started from a lack of a father.  It may have also contributed to my poor choices of potential dates in the past.  Sometimes we think there is no connection to the past, but in actuality there is definitely interconnectedness with the past, present, and the future.

Over the next few days I will talk about what has caused my brokenness, and how God has healed me of all my emotional and mental pain.  I want to help you heal from your pain, and you come back to life feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to receive your new wine.  An old wine skin cannot hold new wine.  After all there may be a home in the Old wine skin, and all of your wine may leak out.  We are vessels of God, and we don't want to lose our newness to the old pains of yesterday.  The Bible says "Therefore if man man be in Christ he I'd a new creation (creature) old things are passed away; behold all things are becoming new".  (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I hope that you have been blessed.  Join me again tomorrow for more on brokenness.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.
 When you are broken you can't see or think clearly
But once you are healed you can see clearly and you can smile again

Image of broken glass courtesy of Dreamstine.


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