My Help Prayer

In the mist of the storm
LORD I know that I can count on you
I look to hills in which my help comes from
So many times LORD
I have been in a situation
That it seems I could not handle
And I have looked for someone
To tell me that it would be okay
So many times
People do not have a clue
What we may face
They cannot fathom
The pain and the heartache that one has to endure
for being a beacon of light
Thank you  for being
My help in a time of trouble
Thank you
That I can sit in your presence
You words are soothing
And you are the TRUE essence of love
I look to you today
For all of my needs
for a blessed week ahead
May you protect us
Keep us safe
And provide our needs
According to your WORD
Thank you LORD in JESUS name I PRAY

Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word


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