The Degradation of a Race

Hello to all of you.  I hope that all of you are enjoying your Tuesday.  This is another day that the Lord has made, and i will rejoice and be glad in it.  My brothers and sisters  thought has come across my mind. and I want to discuss a current problem that we have in our communities, and in the society.

If we are who we say we are... why are we claiming such negative derogatory names?  What I mean is... why do we use such stereotypical names with each other.  We accept the terminology, and claim the meanings.  We refer to our brothers as thugs, niggas, and call him no good.  Our brothers call the sisters bitches, whores, sluts, and welfare queens.  It is a true fact that certain behaviors are relevant, and will be judged by those in our society.  Regardless of that fact when are we as a people going to start respecting one another in love and in truth?

Do we have feed in to the nonsense of society.and how they think of us?  But a majority of us are spawning off if self hatred, and hatred that we have for one another.  It is detrimental to our individual mentalities and a poor example to our children.  To claim such negativity is killing the minds of our people, and have created feelings of ostracization in our communities.  

The Bible says in the book of James 4:11 "Do not speak evil against one another brothers."  How will our children learn self respect, and self acceptance if we as adults are being exemplary?  If our men keep calling us bitches, whores, and sluts, and we keep calling them niggas, thugs, and no good most of us will start to believe that which we have been call.  Our forefathers, and mothers were beaten down mentally, and was forced to live in society as slaves.  In some sense we have not evolved from such a life, because of our mental mindset, and how we view each other as a whole.

Ephesians 4:29 says " Let no corrupt talk come out of mouths, but only such that is good for building up, s fit the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."  Personally, I see my brothers as Kings, and my sisters as Queens.  We are to uplift, encourage, motivate, and be a blessing to others.

Let us change our mentalities toward one another.  The hatred of our people has to stop.  Change has to sart somewhere.  The home is the first place of  learning.  Ephesians 5:4 says " And there must be no filthiness, and silly talk, or course jesting which are fitting, but rather giving of thanks."

Until next time may God bless you with peace, love, and prosperity.


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