I was awakened this morning by the sounds of little feet running through the house.  My youngest daughter decided to be the alarm today.  By the excitement in her voice you would have thought it was Christmas morning.  She transitioned from one room to the next yelling for her brothers, and sister to get up.  All would have been well, but it was 5:00 in the morning.  With the thought of sleep on my mind I jumped up to see what was going on.  To my surprise my baby had fixed breakfast for the family.  She had bowls full of cereal, and the milk had spilled on the table.  As she struggled to get the spoons, I could see that she was very determined to finish the task that she had started.

Today my daughter is my inspiration.  She put her little heart, and soul into fixing breakfast.  When I think about all the effort that she out into her surprise, I am forced to think about my own goals.  At times I can get a little discouraged about the plans that I have made for my life.  Being a single mother is not the easiest job in the world.  Raising four children alone is very hard, but I am determined to give them the best life possible.  The whole purpose of this blog is to give someone some encouragement.  I refuse to give up on my goals.  I am determined to be the best at what I do.  God knows that I am not perfect, and I will make mistakes.  I am so happy, and I love the life that God has given to me.  I only have one life to live, and I will live it to the fullest.  Keep your head up, and your eyes on the prize!

Today's scripture comes from the book of Psalm 145:1-2 the word says"I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.  Every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever."


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