
Showing posts from June, 2019

Speaking Life, Doubting, and Having Faith

Speak life to your dead situations How many times have you been sitting in your home, or a place of thought and you had a detrimental situation that you just could not control.  As for me I have been dead broke in the middle of winter with no one to give a helping hand. I have had my back up against the wall with no one to call, and I have lived in some places that would make an average person question the scene. When I think about speaking life, I mean carrying those good vibes with you in  daily basis. I mean having that good energy that will carry you throughout the day.  It is that faith that catapults your belief in the MOST high GOD, and knowing that he has everything under control and he has given us what we need to make things happen.  Proverbs 18:21 says “ The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”  SO we know that everything we speak has a chance of manifestation. What are you saying to yourself?  What are you believin

Saturday Prayer

Dear LORD Today I want to thank you for this thing called life Father you did not have to do it But you done it anyway I thank you GOD That I am alive and well You have given me the activity of my limbs I can see I can speak I can walk and I can talk I can lift my voice to give you the praise And I am still able to live life on purpose LORD help me not to take this life for granted I am asking GOD That you will protect me from dangers seen and unseen I am asking that you help me To live this life to its fullest potential You are the true and living GOD You are the LORD of the Universe And all Creation Thank you LORD For this Holy Sabbath Your blessings May there be rest for the man and woman That labor all week May there be a consecration for the masses On this day LORD That you have made. Bless you LORD Thank you Jesus I pray In Jesus name AMEN Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of The Written Word and an advocate for Justice

Seasons of Change

There are so many times that I have wondered about the world around me.  I have conversated with so many people, and they leave me with so many thoughts.  This is one of those mornings where the Spirit is really touching my mind, and my SPIRIT.  It is a day where I have been studying the WORD of GOD, and I am really meditaing the simple that says "Be still and know that I am GOD."  In the BIBLE it tells us to be anxious for nothing and everything  to GOD in prayer, and I have been thinking about what that really means when I apply that to my life. There have been seasons where  I have been so anxious, and I had lost my focus.  I was busy with trying to do everything, until the SPIRIT just had to say daughter be still.  I dont know if you have labored through anxiety, and you just had to have eerything in line, but I can hear the SPIRIT say be still, and know that I am God.  Sometimes in life people can be clueless about what you face.  They can be unaware of what you go thr

Prayer for Wednesday

Dear LORD Sometimes my heart is so full of anguish When I think of this world My heart is troubled When I think of all the hate the we are surrounded by My Spirit is heavy when I think of all the people that are hurting FATHER you are love You are the epitome of love Why do we Father treat each other with unkindness? Why do we come to each other with raised fists? If we are truly brothers and sisters why do we shed blood from each other? FATHER just let me walk in your will Let me be the example that Christ wanted me to emanate Let me walk in the light of your love FATHER Let me walk in uprightness Let e walk with a pure heart towards my fellowman Any obscene thing that is not like you I pray LORD That you will guide me every step of the way I am confident LORD That you will walk with me No matter the cost I can rest assured knowing that you Will be by mu side LORD That you will never leave me nor forsake me When man has walked away When you have been disappoi

Prayer for Tuesday

Dear God Here I am before you I come to you as humble as I know how FATHER I ask you to watch over me today Keep me safe in your presence As I go about my life everyday GOD Help me treat people with respect and kindness Help me to treat them with love I thank you GOD That you have my best interests at heart GOD I have NOW FAITH I believe that you will do Exactly what you say you will do I Praise you FATHER LORD look in the hospitals Look down into the schools Protect the mothers fathers and children FATHER God You are the LORD You are able to do things That we cannot Give to those according to their needs Thank you FATHER In Jesus Christ precious name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Friday Prayer

Dear LORD We are almost at the end of the week And I thank you for all your love May your light shine down on us today LORD In the mist of all the things that are going in in this world God we can be thankful that you Are the LORD Bless the name of the LORD Thank you FATHER You have made a way for me May the blessings be upon all of your people Thank you JESUS I pray in your Holy name Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of a Written Word

Prayer for Thursday

Today prayer Dear LORD WE are in awe of you You are the truth You are the way  And you are the life Thank you Father That I have found you I am thankful That I know you LORD May we all rest well Under the protection of your love May your grace Be with us tonight  Thank you LORD In Jesus Christ  Precious name Amen

