When You Know That Change Must Happen

I do not know about you,but I am thankful for knowing God tonight. As I look back over my life I am so grateful for all that he has done for me.  At this very moment there are thousands of people that are suffering in silence.  There have been times that I have felt the pain of individuals, and I had to reach out to them.  The pain was so strong that it has made me cry for the individual that was hurting.  As a woman of God I have never like to see someone in pain.  It is a fact that we will go through, but sometimes that pain can be too much for some people to handle.

I thank God  and have respect for every man and woman that are in their Carling, but experience has been the best teacher in my life.  From an early age I have suffered from emotional trauma, abandonment, depression, suicidal ideation, self hatred, and unforgiveness of self.  I had recorded a podcast recently dealing with  all of these issues, but the LORD is still dealing with me in that area,

I do these post, because I really want someone to be saved.  I want men , women,and children to be saved from the awful feelings of self hatred and how to deal with their pain.  I had a long hard journey to learn how to deal with my pain.  As a young teenage woman I was depressed, and I would cut to help ease my pain.  At the time I thought that this was the best thing to do, but I was only hurting myself.  I wanted others to know how much I was hurting, and I was desperately trying to get them to understand what I was going through.  Not even my mother had a clue how much I was in pain.  It was a long road, and a lonely journey to finally see the light.

I want to spend my days being an encouragement to people who are hurting and those that cannot or will not see their value in Christ.  These are the people that are well dressed, but they are broken inside.  They hide behind their work, and their jobs.  They put on the big smiles, but their heart is broken, and their Spirit is crushed.  Sometimes these people feel they do not add up to standards of man.  Even our children are suffering from low self esteem, self hatred, and lack of self love.  Great damage can be done to an individual if they see themselves as worthless.

When I had my children I immediately knew that change had to take place.  The vicious cycle of self hatred, depression had to end.  As a parent we never want our children to pick up on what we may be going through.  Many ask me did it take a long time for me to heal.  Yes, it has been a long journey to recovery.  It has taken a long time to love myself.  It taken even longer to face  my past, but thank God for his love, mercy and grace.  I was hurting so bad!  As I look back God is the only reason that I have survived all that I have been through.

Here are three scriptures that explain and talks about self love.  You have been perfectly and wonderfully made by the FATHER.  You are his handiwork.  He handcrafted you for a season such as this one.  Yes, people can be cruel, and life lessons can be hard, but you have the SPIRIT of God within you, and God loves you and he thinks that you are amazing.  Find it down on the inside of you that all will be well.  Take the time to tell yourself each day that you love thyself (Yourself).  You are unique, amazing and wonderful.

  •  Psalms 46:5 "God is within her she will not fall."
  • 1 Corinthians 25:10 "By the grace of God I Am what I AM."
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.

May God bless the writing and reading of this word.  May someone be touched, motivated, encouraged, and set free.  In JESUS name let God's will be done.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.

Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of The Written Word


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