As we look at the last few months of 2010 I contemplate about the people that have lived, loved, and learned the lessons of life.  Those that have known the versatility of disappointments, and the rewards that life can bring.  Many that have paved roads of gold and others that have left their marks for us to see.  Yet their voices are still drifting in the wind.  They are whispering a soft breeze of wisdom in our ears.  The bridges that were built, and the roads that were traveled represent the people that once inhabited the earth.  Though the bridges were burned, and the journey was long our ancestors left us a pot of gold.  This is a people that have been through the struggle, and they survived.
We are the people that will lift every voice to sing the praises to God.  For he is King of kings, and Lord of lords.  Jesus Christ gave his life for us to live.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  I am excited about the challenges that the new year is bringing in my life.  I have several new projects in the works that I will present in 2011.  My biggest project is my non profit organization.
In my heart I believe that children are the most precious gifts that God has given to all mankind.  The innocent glow in their eyes can become dim if wed don't encourage, and help them  along the way.   There is a chance that they will live, love, and learn the lessons of life.  Bridges will continue to be built, roads will be traveled, and our ancestors will continue to motivate us.  Many leaders will emerge from this generation.  We have a treasure full of golden opportunities waiting to be explored. 
As a mother I must pray, fast, and meditate on the word of God.  I must stay focused on the purpose that God has for me.  I am a child of God, and he is worthy to be praised.  There is a place for all in God's kingdom.  The love of our Father is unconditional, and salvation is free.  Let us as a people motivate our children to be the best at everything.  WE are the leaders that will save our children from falling in the pit.  Through our leadership children can have hope, and be inspired to live, love and learn.  Until nest time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

Today's scripture is Proverbs 23:10 "Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path."


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