Have Faith and Believe

Woman looking up and praying

Have you ever needed God to answer a prayer?  I mean you were very desperate, and you didn't know where to turn.  It was a situation that was so bad, you wanted to give up.  Sometimes in life we will have those moments where the storms just keep on raging out of control.

I want you to know that God knows all about your troubles in life.  He is the Creator , and knows all the things that we deal with.  In the book of Psalm 139:1-4 says " You have searched me Lord and you know me.  You know me when I sit down and when I rise;you receive my thoughts from afar You discern my going out and my lying down, you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord know it completely."

Things may not look like they are going in your favor, but God has a divine plan for your life.  We all have trials and tribulations.  I believe that everything is working for your good.  God has something really beautiful for you.  I am going to pray for you to be redeemed in the name of Jesus Christ.

Life is full of opportunities, and you have the power to access them.  Keep the faith, and never give up.  Jesus Christ paid the price for you to be free . 

© Icyimage 


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