
Showing posts from May, 2018

Ideologies, Truths, and Beliefs

Shalom, I believe that our biggest enemy is not made up of flesh and blood, but is made up of principalities of darkness, and things that are unseen.  Many are being deceived, because they believe that our biggest enemy is an individual, or a given group of people. Our beliefs can be based on the many ideologies that come from the minds of people.  Our thoughts can turn into ideas, and we put those ideas into action.  I do believe that the spirit , and the mind coincide closely together. I believe in a higher power, but I also believe that God works through me as an individual, or works through us as a people.  Someone told me that no man knows if there is a heaven, or a hell unless he has tasted death.... just a thought of how other people perceive their own ideologies. My belief is you cannot change the belief, or the hearts of man.  Nor can you take religion out of him/her, nor can you take him/her out of religion.  The separation, and division comes within towns, cities, and

Transformation Intrinsically and Outwardly

In this day and time it seems like most people are looking for perfection. Society has placed such an emphasis on "looking good".  Most things in life are personal choice, and we as humans decide what we want to do. As I go through my transformation I am continuing to learn about self love, respect, and worth.  While in my Brokenness I had self hatred.  I really didn't understand who I was, not did I know the woman that God wanted me to be.  There was so much confusion I didn't have the knowledge of self, and I did not accept me. Today's post gives me a chance to minister about self love, worth, and respect.  There is importance in accepting and loving yourself.  Transformation is turning yourself around for the better.  I have titled this post.. "A Change In You" Sometimes experience has a way of teaching me lessons that I will never forget.  While sitting here having my evening coffee, I can look back over my life to see how I have changed, and h

God's Love is Perfected

Today I am standing in the sweet presence of God.  His love has surrounded me all morning.  While in prayer with another sister in Christ I could tell that God was in the mist of us. Her prayer was sweet and gentle, and God was in the center of our prayer circle.  Did it matter to God that we were of different races?  People have placed too much emphasis on the color of an individuals skin.  What if God truly looked at our skin color the way man does?  If his love is perfected in us why is there so much hate among mankind?  Most people have chosen to hate rather than love their brother or sister.  Just how much of God is being radiated in our everyday lives?  God's love is REAL! Today think about how God's love is being portrayed in our society.  Fat shaming, racist remarks, hate crimes, discrimination against disabled people, socioeconomic division, hate towards an individual, because he/she can't afford a plate of food, and the list goes on.  My brothers and sisters h

Teaching Children To Give

Now that summer break is in full swing, and school is out I am busy with my homeschool summer planning.  I value this time, because I get to teach the children extra lessons. As I reflect on past summers I can see how my children have grown.  There is still one lesson that I want them to learn, and that is how to give.  I don't want my kids to grow up with  selfish hearts.  I want them to have compassion for humanity.  I want them to have integrity, and love in their heart.  I want them to hang on to the fruits of the Spirit.  Motherhood is the biggest part of ministry, and I get the blessing and opportunity to mold my children, and raise them with the admonition of the Lord. Below is a piece I have written and titled "Teaching My Children to Give". This was written a few summers ago when the kids and I started to serve the homeless in our community. This week the children are on Spring Break, and that means that things are really busy around the house.  During this

Yes I am Thankful

I am so thankful that I am wonderfully made in the image of God.  He designed us in a unique way.  Society can sometimes make us feel inferior about who we are, but God's Word remind us that we are made in his image.  We have the image of God, we have the Spirit of God, and we are a blessed people. Below is a piece I have written about being made in the image of our Father. Lord I thank you for all that you have called me to be I am content and satisfied with being the woman that I am When I look in the mirror I can see that I am delightfully and wonderfully made I am made in the image of the Most High God and I am thankful that God is my Father I was designed to win in every situation I was designed to be more than a conqueror I am a victor in every situation of my life I accept that I am a child of God That means that I will have victory Life in abundance and unsound joy Jehovah Yahweh is the Lord of my life I look to Him in all things My Father knows that I love

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

In a moment's notice we can loose our focus on God and his promises.  We sometimes forget that our problems are small compared to the Creator. Right now you can be broke, and swimming in a sea of debt.  You can have the worst addiction, and feel like you are walking in hell.  Right now you may be suicidal, and feel like taking your life, but remember that God is still on the throne.. don't you dare give up.  The Holy Spirit has come to guide you through the darkest hour of your life. "Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning." Below is a piece that was titled "A Moment's Notice" This piece was written a few years ago enjoy. Today my daughter had a loose tooth, and it was very painful for her to eat anything harder than pudding.  I had offered to pull the tooth, but she was too afraid to let me touch it.  She had an extreme fear that it was going to hurt too much.  After a few attempts to eat breakfast Keara became very frustrat

And The Giants Will Fall

Sometimes life's battles seem really big, and the challenges that we face seem like Giants.  I know you have seen movies where the hero, or heroine has the ability to slay the dragon.  In the end the hero is honored for his bravery and heroism. The point I am making is we as people of God have the ability to slay the Giants in our life.  Our faith and confidence in Jesus Christ gives us spiritual authority to "kill the dragon". or "life's issues".  Below is a piece that I have titled "And The Giants Will Fall" This morning while I was studying the Word I turned my attention to the Psalmist David, and his battle with the Giant Goliath.  David was merely a teenager when he had slayed the hero of the Phillistine army. To many people David didn't seem like much.  To most he was a little shepard boy whose responsibility was to keep the sheep.  The concept is nobody really expected much from a shepard boy, but Yah had other plans for David.