The Poverty Dwellers a Look at The Impoverished People

I have been talking about many things, but lately I find myself  coming in the defense of people who otherwise may not be able to help themselves.  Last week I had talked about things like fat shaming, and bullying.  I mentioned that some will assassinate the character of people with no known cause.  This subject is nit tasteful for some, but I am not here to entertain people.  I am here to talk about some things that people rarely talk about.  I ask myself all the time if GOD is love why do people have so much hate in their hearts?  We live in a world where the most vulnerable people are dying prematurely.  I am speaking about the ones that society has forgotten about, or should I say that society will ignore on purpose. For as long I can remember there has great stigma placed on the women and men that are on government assistance.  You hear names like "Welfare Queen", and "Government Assistance Queens"  Some may think that I am too sensitive about the subjects,

God is Where We Are

God I lift my eyes to heaven I have never been in a place of such vulnerability I can imagine All of the things that the Bible has said But Father I thank you for all your love You have been a beacon of light And LORD you have been a rock I can see that you love me You are the Creator of the Earth You make the seas to calm And you have counted the stars in the heavens You have prepared a place for me with you Whom shall I fear dear LORD Why should I be afraid When you are the maker of heaven and Earth God we abide by your WORD We listen in the quite To hear your small still voice Where we are You are there also I thank you Father For being in the mist of us For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Psalm 145 a prayer of David

I will exalt you,  my God the King;      I will praise your name  for ever and ever. 2  Every day I will praise  you      and extol your name  for ever and ever. 3  Great  is the  Lord  and most worthy of praise;      his greatness no one can fathom. 4  One generation  commends your works to another;      they tell  of your mighty acts. 5  They speak of the glorious splendor  of your majesty—      and I will meditate on your wonderful works. [ b ] 6  They tell  of the power of your awesome works—      and I will proclaim  your great deeds. 7  They celebrate your abundant goodness      and joyfully sing  of your righteousness. 8  The  Lord  is gracious and compassionate,      slow to anger and rich in love. 9  The  Lord  is good  to all;      he has compassion  on all he has made. 10  All your works praise you, Lord ;      your faithful people extol you. 11  They tell of the glory of your kingdom      and speak of your might, 12  so that all people may know of your mighty

Early Sunday Morning Prayer

Dear LORD Right now I am praying That you break every yoke of sadness Right now LORD there is someone LORD who is in grave pain FATHER they do not know which way they are going Dear LORD they are hurting and they do not know what they are going to do FATHER right now we need a fresh wind A fresh wind of peace And we need it now On every corner of the Earth FATHER right now Someone is travailing There body is covered in pain Right now LORD somone is grieving And they are suffering from a loss WE need you now LORD Every miniute And every hour LORD WE need you LORD I know that you are able to make it well For those who need you GOD In Jesus name I pray Amen

A Prayerful Thursday

Dear LORD Today I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding I keep my eyes on the one That can calm the sea I keep my focus on the one That can make death behave I give my heart to the one That will and can love me through anything I give myself to prayer this morning Consecration I humbly come to you O GOD Seeking your face I stand in awe of you When I am glancing at the sun I am reminded by your beauty When I look at the trees I can see that you are the Creator Though Jesus was just an average man He gave his life for many He is considered the King And the Prince of peace Who are we GOD That we come to worship Such a man I am a daughter of the MOST HIGH God And I will forever have a praise on my lips I thank you LORD For such a beautiful day In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a MInister of the Written Word

The Importance of Being Treated Equally

Attention society everybody is not meant to be a sized 2!!!  I really don't know if I should be sad, or appalled by all the ridicule of plus sized individuals.  I know that everyone has an opinion, but some people have gone too far.  Yesterday I seen a woman in the store with her daughter, and a man that was standing behind her was very rude.  It was clear that he was agitated, and he let it be known how he felt.  He started yelling obscenities at the woman, and her child became very distraught.  It doesn't matter how you feel about an issue, a person should be respected at all times.  To call someone out of their name is not only distasteful, but there is a lack of good character and morals on the part of the individual that is causing the problem.  How many plus sized do you see on a daily basis.  Let us not forget that these are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, and sons to someone.  It bothers me that society has become so shallow, and people do not care who

Psalm 143 Prayer

Hear my prayer, O  Lord , Give ear to my supplications! In Your faithfulness answer me, And  in Your righteousness. 2  Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, For in Your sight no one living is righteous. 3  For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to the ground; He has made me dwell in  [ a ] darkness, Like those who have long been dead. 4  Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me; My heart within me is distressed. 5  I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I  [ b ] muse on the work of Your hands. 6  I spread out my hands to You; My soul  longs  for You like a thirsty land.  Selah 7  Answer me speedily, O  Lord ; My spirit fails! Do not hide Your face from me, Lest I  [ c ] be like those who  [ d ] go down into the pit. 8  Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness  in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For  I lift up my soul to You. 9  Deliver me, O  Lord , from my enemies