Transformation Intrinsically and Outwardly

In this day and time it seems like most people are looking for perfection. Society has placed such an emphasis on "looking good".  Most things in life are personal choice, and we as humans decide what we want to do.

As I go through my transformation I am continuing to learn about self love, respect, and worth.  While in my Brokenness I had self hatred.  I really didn't understand who I was, not did I know the woman that God wanted me to be.  There was so much confusion I didn't have the knowledge of self, and I did not accept me.

Today's post gives me a chance to minister about self love, worth, and respect.  There is importance in accepting and loving yourself.  Transformation is turning yourself around for the better.  I have titled this post.. "A Change In You"

Sometimes experience has a way of teaching me lessons that I will never forget.  While sitting here having my evening coffee, I can look back over my life to see how I have changed, and how I am continuing to evolve, or grow in every aspect of my life.

I thank God that most things are not instantaneous, and have learned that patience, and perseverance are very relevant in most cases of my life.  I have been taking the time to study me, and do an evaluation on myself.  It has been a very powerful journey so far.  I am currently looking at the present, and had to examine my possible future.  I am very comfortable in my present life.

My weight loss is going at a steady pace.  The pace reminds me of a long distance runner who has been trained to build his speed at a gradual pace.  My changes are happening, but I am achieving more than just weight loss.  I am learning to let time and patience have its perfect work in my life.  James 1:4 says "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may mature and complete not lacking nothing."  NIV

Over the past six months my spiritual growth has been astounding.  Celebrating my womanhood has been phenomenal, and being in motherhood has taught me  an appreciation for the creation of life, child rearing, and being responsible for these precious little humans.  My sense of nurturing and teaching are at a heightened level.  I am so glad for every lesson that I have learned thus far in my life.  There is an appreciation for both the good in the bad that has entered my life.  I know that there is a learning process at every level of growth.  Thank God there is no competition with other people, and I am continually being transformed in my mind and spirit.

I have not reached my goal weight yet.  I will celebrate the here and now.  I celebrate me in the present.  I also celebrate what life is teaching me in the present.  I do not regret where I am at this point in time.  I am embracing life right now, while I continue  to run on, climb up. and work hard to reach my highest point of achievement, self actualization, and many levels of growth.  Until next time may God bless you with peace, prosperity, and remember to always be inspired.


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