My Dating Experiences

Since my divorce it has been really difficult to date.  There are so many things to consider when you have children.  Life itself can be very "busy", and there is so much to do in one day.  When the thought of dating entered my mind I was totally confused about the concept.  This topic was not like one of my psychology classes,  I could not research this information.  I have always known that the day would come when I would enter into a new relationship.

No matter how painful the break up was, or how bad the divorce have been, there comes a time when we have to learn to move on.  It has taken me several years to heal from my divorce, and I find it very difficult to open up about the pain that it has caused me and my children.  I will say that the process has been worth it ,but I will never forget how traumatizing this experience has been for my family.

One reason why I am sharing my story, it may be able to help someone else who is in a similar situation.  For a long time I was afraid to date.  I had no trust, and I was extremely terrified to open myself up to love.  There had been nights that I asked the Lord why my marriage had ended, and I still have times where I find myself contemplating about the past. (This can be dangerous to the healing process.)  My stress levels had reached an all time high.  The end result of all this stress was a stroke, and a three day stay in ICU.  For a minute I thought my life was going to end.  I was so fearful.  I thought that I was going to die, but God had other plans.  That has been two years ago, and I have changed some of those stressful habits.  As a single mother I still have some stress about dating, but I have learned to trust God and the Holy Spirit to lead me on this journey.

I have read hundreds of books, and articles on how to get back into dating and learning to have positive relationships.  I listen to powerful messages that talks about dating and relationships God's way.  I want all of my relationships to be godly, but when it comes to a potential spouse I want someone who has a love and a zeal for God.  I want him to know who he is spiritually.  I don't think that is too much to ask, or I do not see anything wrong with having standards.

Since meeting a very special person I have been in prayer every day.  I ask the Lord to guide me through this process.  I do not have baggage from the past, but I just want to be prepared as my relationship progresses.  I am taking my time, and I am looking forward to a very happy relationship.  I pray that God will cast out all fear.  Because we have a God that we can trust, we have nothing to fear.  You can overcome and heal from a divorce and brokenness.  It may be a long process, but it will happen.  The Bible says "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7  God is still a healer, and he can heal all things.  There are so many things that people are in fear of.  There are the threats of terror, war, Ebola, famines, and natural disasters.  God is Omnipotent and Jehovah Shalom.  Do not fear! There is still hope for a single parent to find love.  I believe that we just have to do it in a different manner than the world. Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.

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