You Can Change What You Confront

Hope is believing in the things that have not yet manifested.  It is trusting God for those things that you have need.  It is having faith, and telling that mountain to move.  Hope is believing God for the unseen things, yet you know that the blessing  is coming.  You can see the vision, and you have written it down.  You have spoken the words, and the words are in your mouth, heart, and your spirit. You have declared it in Jesus's name that all things are possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.  You have prepared yourself for the blessing.  Well my friends the scripture says "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  By the supernatural power of God blessings are coming your way.  Keep your mind steadfast and stay focused on Jesus!  Trust, declare, confess, speak, and believe in what you have need of, or what you want God to do for you. In the book of John 20:27 "Stop doubting and believe"  In the book of John 20:29 he says &q
Have you ever had to look in the mirror, and make some tough decisions about yourself?  Hey, listen I have been doing this lately with myself.  Talking about a sister in need of a reality check I have been on the positive affirmations, meal plan, exercise, and been very aggressive about business, school and ministry goals.  The piece that I have written below has taken me back to an earlier time when I had first started to make changes.  I do believe you cannot change what you do not confront.  Let this piece minister to your spirit, especially for those of you who have things in your life that you need to confront or change.  Since I have confronted my need to change I have lost a vast amount of weight, feeling stronger, less stressed, and more focused.  VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES is more than a is a platform for global connection.  Enjoy the post below, and know that God has your best interest at Heart ♥️.  And now I present to you "You Can't Change What You

The Blind Spot In My Eyes

Sometimes I try to look at life through clear lenses, but in reality some of the things are deeply distorted.  I love to write things that are positive, but there are times I have to be real about what is going on around me. I cannot turn a blind eye to everything that is going on in the world.  For instance the school shootings that have been happening.  It seems as if nobody is really doing anything to change what is happening.  I had attended my daughter's graduation this morning, and it was a very happy occasion.  As a mother my heart goes out to the parents that have lost their babies in school violence. I cannot turn a blind eye to all the children who are hungry.  I have witnessed thousands of children go each day without a healthy meal.  I know parents that struggle to put food on the table, and they want their families healthy, well, and full. I cannot turn a blind eye to special needs students.  As a mother of two special needs boys my heart goes out to all these pr

There is Power in Prayer and Praise

There is power in your prayer and your praise.  When you are in the presence of God there is a peace that surpasses all things.  I lift my hands to Jesus... God's presence is like no other...  Over the next few days I will be talking about prayer, and the power of a praise.  Below is a piece that I have written.  It is titled: "A Call To Prayer" Dear Lord today I am praying for the people in this world.   Lord there is so much going on I just want to thank you that I can live a Holy life That I have made a personal choice to live my life According to your will and plans I thank you that Jesus is my Savior God there is none like you Lord  We give you the praise O Lord You are mighty in battle And your power is awesome  There is trouble on every side And there are famines And  there are evil things that are in dark places But Lord we can count on you Jesus Thank you Lord for all that you have done My God you are so awesome I will not give

It is okay you are forgiven

So many sisters are down and out walking in shame.  They are embarrassed by some of the things they have done in the past.  These women let their past have dominion over them, and they don't know where to turn. For the women who have done some wrong things, or the girls that have made mistakes this post is for you.  There are some of you who are hurting, because you had an abortion.  You feel depressed because you feel like a dear sweet woman of God you are forgiven.. God has forgiven you for what you done.  My sister you can't forget about the divorce, and you feel it is your fault.. lift your hands, and say I am free.. love will be better the next time around. I will be a witness to this one day ,) Some of you sisters feel down, because you on on governmental assistance, but my dear sisters keep holding on God will help you provide for your family.. I am a single mother of four, and I always say "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not lack". I had

Brokenness to Healing Part Three

As I sit here waiting for the load of laundry to finish I am constantly reminded of the peace that God can provide.  Even during my brokenness  God was there to provide me with his love, peace, and tranquility.   The peace of God surpasses anything that we will ever go through.  Some people are so afraid to step out after pain, they actually stop living, and vow to never try anything  again.  It can be a state of fear, weariness, or just the thought of being shattered and broken.   For eight years I had decided to be alone.  Yes, I had made a personal choice to walk boldly in singleness and celibacy.  I wanted GOD to heal me of all my past hurts and pains.  I had a desire to be filled, and walk in divine healing from "everything" that had caused me pain.  From my early childhood into early adulthood I had to deal with my brokenness.  All those shattered pieces  in my life that God had to come pick up.  I could hear him saying "daughter let me clean this up.  Y

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: Brokenness to Healing part 2

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: Brokenness to Healing part 2 : God is dealing with me about being broken.  I've had so many Revelations about healing, and being restored in the Spirit.  I know there ...

