Learning to follow directions helps in life

  When I first found out that I was pregnant I was elated.  Like most new mothers I followed the instructions that the doctor had given to me.  During my sixteenth week of pregnancy I found out that I was having a son.  For nine months I prepared for the birth of my son. On Mother's day in the year of 2002 I had a beautiful red headed baby.  I discovered that he needed a lot of attention.  The first few months were very overwhelming.  Over time it has become easier to be a mother, and I have given birth to three more children.  I think that childbirth is one of the most amazing processes in life.  I love my children with all my heart.  They are true blessings from God.
At the age of seven I discovered that words could make magic.  I became impregnated with a dream.  It happen when I had written my first song.  From that point on writing has become a passion, and a way of expression.  After I developed a personal relationship for God my writing became full of passion.  As my relationship with God deepened my writing has more meaning.  I soon realized that this was a gift that God had given to me.  God the father helped me to birth my children into the world, and now he is helping me to give birth to my dreams.  Being pregnant with a dream is similar to be pregnant with a child.  You have to nurture that dream, and go through the process to help that dream come to pass.  Your vision can be as broad as your dream.  All you need to do is have faith, and believe that God will order your footsteps in his word.  I have a dream, and I am trusting in God for understanding.
Over the last two years I have been going through the process to start a non profit organization.  Through this organization I hope to promote love for self, virtue, and wellness of the body.  My goal is to help young people realize that they are valuable in the sight of God.  With the age epidemic still raging there is a need to promote education about the importance of protecting oneself from such a deadly disease. 
I am in the process of developing a newsletter that will linked to my organization.  All hope is in Christ,and the love for the things that matter to me the most.  My prayer is that God will raise leaders out of our generation, and they will not be afraid to help make a change.  Until next time may God richly bless you.


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