The Use of Medical Cannabis in Autistic Children

As a mother of an autistic son, I am really concerned about the symptoms that he has suffered from. The debate of medical cannabis is ongoing, and both sides has continued to hold on to their beliefs about what medical cannabis will do for the autistic child.
Over the last decade the rise of developmental, and behavioral disorders have risen around the world. Doctors, Scientists, and Psychiatrists are prescribing medicines to help alleviate the symptoms that are associated with these behavioral disorders.
Children that have disorders like ADHD, and are on the spectrum have trouble communicating, and may make loud shrieking noises, and use hand flapping to communicate.
Recently there has been a concern about the use of medical cannabis, and the treatment of ASD symptoms. The use of medical cannabis in children, and teenagers have not been studied, and no one really knows how these children will be affected.
Some doctors say that long term cannabis use in teens can cause persistent decline in intelligence, increased risk of addiction, major depression, anxiety disorders, and psychotic thinking. (Wolters Kluor Health, 2015)
Parents and families with children on the spectrum are debating the use of medical cannabis, many of them are debating against the medical community. Families are looking for more effective, and cheaper ways to treat their children's ASD symptoms.
Medical marijuana by Dr, Mark Sircus has placed a different spin on the debate about medical marijuana. Dr, Jerome Kassirer, is a past editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. He has emphasized the use of pharmaceutical drugs can be deadly when used high doses. He also says “There is no risk of death from smoking marijuana.” (Dr. Jerome Kassirer, 2015)
In fact both doctors, Mark Sircuas and Jerome Kassirer, endorse, and encourage families to study the use of cannabis, and fight for the legalization of medical marijuana. The American Academy of Pediatrics is in opposition of using medical cannabis, because they claim there is no evidence of successful use.
Many parents are desperate to find other options for their children. Most have tried all the pharmaceutical options, and nothing have seemed to work. In many states some parents are fighting for the legalization to grow, and harvest marijuana for medical use.
Some of these families are becoming medical refugees. They are moving to states where cannabis is legal. Both the medical communities, and parents of autistic children are fighting for families that need to use medical cannabis for their children. I believe that families should have the right to decide to use medical cannabis.
As the debate continues both parents, and doctors await the studies of medical cannabis and the affects it has on autistic children. As a mom of an autistic son I am not willing to try medical cannabis, until studies have been conducted, and trials have been conducted with humans and not mice.
Like most parents I have tried all types of pharmaceutical drugs for my son. Most them had very horrific side affects, and made him feel worse than the symptoms that he had from his disorder.
We are currently not using any medication for my son, and he is doing okay. He is getting therapy, and still suffers from the symptoms of ASD.
I believe that this debate will continue to rage on as parents fight for the right to choose what is best for their children. The medical community is slowly conducting studies, and states are starting to consider passing the laws of legalizing marijuana.


  1. 1st, Pennsylvania and California as I believe has made Autism a qualifying condition for Medical Cannabis

    2nd, There are organizations that advocate Cannabis to treat Autism, Texas MAMMA and Unconventional Foundation for Autism advocates Cannabis treating Autism

  2. Thank you for your reply. This information will be very helpful to many families who are seeking answers.

  3. Also I'll put it bluntly, in regards to your children, if they want to go to college or university to get a masters, bachelor or whatever certificate, from being on the Autism spectrum myself and since I am doing a Bachelor in Information Technology, what I learnt is some people on the spectrum cannot handle long lectures which will surely result in information overload, I also know of people with Autism spectrum who use Cannabis to help them with lectures, studying and tackling exams easier.

    Also in regards to Cannabis, there are a lot of strains out there, you need to find the correct strain which will be beneficial to Autism

    Also there are other ways of using Cannabis rather than smoking it, there are ingestion (Cannabis Oil, a good documentary on this is Run from the Cure, its available on Youtube.), Cannabis Brownies, Vaporization and etc


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