Being a Single Mom Raising Christian Children

Happy Mother and Child

           I am so blessed to be a mom.  One of the greatest joys of being a mom is watching my kids develop.  They all have unique personalities, and I am always encouraging them to be the best at everything.  Sometimes parenting can be a tough job.  What if you are single and parenting alone?  I am a single parent of four beautiful children, and I have learned that this is one of the toughest jobs that I have done.

From the birth of my first son to the delivery of my youngest daughter, I have experienced some highs and lows in motherhood.  The journey through motherhood has been a good one for me.  I did not say that I have never had a moment of weakness. There have been times that the storms of life were raging out of control, and I needed to seek refuge under my Father's wings.  The Bible says "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."  (Psalm 46:1) 

I have experienced days in the valley.  I have searched  all over the place looking for answers to my problems.  I have spent many sleepless nights leaning towards my own thoughts.  Scripture says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5) 

I had to learn to trust in God with all of my thoughts.  HE has been my daily bread and my comfort.  For all the days that I feel like I have no where to turn; I can trust that God is always there for me.  Because I trust him I have an assurance in His Word that he will be there.  It says that God will never leave nor forsake me.  That means that if all my friends and family leave me God is the one that will remain in my corner.  Being a single mother raising Christian children is both rewarding and difficult, but through it all I know that I can depend on the LORD to help me through my hard times.  "He is a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling."  (Psalm 68:5)

I can not judge and condemn the man that says there is no God, but His presence in my life has filled me with the richness of joy and happiness.  Because He is God I know that I am more than a conqueror, and a victor of all things.  Nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ will cover me, and HE is the reason why I will stay humble.  Until next time may the blood of Jesus Christ cover you.  In Jesus Christ always Amen.


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