God's Love is Perfected

Today I am standing in the sweet presence of God.  His love has surrounded me all morning.  While in prayer with another sister in Christ I could tell that God was in the mist of us.

Her prayer was sweet and gentle, and God was in the center of our prayer circle.  Did it matter to God that we were of different races?  People have placed too much emphasis on the color of an individuals skin.  What if God truly looked at our skin color the way man does?  If his love is perfected in us why is there so much hate among mankind?  Most people have chosen to hate rather than love their brother or sister.  Just how much of God is being radiated in our everyday lives?  God's love is REAL!

Today think about how God's love is being portrayed in our society.  Fat shaming, racist remarks, hate crimes, discrimination against disabled people, socioeconomic division, hate towards an individual, because he/she can't afford a plate of food, and the list goes on.  My brothers and sisters hate goes beyond the list I just mentioned.  If we believe God is love why is there such a display of hatred and division.  Life is not just black and white anymore.

Below I have written a piece titled "The Way God Loves". In reality we know that racism, hate, and divisions exist on all levels, but we as humans can change the world with love.  Let this piece minister to your heart, and the love of God will be perfected in us all. ♥️

The best thing about God is
He is just a prayer a way
He does not discriminate against me for the color of my skin.
He s not concerned about my clothes
Or the way I wear my hair
He is not bothered about what I have watched on T.V
Or who I talked to
God is not concerned about how much money I have
Or how many degrees I have earned
He does not care about the car I drive
Or the type of house that I live in
I am glad that he is in love with me
And He is concerned about me as a person
He loves me unconditionally
Where would I be
If Jesus had not come and died on the cross
There is no greater love
Than the one that He provides for me

Copyright © Amanda Matthews

There is no greater love than the love of God.  There are no barriers that can keep me from His love.  God is love and He cares for ALL of His children.  There is no one that is omitted from this love, and we can always depend on the assurance of God's love.  We should not fear, or be afraid of anything when it comes to the love of God.  God heals, and he saves.  I will always say that I have a joy and a love that the world did not give to me.  Yeshua Christ our Lord and Savior has done it all for me.  It is His love that has set me free.  All my praise and love goes to God, the lover of my soul.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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