
Showing posts from May, 2016

Yes You Can (Created with @Magisto)


I Like to Reflect on the Weekends

I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of prayer, and being kind to other people.  Every week I try to emphasis the importance of a good attitude, and having good manners. As I was sitting in my back yard I had a chance to just breathe in the fresh air.  Despite the fact that the south really heats up this time of year, I had a moment just to see all of the beauty that God created.  I am not talking about nothing that is man made, but the things that God created,  I had a chance to gaze at the trees, and look at the clouds in the sky.  I looked at the beautiful green grass, and realized how blessed I am. My weekend reflections has given me a chance to look back on

Reasons Why You Should Continue Your Goal

Getting my life in order has never been a more important priority.  In fact its one of the most important agendas that I am working on.  That's right I am making ME a priority.  For the most part of this journey I have had to conquer this journey alone.  Next to ABBA no one knows me better than I know myself. One of my main goals for 2016, is to lose weight, and make permanent lifestyle changes.  It is a fact that when you first start something it is going to be hard.  Yes, in the beginning losing weight was very difficult.  My motivation was very low.  I did not have any energy, or the confidence to make it through anything. I always made EXCUSES  for why I could not lose weight.  Listen, I have had all types of setbacks in my life, and I feel that I have allowed these things to cripple me.  I had a need for pity, and always felt sorry for myself.  This may not be your life story, but this is what had me chained, and what hindered my personal growth, and made me PROCRASTINATE.

90 Days To A New Me

Almost to my first target goal weight!!!!  I am ready.

90 Days Three Months and A Total Transformation

For the next 90 days I will be doing an extreme makeover.  I am challenging myself to reach my weight loss goals.  For the next three months I am going to work extremely hard to reach my ultimate goal.  I am prepared and ready to take the steps to make this change possible. Three months of low carbs, no sugar, and lots of water.  By the end of three months I will be within range of my goal weight.

I Will Not Complain But Give Praise Instead

This morning I had a million things on my mind.  I had to rush through my morning routine,and missed my morning prayer.  Unlike other mornings today was sort of chaotic.  The children could not find things without me, breakfast burned, and we got caught in a whirlwind of traffic.  Above all else I had discovered that I left the kids lunches in the refrigerator. On my way to the store I had a brief moment where I could say a small prayer.  Obviously there was still some frustration from all the thoughts that were filling my mind.  I had to drive through morning traffic feeling very impatient, and wanting to scream.  Once I had made it to my destination I had a change of heart about how I was feeling. A man walked up to me, and I am not sure which direction he came from.  He was dressed in ragged clothes, and explained to me how he he had no home.  I had given him a few dollars, and felt good when I had remembered how his face looked.  He had a smile on his face, and his joy is wh

The Solace of Psalms 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord "He is my refuge and m fortress My God in whom I trust Surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart You will not fear the terror of the night Nor the arrow that flies by day Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday A thousand may fall at your side ten thousand may fall at your right hand but it will not come near you You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked If you make the Most High your dwelling Even the Lord who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you no disaster will come near your tent For he will command his angels concerning you To guard you in all your ways They will lift you up in their hands so that

You Cannot Doubt and Have Faith at the Same Time

Part of being a believer is having faith.  Faith can be seen as having total trust or, confidence in God.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says "It is written: I have believed, therefore I have spoken with the same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak."   As part f my life as a believer I am required to have faith.  It would be a total contradiction to have faith, and doubt that the word that will deliver me.  Hebrews 11:6 says "And without faith it will be impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and rewards those that earnestly seek him."  The heart and mind of the believer must be focused on the Word of God.  It is through his word that we will find what we are seeking.  The believer is perceived to be the recipient of rewards by the amount of faith that an individual has.  Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live but Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live

