We Will Become Holy Women of God

  When I started this blog I had three things in mind.  I wanted to glorify God, encourage His people, and do what God created me to do.  Being a woman is powerful, and phenomenal.  I love what God created in me, and I am confident that I will succeed in doing His will.  True I am not perfect I will continue to strive to be the best.  As I read the scriptures this morning I am contemplating about Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." 

I am the woman that God has called me to be.  I am proud, and I know that my body is my Father's temple.  I honor God with my mind, heart, body, and soul.  I stand in the mist hungry, and thirsty for the living God.  I am saying no to depression, sin, addictions, and abuse.  In God's eyes I am worth more than silver and gold.  Even though I have been told that I would never amount to anything I am still standing.  Once in my life I was at the end of the line, and the bottom of the barrel.  Now God is getting ready to make me the head, and not the tail.  He is going to raise up a nation that will obey.

God is going to restore his original plan for the family, and raise up a generation of women that will be strong in the Lord.  Even in these last days we can stand up, and make a difference in this world.  In times like these we can still be a great, and vibrant people.  Women of God it is time that we take action for the sake of our values.  Self worth, respect, and esteem are things that should not be taken for granted.  I know that some of you are broken, and you have been hurt.  The storms may rage in your life, but know that God is a refuge in a time of trouble.  I refuse to worry about tomorrow, and what it may bring.  I know that the Lord will see us through.  I am standing in the gap for every young woman that will die from HIV.  I am standing for the woman that will be disfigured by domestic violence.  I am speaking for the woman that is suffering from depression, and struggling with addiction.  I am a voice for  a single mother that is doing her best to raise her children.  Keep standing in the mist of the storm.

God is greater than anything that the devil wants you to claim.  We are the children of the Most High God.  Today I will come against all the problems of this life.  I will claim the victory, and give God the glory that he is due.  I will no longer be a victim, but I will be a victor when I cross the finish line.  We have to forgive those that have talked about us, and have taken advantage of our kindness.  Sometimes we become so consumed with the world that we forget about the love, and comfort that the Lord will provide.  Let us praise God for what he is getting ready to do.  I pray that you have been blessed by these words.  Keep holding on the promises of God, and follow your heart.  Always try to reach your highest goal,and always keep the faith.  Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.


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