My Weekend Prayer

It is another day that you have made
And we will rejoice and be glad in it
We thank you for all your love and we
Come into your rest this weekend
You have brought us through the work week
And have given us the Sabbath to rest
To worship
And to rejuvenate
I worship you on this day
Coming to you in humility and in truth
I give you this day
I give you all the honor and praise
There are no words that can express my gratitude
For all that you have done for me
You have lifted me out of some of the darkest pits
You have taken me from some of the most dangerous situations
And you were walking with me in some of the most
darkest and coldest valleys
I reflect today
On all the the things that you have done
You are so worthy
You are so faithful
I will not fear because
You are with me
Where I am
You are there as well
With knowing that
I can rest assured
Knowing that you are with me
In Jesus name I pray

Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word


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