Brokenness to Healing part 2

God is dealing with me about being broken.  I've had so many Revelations about healing, and being restored in the Spirit.  I know there are so many women who are broken. I know in my own life I have been faced with some very tough and serious situations.  I thank God that I am walking in my healing.  Praise God for being healed, restored and set free. Below is a post that I had written   It is titled "A Change is a Change".  I hope that this piece will minister to your hearts and minds, and give you much peace.  Enjoy this second installment entitled Brokenness to Healing. "A Change is a Change" As I go through things I am learning that there is a lesson for everything that I have gone through.  As I continue to seek knowledge, and wisdom I can see how the trials of life can be tied into a lesson.  When I feel pressed and weighted down with an issue I find relief in writing about what is bothering me.  This week I am still dealing with loss, and the l

Brokenness To Healing Part One

Brokenness is defined as a separation of two or more pieces.  It can be sundered by divide, separation, or disertion. It can on relation to broken, a broken marriage, or something as simple as a broken promise. In simpler terms brokenness is being incomplete, or a state of disarray and disorder.  Many people see brokenness, and refer to it as just being broken before God, but I want to talk about emotional and mental brokenness. I hope that you will sit back and read my story.  Let me minister to your heart and spirit.  You may find that you or someone you know has suffered from being broken and hurt.  Psalms 34:18 says "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in the Spirit".  This is a series of lessons and posts on brokenness and healing. I want to deeply minister to the women that have been touched by the brokenness of divorce, mental emotional, and physical abuse.  Maybe you have dealt with abandonment and dissertion.  I want to

My Life A Few Years Later

The post you are getting ready to read was written a few years ago.  I wanted to revisit this piece, because so many women become broken after they get a divorce. When I look back, and read what I had written I can see that I was very, hurt, confused, and torn.  From that point in time I have grown, healed, and moved forward with my life.  I am in a better frame of mind, and I am in a better place.  I'm not bitter, and the love of God is glowing through me. God has been to me , and is allowing me help women heal.  I want to reshare my story as a Testimony that God does help us heal.  Yes life is possible after divorce.. you can get back up again.  Sit back relax, and allow this story to minister to your heart.  I hope that you will be blessed until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity. "My life After Divorce" Okay I am single again, and a lot of things have changed,  I am the head of my household, the mother of four great children, and I have full

Beautifully Broken

As I look back over my life I can distinctly remember all the hell that I have experienced.  Some people see hell as life's issues, and others imagine hell as an eternal resting place for those that do evil.  We have been taught what hell may be, but that is a teaching for another day.  Today I want to talk to the women that have been through what had seemed like hell. Remember the gospel song that says: I have been through the fire, and I have been through the flood.  I have been shattered in a thousand pieces.. Hallelujah!  Then the song says " But through it all I know he loves me, and I know that he cares, and he will never place more on me than I can bear".  That is one of my favorite gospel songs.  He will never place more on me than I can bear. My oh my, I can think about some seasons in my life, and what I had to overbear or overcome.  I have dealt with heartache, rejection, abandonment, and loneliness.  I have watch the canker worm eat everything.  I have los


Virtuosity means a person of great skill, and to have exceptional worth.  It comes from the Latin word for virtuosus.  For many years I have had the desire to help young women realize their virtue. I see so many young women in skimpy clothes.  They feel like being half dressed is the only way to attract attention.  Many of them are addicted to drugs, sex, and drinking.  I am called to help those women, and young girls that have lost hope.  They are hurting, and need an answer to the issues that they face. A woman of virtue has righteousness, integrity, purity, and dignity.  She possesses honor, rectitude, morality, worthiness, and knows her value. She is the heartbeat of her family.  She is a wife, mother, daughter, teacher, and minister.  Her virtue is the opposite of a man's valor.  The Latin word for virtue is virtus.  In the Greek it is called arete.  Virtue is moral excellence.  It is a trait of very high moral charateristic. To be virtuous means to be tolerant of prud

In the Hands of The Skillful Creator

As I sit here looking at the fish in the pond, I think about what an amazing God we serve.  God in all his glory has created some amazing beautiful things in this world.  Genesis 1:1-2 says that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. (NKJV). Some may not believe in creation, but man cannot take credit for all that we see before us.  Like a skillful artist the Creator has shaped, molded, and sculpted all of this beauty in the Universe.  Hebrews 3:4 says "For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.". The skillful Creator had even taken the time to create man in his image.  Genesis 1:26 says "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." We are uniquely, and wonderfully made in the image of our Father.  "Psalms 139:13 says "For you formed our inward parts; You c