Child and Teen Suicide Is On The Rise

As a writer I get a chance to write about many things, and sometimes I can make the subject as broad as I want to.  In fact I have a plan to write about some very distinct topics over the next several weeks.  I feel that it is very important to make people aware, and something can be said, or done to help other people who may need it. Today I want to talk to you about a growing epidemic.  I have always known that this problem was going to get worse over time.  As a mother of a teenager, and preteens. I have the right to be overly concerned about this growing epidemic. Here is a fact 1 in every 65,000 children ages 10-24 commit suicide.  The average age of these victims are becoming younger every year.  This is a growing epidemic, because a child is dying every sixteen minutes due to suicide.  That means that a mother,and a father is receiving the news that their child has died. I cannot imagine looking at my children, and not wonder what they are going through in this society.  I

A Little Bit of Hope and a Whole lot of Faith

My reflection  is sometimes a little fuzzy and I cannot figure out who I am.  I get a little tongue tied when people ask me about my identity.  I become a little afraid when I have to define who I am , and I cry when I become fearful.  Who am I  and what am I?  Who did God create me to be? Should I be all that I can be?, or should I be what the people want me to be.  I want to shout at the world, because I do not know who I am.  I have no clue when it comes to the will of God.  I feel like I have no purpose, and I feel like I have been created for nothing.  My heart is broken each time I hear the word purpose.  I have stammered when the subject has been presented to me.  Do have I worth in the eyes of God, or is there something that he has for me to do.  I feel a little confused about my life, and I just want to be me. This article was inspired by the many young women that have struggled, or are struggling with depression, low self esteem, or suffering from abuse.  You are not alone,

A Call to Prayer

Dear Lord today I am praying for the people in this world.   Lord there is so much going on I just want to thank you that I can live a Holy life That I have made a personal choice to live my life According to your will and plans I thank you that Jesus is my Savior God there is none like you Lord  We give you the praise O Lord You are mighty in battle And your power is awesome  There is trouble on every side And there are famines And  there are evil things that are in dark places But Lord we can count on you Jesus Thank you Lord for all that you have done My God you are so awesome I will not give up And I know that you will not fail me i know that you will not fail your people All my praise belongs to the Lord For he is worthy of all that I have Some people have said that there is no God And I say that I am lover and servant of the Most High God Lord I pray that all will be well With every man, woman, and child I pray for the healing of the sick

The Use of Medical Cannabis in Autistic Children

As a mother of an autistic son, I am really concerned about the symptoms that he has suffered from. The debate of medical cannabis is ongoing, and both sides has continued to hold on to their beliefs about what medical cannabis will do for the autistic child. Over the last decade the rise of developmental, and behavioral disorders have risen around the world. Doctors, Scientists, and Psychiatrists are prescribing medicines to help alleviate the symptoms that are associated with these behavioral disorders. Children that have disorders like ADHD, and are on the spectrum have trouble communicating, and may make loud shrieking noises, and use hand flapping to communicate. Recently there has been a concern about the use of medical cannabis, and the treatment of ASD symptoms. The use of medical cannabis in children, and teenagers have not been studied, and no one really knows how these children will be affected. Some doctors say that long term cannabis use in teens ca

I Will Enjoy My Time

I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of prayer, and being kind to other people.  Every week I try to emphasis the importance of a good attitude, and having good manners. As I was sitting in my back yard I had a chance to just breathe in the fresh air.  Despite the fact that the south really heats up this time of year, I had a moment just to see all of the beauty that God created.  I am not talking about nothing that is man made, but the things that God created,  I had a chance to gaze at the trees, and look at the clouds in the sky.  I looked at the beautiful green grass, and realized how blessed I am. When I see my children playing outside their laughter melts my

A Mother's Day Poem

A mother's love is always there No matter how old we get They stand by us through the good and bad Doing what it takes to make sure that we are well She is a beacon of light Raising her children She is a strong vessel Strong and tall A blessing to her children She has value in the eyes of God She is a mother And a mother's love is priceless Happy Mother's Day To all the mothers of the world May God bless you on this wonderful journey Happy Mother's Day!!

