Why We Should Pray

The Bible gives us many scriptures that tell us why we should pray. I believe that prayer is a way that we can reach God. By having a conversation with the Lord, we have the ability to ask God for specific things through prayer. Prayer is an expression of thanks , or an expression for help. It is an expression of communication, or simply a way to talk to God. Ephesians 6:18 says " And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."    We should always give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done for us.  Colossians 1:3 says " We always thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you."  In the book of Thessalonians 5:17 says "Pray without ceasing" 

Through prayer we can have a real conversation with God.  In times of trouble we can reach out to God through prayer.  Psalm 118:25 says " Save us, we pray O Lord, O Lord, we pray, give us success."  So much can be accomplished through prayer.  We have the authority to talk to our Father!!  He can hear our voices when we call through prayer and supplication.  1st Timothy 2:1 says "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone." 

In the Bible it says "Is anyone suffering?  Let him pray." (James 5:13)  Prayer is an important part of our walk with God.  We should pray often sometimes without ceasing.  In prayer  we can communicate with God in the spirit.  The enemy hates prayer.  We as Christians, and believers in God have power through prayer.  All things are possible with God.  That is something to shout about.  Praise God for prayer. 

Until next time may the Lord richly bless you.  Father God I pray that you will bless every man, woman, and child.  By your grace we are free.  We are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.  I lift my hands and say thank you Father.  In Jesus name I pray Amen

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