Yes I am Thankful

I am so thankful that I am wonderfully made in the image of God.  He designed us in a unique way.  Society can sometimes make us feel inferior about who we are, but God's Word remind us that we are made in his image.  We have the image of God, we have the Spirit of God, and we are a blessed people.

Below is a piece I have written about being made in the image of our Father.

Lord I thank you for all that you have called me to be
I am content and satisfied with being the woman that I am
When I look in the mirror I can see that I am delightfully and wonderfully made
I am made in the image of the Most High God and
I am thankful that God is my Father
I was designed to win in every situation
I was designed to be more than a conqueror
I am a victor in every situation of my life
I accept that I am a child of God
That means that I will have victory
Life in abundance and unsound joy
Jehovah Yahweh is the Lord of my life
I look to Him in all things
My Father knows that I love Him
I am accepted into His family
For all eternity
I am a woman of God
Destined to do many great things
I am a mother
I am a soldier in the army of the Lord
Yeshua Jesus is my Savior
I am love
I am peace
I am virtuous
I am accepted
I am a woman of God
I am a man of God
I am a child of God

No matter where we are the world God loves us all.  It is easy to spread hate, but it is better to spread love.  Thank God for all that he has done for us.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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