Prayer of Thanks to GOD

You have given me life
That I hae may have it
And have it more abundantly
I thank you Lord 
For being my Father
I have come to you as humbly as I know how
I come to you with a pure heart
I come to you in prayer
You are the Lord
I thank you God
For being the Lord of my life
Because of you God
I have found the true meaning of peace
I have found the true meaning of love
It does not matter who has walked away
It does not matter 
What is going on in this world
I acan say that 
You have been my refuge
Every body has their definition of who you are
But to me you are LOVE
You have been my mother and my father
You have been both brother and sister
And Lord you have been a friend to me
You are all these things
What greater love can I find
Because of you 
I can hold my head up and say
That you are ABBA
You are the Lord
Your peace is within me
There is none like you 
Thank you for this day LORD
In Jesus name I pray 

Evangelist Amannda is a minister of the Written Word


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