Resting and Not Worrying

While studying the Word this morning I had another disturbed feeling that hit my spirit.  I am most comfortable when my mind is clear, and I can focus on what I am reading. but there was an urgency in the need for me to pray. and seek God's face.  Usually when these feelings arise I am in a place where I am in the presence of God.  Lately I have been there more than usual.  I have found myself going into the presence of God several times in a day. It is no mystery that something is happening in this world, and my mind and spirit has been hungry for the wisdom and knowledge of God.  I have been making sure to guard the ear and eye gates of my children.  They are aware of what is going on, but I do not want them to be overwhelmed by what the world has become.  As I write this I am almost unwilling to turn on the T.V., but I do so for the sake of obtaining some information.  Instead of looking at the news I put it on cartoons to keep the kids engaged.  As adults we are aware of ever

Self Evaluation and Growth

As I go through things I am learning that there is a lesson for everything that I have gone through.  As I continue to seek knowledge, and wisdom I can see how the trials of life can be tied into a lesson.  When I feel pressed and weighted down with an issue I find relief in writing about what is bothering me.  This week I am still dealing with loss, and the lessons that I am learning have become quite valuable. The first question that I had to ask myself is why are you grieving, and what significance and impact did this person have on your life?  I in fact had to think about the people that have brought me pain.  Be aware that this is in the present, because the past is what it is (the past).  But in this present time I have had people to that have left, and somehow it left me feeling empty. I am writing about this not for the sake of pity, but for healing and closure.  I believe that life's lessons come as a way of teaching us, or helping us to grow up in certain areas of our

My Dating Experiences

Since my divorce it has been really difficult to date.  There are so many things to consider when you have children.  Life itself can be very "busy", and there is so much to do in one day.  When the thought of dating entered my mind I was totally confused about the concept.  This topic was not like one of my psychology classes,  I could not research this information.  I have always known that the day would come when I would enter into a new relationship. No matter how painful the break up was, or how bad the divorce have been, there comes a time when we have to learn to move on.  It has taken me several years to heal from my divorce, and I find it very difficult to open up about the pain that it has caused me and my children.  I will say that the process has been worth it ,but I will never forget how traumatizing this experience has been for my family. One reason why I am sharing my story, it may be able to help someone else who is in a similar situation.  For a long tim

The Degradation of a Race

Hello to all of you.  I hope that all of you are enjoying your Tuesday.  This is another day that the Lord has made, and i will rejoice and be glad in it.  My brothers and sisters  thought has come across my mind. and I want to discuss a current problem that we have in our communities, and in the society. If we are who we say we are... why are we claiming such negative derogatory names?  What I mean is... why do we use such stereotypical names with each other.  We accept the terminology, and claim the meanings.  We refer to our brothers as thugs, niggas, and call him no good.  Our brothers call the sisters bitches, whores, sluts, and welfare queens.  It is a true fact that certain behaviors are relevant, and will be judged by those in our society.  Regardless of that fact when are we as a people going to start respecting one another in love and in truth? Do we have feed in to the nonsense of society.and how they think of us?  But a majority of us are spawning off if self hatred

Be All Inspired

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Be Not Be Deceived Find Truth for Yourself

Today something heavy is laying on my spirit.  It seems as if it is almost troubling, and disturbing.  Normally there is a calm in me on a Sunday morning, but the atmosphere is deeply disturbed.  I had spent all of Saturday night perusing the internet, and reading material to catch up on world events.  I have watched several videos that had a message of end time prophecy, and realize that Christianity is heavily under attack.   There seems to be millions of religions that claim to be the right religion, and then there are the people that are currently spreading there agenda of no religious association.  My thought is how can the people not become confused, and be deceived by what they are hearing? Everybody knows that I am associated with Christianity, but know that I cannot force other people to believe.  I feel that a man/woman should study for themselves until the truth becomes relevant to them.  Nobody has brainwashed me into believing in Jesus in fact I have made a sound decisio